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Re: Nightmares

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 12:56 am
by Elroy
People! I am very sorry for taking so long with this, unforeseen situations arose. I hope that this next installment is alright! I thank you very much for reading, and I hope you enjoy.

Chapter 2

I quickly step through the silent halls, with only Shizune in mind. It's best if I don't think about what's going on, so neither my brain or heart explode. Whew, I ignore the blank wall of the lobby as I.....wait. I'm in the lobby....but I don't remember going outside. I was in the dorms only a few seconds ago, now I'm in the middle of the lobby....This is something I can't ignore. I retrace my steps, and open the door I came out of, the exit of the lobby...and step into the hallways of the male dorms....How the?

I fall to the floor, holding my head in my hands. Am I dreaming? Did I take too much medication this morning? Or too little...This has to be a dream. A lucid one...but things feel too real. Either way, I've gotta keep going. I'll either find a way to make sense of this....or wake up in bed....or from the way things are going, maybe I'll wake up in a mental hospital.

I shake the last fleeting thoughts from my head and lift myself up. Hopefully this place hasn't gone through too many other...."redecorations," or I might get lost. I continue through the lobby. The lights are a bit dim, but thankfully still on. I can't imagine being in this place in the dark, with all that's been happening...Oh God...Lilly. Hopefully she got out of this place before this started to happen. Yeah, this time of night, she's probably safe in the convenience store..I hope.

Sigh. Gotta run on pleasant thoughts, the Student Council room isn't far, and I can't drag my ass over there, I should hurry. I quicken my pace, thinking of the past hour. I hope Misha really is okay. I don't get to talk to her by herself all that much, but I really like her, she's fun to be around. Cute as hell, too.

My breath starts to get a little quicker, small pants being thrown into my breathing pattern, I slow it down a bit. Almost there. I really hope she's in here. I spot the door of the student council room and let out a sigh of relief, I'm just glad it's actually here. I slowly approach the door, grab the handle, hold my breath and open the door. Whew, Shizune's sitting down on the floor, writing. She turns her head and looks at me, then smiles warmly, she must've seen me out of the corner of her eye.

"Oh, God, I'm so glad to see you. Whew, I didn't know if you'd be here or not." I pant to her.

Whenever Misha wasn't around, we had a system of grabbing the closest pen and paper and talking to each other through it. It worked extremely well, and it was great to talk to her privately. It was definitely different without a "Wahaha" being added at the end of her sentences, not that I minded that either. I grab a loose sheet of paper and start to write.

I summarize everything that had happened after I'd met Misha, from the lack of people, to the missing door, Misha's sickness, and the dorms and school being "interconnected." I hand her the paper, after making sure to write "I'm not making this up!" and every variation of that phrase I could think of. I inspect her reaction intently, watching her eyes trace over the paper. Her expression starts to change as she gets deeper into it, one of confusion, as she raises an eyebrow and looks at me, obviously puzzled, then looks back at the paper. She must've seen the humorless expression on my face, I did everything but take a pen and write "I'm serious." on my forehead.

She must be done, she puts the paper onto the floor and looks at me, then looks back down at it, then back up to me.

She grabs the pen out of my hand and starts to write something on the paper, a serious look on her face. She hands it to me a few seconds later.

"Hisao, I don't get the feeling you're playing a joke. I've been working in here for a while, and have definitely felt something was amiss, but I didn't let it distract me from my work. I'm glad you've been taking care of Misha, but I'd like to have a look at her myself. Let's go, I'd also like to take a look at the dorm situation, as we'll pass by there on the way."

I nod to her in response. Whew, it was easier to convince her than I thought it would be. If I'd heard someone else say something this crazy, I don't know what I'd do. Actually, now that I think of it, Kenji's said crazier stuff, so maybe I'd just respond the way I do with him.

I help her up off the floor and turn around, heading back to the door. Ahhh, now maybe we can finally make sense of this. Yeah, with Shizune with me, this should all-


The door smashes shut, and keeping with my shitty luck, the lights turn off.

I jump at the loud noise, and I can hear Shizune jump by my side as well as the lights turn off.

I look around the room. It's completely black. I look for where the door is, and can't even see the outline of the hall lights. Crap.

