Guest wrote:I don't get all the she's not crazy she's just different talk. That is pretty much what mental problems are. In fact that is the definition - being sufficiently different that it hampers your ability to live a normal life.
And that is what they did to the homosexuals years ago. To say as you do is to admit that you side in that case+i think your directing things towards me per my most recent comment.
"What is normal?" That is the question I see Rin currently pondering. Some people think i'm weird, and i'm okay with that for I think the same thing about them in cases. I have personally had my fair share of instances, i'm not going to go into them, which would associate myself with Rin. Remember that we are only seeing a part of her. Also, for a fact, I know a guy more like Rin than me. Some actually have thought of him as having a mental problem but I see past any of that. In fact, he is one of the only friends I have left from high school.
If the Devs write it as though she has a mental problem then I will accept it but I will never have anyone tell me that she must based on how she acts. The mind is an interesting thing to ponder and do the pondering. I have thought about many things like that and to me it is only a sign of finding who you truly are. I am still on that search myself, until the next time. *poof*