I better stick with Shizune. I inch closer to where she was and hold my arm out, slowly moving it back and forth to where her shoulder should be. I don't want to accidentally grab something else. Concidering it's Shizune, that'd be an easy mistake. I can't believe I can think of that at a time like this. I almost call out to her, then internally smack myself. I continue waving my arm out and finally make contact with her shoulder. She reaches to find my hand and wraps hers around it. The doorslam and blackout had made my heartbeat quicken, and this definitely wasn't gonna help slow it down.

With her hand in mine, I slowly start walking towards the door. There's an anxious feeling as I try to grasp for the door, hoping to reach it as soon as possible and get the hell out. I really hope Lilly got out of here...

What the hell? We've been going slowly towards the door, but we've been walking for the past 30 seconds....the door was only a few feet away from where we were. Are we....still IN the student council? It has the same smell....but it's like it's....grown. Maybe it's just my imagination. Or maybe I got turned around.


I trip over something on the floor, accidentally releasing Shizune's hand and falling to the floor.

I get off of the floor and try to feel around for Shizune. After waving my arms around like an idiot I give up and try to take a closer listen to the room. Damn, I can't hear anything, no footsteps.

I slowly start to walk in the direction we were going in, waving my arms slowly. After a few seconds, I finally make contact again. Whew. This time I feel for her hand and grab it.

Wow, the poor girl must be frightened, her hand is slick from sweat. I wish I could tell her it's gonna be okay.

I start to step forward, but she stays in the same spot. I step back to her side. "Shizune, are you okay?" I can't help but ask. Knowing I won't get a response, I feel for her arm, I want to hold her closer or something, to try to comfort her.

Did she pull her sleeves up? ...I feel cold, wet, flesh. What the?

I start to hear a ragged breathing coming from her direction and release my grip on the hand, feeling long, unkempt fingernails brush my hand...This isn't Shizune...Oh God....

My heart bounces off the walls of my chest as I step backwards, trip, and fall to the floor. I sit on the floor, my hands and feet holding myself up as I stare in the direction of...this thing...

I still hear the breathing, a smokey and labored sound, as if it's having breathing problems.

I can't move...I can't get up...and I can't look away...

I hear a crashing sound about 10 feet away, to my left.

.....I don't know what to do....

It could be Shizune tripping over something....

....or it could be another one of....these things.

Oh no....what if it IS Shizune, and there ARE more of these?

I start to hear wet footsteps on the ground infront of me, slowly heading my way...

I push on the ground fiercely, rocketing myself to the standing position and make a bolt for where I heard the sound, swinging my arms wildly, but slowly enough so I don't hurt Shizune if I hit her. I slow down as I get close to where I heard the sound, so I don't run her down.

Shizune, where are you?!

I bump into something and jump back, covering my face in fear.

I reach my hand out towards the object...I have no choice....I have to be sure, and I can't leave her in here by herself...Please be Shizune...please

The beating of my heart crescendos as my arm reaches to it's full extent and touches a shoulder....A clothed shoulder...whew

I feel a hand slap mine away and hear feet jump backwards, I can't blame her for being scared. I step forward and touch her arm, reaching for her hand. She pulls back for a moment, then wraps her hand around mine....I wonder if she knows we're not alone in here, or if she's just panicking from being alone in the dark...

I take her hand and start to walk at a fast pace as I head to where I have the door mapped out in my head. My skin is crawling, and my muscles are edging forward, trying to edge me to the door as fast as possible.

I hear a footstep to my 3 o'clock, about 5 feet away. My muscles die in fear, I can't move...

Shizune keeps stepping forward, then stops as she notices I'm not going. She starts to yank at my arm gently, trying to get me to move, then gradually stops. She gets nearer to me, and I can almost feel the fear in her as her presence gets closer. Her hand starts to tremble, she starts to panic. Again, I want to tell her it's okay...but I can't. I do my best to get the point across and start to slowly rub the palm of her hand with my thumb, hoping to comfort her.

In the time I've frozen, I haven't heard any more must've stopped. If we stay here...maybe it'll pass us...

I continue to massage her palm with my hand, trying to ease the both of us.

I shudder as I hear breath behind me, coming closer...

I grip Shizune's hand and pull it infront of us gently, giving her a second to prepare. She yanks mine forward as well and grips my hand twice, before relaxing it, as if to say "NOW!"

We sprint forward, our feet flying quickly as I bend my elbow in front of me, holding my hand out, hoping it slams into a door.

I can't hear anything but the sound of our breathing, our footsteps, and my heartbeat as we go, which makes me uneasy...they could be anywhere.

We continue flying through the room until my hand makes contact with a wall. It's not a door, but it's something. She tightens her grip on my hand and we scramble along the wall, feeling all over it for the crease of a door frame or a handle, panting and shaking the whole time.

"YEEEES!" My mind screams to me as I feel a handle, I give it a tug as if I wished to rip the door out of the wall. It flies open, revealing the same hallway the student council room let out of, and best of all...light. As soon as we see the first glimpse of the light, we jump through the doorway, nearly crashing into each other in the process. Without even turning around to look back, my hand slams the door and we speed down the hallway. We somehow keep running as fast as we can in the tight hallway. When either of us starts to get ahead, the other speeds up, as if trying to compete with each other, almost the same way I do with Emi. We rocket out into the lobby without missing a beat, and stampede our way into the door leading to the male dorms. With my heart like a machine gun, and panting as if I'm trying to breath in a vacuum, I make it to the door, snapping it open and springing in, Shizune in hand.

"Shicchan! You found her, Hicchan!"

I release my grip on her hand and fall to my knees, giving myself a chance to get the rest of my hoarse panting done.

"What happened, guys?! You okay?!"

I shake my head, my mouth still agape as I pant. Shizune's breathing in pants, but nothing like me...damn, maybe she could give even Emi some trouble in a run. I try to mentally will the churning in my stomach to stop, bile starts to rise as my mind rewinds the past hour in my head over and over, on constant repeat.

Shizune still has the energy to swipe her fingers through the air like a martial artist as she explains the situation to Misha.

"Hisao came into the-Slow down, Shicchan! Hisao came into the student council room and started to explain what was going on. When we started to leave, the door closed violently and the lights turned off-that sounds terrifying Shicchan! I don't know if Hicchan was felt it too, but I swear we weren't the only ones in there."

I nod to Misha. "I heard breathing and footsteps that wasn't from either of us."

"That's so creepy!" Misha signs back the last tidbit of informaiton.

After the little break, Shizune goes back to signing as if she were conducting and orchestra, fingers and hand motions so fast I can't imagine how Misha keeps up.

"I knew it wasn't my imagination! After that we ran over here. Hicchan was very brave, and he made sure I was okay the whole way. That's so sweet, Hicchan!"

She gives me too much credit. "Shizune was the brave one. Very fast, too."

Shizune blushes and moves her hand infront of her face to adjust her glasses, although I can tell it wasn't the glasses she was trying to adjust.

Misha curls up into my blankets even more, looking deeply frightened by the past conversation. The two continue flashing signs back to each other, and I get two bottles of water out of the ice box, opening both and handing one to Shizune.

Shizune jumps onto the bed with Misha, and I plant myself onto the floor again.

"Sorry, Hicchan, there's not much room, but you can squeeze in if you want!"

My mind switches back to the situation as I realize what's been happening, and what's going on.

Misha and Shizune are beckoning for me to share my bed with them, this is something I never thought would happen, and for fuck's sure not in this situation. Thinking more seriously, I realize that without them, in this situation...I'd never last. I smile up at them and edge onto the bed wrapping an arm around both of them in one swift movement.

"I'm glad you two are with me."

The two blush, then Misha grabs both of us in a near rib-breaking hug and squeals "Me too!"

The three of us comment back and forth on the situation for the next few minutes, in disbelief of the situation, trying to make sense of it in some way. We make no progress.

As the time passes, we start to relax. With what's been going on, I give thought to the possibility that Kenji's prayer worked...

"Girls." I get off the bed, a serious look stapled on my face. I swallow my heart back into my chest and begin.

"If Shizune was here when this started to happen...she might not have been the only one. Some other students or teachers could be here. We haven't checked every room, and there might be people we can help here, or that can help us. I want you two to stay here, I'm going to have a look around."

They immediately gave me a crushing look of rejection that couldn't match the ferocity of the finger-swipes that came from Shizune, or the "NO!" that came from Misha afterward.

I understood. Really, I did. I was making the decision that the stupid white guy makes in all of the American horror movies, usually the guy that ends up with a knife or claws through his chest, or in the stomach of a monster. I know if either of them wanted to go, I'd tackle them and tie them up with the bed sheets if I had to. I knew that I had knew absolutely nothing about the situation, or what could be behind the door to my room, and most likely, I was walking straight into a minefield. I knew this situation would probably end as well as trying to fuck a beartrap.

..And yet...I know I have to. There could be others out there, just as scared as Shizune and I were, who knows what dangers they could be facing while I'm safe in here.

I turn back to the two, who are listing, point by point, every reason I shouldn't go. They have a point. A lot of them. But I've made up my mind.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go. This is the only safe place in the school. I don't want any of you leaving this room at all, okay? I want you to wait untill I come ba-"

"But what if you don't?!"

Misha's in tears, tugging on my shirt like a child pleading to a parent.

I wrap my arm around her and rest my hand on her back. I was in the position of the great hero going off to battle, his woman, women, in this case, wanting him to stay. I didn't feel like a hero, I was terrified, and I was sure this was all a stupid idea. I felt like a kid about to step into a lion's den armed with a stick and a bad attitude. Except I didn't even have a stick. But I had to go. The Room has had a calming quality, as if while I've been here I've had courage on an IV drip the whole time. I was deadset on going.

"I understand, but I'm going."

Shizune moves faster than I can and goes infront of the door, her arms outstretched, tears sliding down her cheeks.


I put my hands in hers, and rest my forehead against hers, her face an inch away from mine.

"I know. I'll be back, okay? I promise. I won't leave this place without the two of you by my side. I'm coming back."

My voice nearly broke by the end. Maybe it was the fear in me, maybe it was seeing both of them in tears, knowing they cared for me that much, but I started to cry.

A tear landed on Shizune's cheek, mixing with one of her own.

I held her close in a hug, and I felt Misha's arms fold around me and hold me from behind. I slowly moved to the side, pushing Shizune away from the door, my arms still around her.


......That didn't sound like Misha. I look up, Shizune's looking at me, furious and scared at the same time. "No!" she shouts at me. It sounds like an off-key cover of a simple song, but she says it with all the heart in the world, making it the most soul-dissolving sound in the world, pulling my heart out of my chest and nearly bringing me to my knees.

"I'm sorry. I'll be back!" I gently push the hands of the girl's away, making my way to the door, opening it, and stepping through in one movement. "I'm gonna be back, I'm gonna be okay." I smile to the girls, my lips and my cheeks shaking as I try not to cry.

"Hisao!" Misha screams, the loudest sound I've ever heard her make.

I close the door, unable to look at them any longer. I can't. If I did, I'd break. I want nothing more than to break through that door and hug both of them, never letting go, but I can't.

I whipe my face with my sleeves and turn away, facing the lobby. Time to go.

Re: Nightmares

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 1:09 pm
by Tom Noble
Another good chapter.

Now we're starting to see Hisao freak out a bit.

And ugh... Wet and gross thing. Do not want DX /shot/

Also, we meet Shizune. Woot!

Now that I think about it...

I wonder what's going to happen once Hisao starts finding more people. His room is going to get very cramped...

Re: Nightmares

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 5:03 pm
by Elroy
Tom Noble wrote:Another good chapter.
Now we're starting to see Hisao freak out a bit.
And ugh... Wet and gross thing. Do not want DX /shot/
Also, we meet Shizune. Woot!
Now that I think about it...
Thanks! Means a lot!
Tom Noble wrote: I wonder what's going to happen once Hisao starts finding more people. His room is going to get very cramped...
Awww yeah.

Re: Nightmares

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 10:15 pm
by Tom Noble
Oh lawl.

But I was thinking of interactions between Shizune and Lily. As we all know they can't stand each other.

Re: Nightmares

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 11:36 pm
by Elroy
Tom Noble wrote:Oh lawl.

But I was thinking of interactions between Shizune and Lily. As we all know they can't stand each other.
Of course! Might be more like this
But yeah, I love their conflicts with each other.

Re: Nightmares

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 10:56 pm
by Elroy
Another one! I hope you enjoy, and thank you very much for reading!

Chapter 3

I looked back at the door. Sigh. It's true that they wouldn't....sigh. No. I can't go back. I just hope this is worth it, that we're not the only people here.....Then again, I don't want to run into any of those...things.

I try to think of everything I've come across in my time at Yamaku, if I know of anything that can be used as a weapon. A knife, a fireaxe, a baseball bat, anything. Nothing comes to mind. Fuck. Looks like I'll just have to be faster than whatever I may encounter. I put my hand to my chest. Everything's in working order, I've calmed down after staying in The Room for that short while. I have energy too, I don't feel tired out from that run. Whew, gotta be thankful for the little things.

I begin walking to the lobby. It's weird adjusting to this fucked up interior design from hell, but I've gotten used to it well enough. I just hope everything else is where it should be. Sigh. Reached the lobby, now where to? I guess I should start with the tea room. While I hope that Lilly's in town right now, I can't deny the possibility that she's still here. With what's been going on, and my experiences earlier in the dark, I'd really hate to be in her shoe's here.

I begin walking to the tea room. I don't want to run or go at a quick pace, in case I end up running into anything.


I freeze, listening with all of my focus and ability. It's coming from a few feet around the corner of the nearby hall.

A voice calls out in the distance.

"Hanako? Hanako?"

I'm positive it's Lilly's. I'd recognize her voice anywhere, I've always thought it was really pretty...agh, can't be thinking of that. She sounds concerned, maybe even afraid, a far cry from her usual calm composure. I have to make sure she's okay.

I walk to the corner, trying to be as quiet as possible, in case this is a trap. I've gotta consider anything after all that's happened.

I turn the corner. Whew. Lilly's standing in the middle of the hall, walking at a hurried pace.

"Lilly? Are you alright?"

I call out to her, making her stop and turn around, looking in my direction.


She's a master at recognizing sounds, so it doesn't surprise me.

I start a brisk walk towards her.

"Yeah, it's me. Are you okay, Lilly?"

I take a closer look at her. She doesn't look hurt, and the look of worry she has isn't strong enough to indicate that she's ran into anything close to what I have. Whew, I got here just in time.

"I'm okay, Hisao, thanks for asking. I've lost track of Hanako though, have you seen her around?"

Damn! Hanako's here by herself. I've got to find her quickly.

"No, what happened?"

"We were eating in the tea room, and suddenly, Hanako said she started to hear a voice outside. She said it was calling her, and she abruptly ran out of the room, I'm assuming trying to find the voice. I didn't hear anything though, and I don't mean to sound boastful, but my sense of hearing is usually quite strong."

She wears a cute, but dismayed frown.

"That sounds peculiar, I'll help you look for her, Lilly."

It's not enough, but it's all I can manage. For some reason, explaining things on paper with Shizune was easier. Maybe it was because she could see the look on my face, I'm sure it looked like I had just "seen a ghost," as they say. I don't want to freak Lilly out, and make her think I'm messing with her, or that I've suddenly gone crazy as hell. I don't think having Shizune and Misha, well, just Misha, try to explain things would help any either. She might think the 3 of us are screwing with her, especially with the history between them. Urgh.

"Thank you, Hisao, I very much appreciate it."

Lilly's beautiful, sincere smile makes me reciprocate. She jolts up at a sudden thought.

"I'm sorry, but I forgot my cane in the tea room. Would you mind accompanying me?"

I can't believe I didn't realize something was off. I usually do see her with it, when she's out of the tea room.

"Oh! Of course."

The two of us began walking. While doing so, I was running through my mind, screaming, thinking of all the possible ways to articulate the fucked up situation. I felt like I was trying to ask her out on a date, which I'd much rather be doing than trying to tell her "Oh, hey, some crazy shit is happening, and Grue inhabit the student council room." Oy.

"Hisao, is something wrong? You seem very quiet."

How the hell does she do it? I've often thought that Lilly has some sort of "6th sense," err, well, "5th sense," when it comes to the emotions of others.

I let out a heavy sigh. "Lilly. Something terrible has happened. Something I can't really describe."

She looks at me with a sincere look of distress.

"What's wrong, Hisao?"

"....Have you noticed that the school is overly quiet today? I mean, to an extremely noteworthy extent?"

"I have noticed that, has something happened?"


I drag out that last word as we make our way to the door and I open the tea room......a really, really, really, big tea room.

"Oh my God!" I scream, my heart shouting along with me.

"Hisao?! What's happening?!"

The tea room is about the size of about three class rooms put together, with a few feet added on. It looks...artificially stretched, the table and its chairs are at the back of the room, I can see Lilly's cane on it..but the table is about 10 feet long and wide, the giant square shape obscuring my view of a bit of the room. A buzzing light at the ceiling somehow manages to light up the whole room, which I've just noticed doesn't have any windows.

"The tea room, it's...."


"Someone's done something to it...I can't explain. Follow me, you'll see for yourself."

Urgh, curse my figure of speech.

I take a few steps into the tea room, and she follows close behind. She starts to feel for where the table should be, feeling only empty air. She takes a few steps forward, feeling around, the look on her face going from slight embarrassment, to worry.

"Hisao, has someone removed the table?"

"This is going to sound crazy....really crazy, but something's happened to the school. Other places have had similar weird thing's happen. The table is here, and so is your cane, but the tea room is...a lot bigger. It's bigger than the entire library."

She looks at me as if I've told her I'm into loli beastiality.

"Hisao...I don't mean to be rude, but are you playing a trick on me?"

"I really wish I was. Follow me, this place really is...different."

She continues taking a few steps, reaching her hands out to feel for where the wall is. When she doesn't feel it, but knows that in the map of her mind, she should be touching it, she withdraws her hands, looking frightened as well as confused.

"Hisao, we've got to find Hanako and get out of here."

"Yeah, let's get your cane and go. This is going to sound crazy, but my room is the only safe place I've found in the school. Nothing strange has happened there."

I wonder whether or not to mention the fact that her arch-nemesis is there, but considering what's going on, I don't think it'll matter much.

"Shizune and Misha are there, they're the only other people I've found here."

"Understood, we'll find Hanako and go to your room. From there, I hope we can figure out what's going on."

She puts her hand on her forehead and sighs, reminding me of myself. I put my hand on her shoulder.

"It's gonna be okay, Lilly. Come on, your cane's not far from here. You can hang on to me."

She takes my arm and nods in a bow.

"Thank you."

I guide her over to where the table is, looking all around at the altered tea room. It's like looking at it through a funhouse mirror. Apart from the change in size, nothing's different. I look up at the lights. Hopefully I won't have the same problem as last time. My heart starts to beat faster as we get nearer to the back of the room. The large tea table is infront of us, Lilly's cane ontop of it.

"Here you go, Lilly, good thing we-"

A loud scream pierces the air, coming from behind the table, in the few feet of room between it and the wall of the room. It sounds...strangely familiar.

"Hanako?!" Lilly responds, shaking and gripping my arm tightly. Is it really her?!

"Lilly, help me! Help! I'm bleeding!"

Oh God....

"Hisao, please, check on her, is she okay?!" Lilly lets go of me, presumably so I can move faster. I run over to where I hear Hanako's pleas.

I turn the corner around the table...and find nothing. An empty floor. No blood. No Hanako.

"Lilly, I-"

I look over at Lilly, and see....some....thing about 15 feet to her left. It looks like a person...but. It's pale, hairless, and about a foot and a half shorter than us. It doesn't have a eyes, no nose, no mouth, not even any ears. As my eyes trace down it, I realize it doesn't have any feet...or even legs. It's stomach is stuck in the ground, as if burried in the floor. I don't think it can move, with a body like that, so how the hell did it get here?!

The faceless thing is looking at me, but more towards my feet, where the screams came from.

"Lilly, help me! I don't think I can make it!"

The screams sound like they're coming right at my feet...but there's nothing here. Is this thing...the one making the screams? A....ventriloquist demon? What the...?

"Hanako?! What's wrong, are you okay?! Hisao, please tell me she's okay!"

"Lilly, it's a trick, don't listen to it!"

"Lilllllly! Pleeeeaaase!" The sounds of crying are interjected in the new fake cries, which seem to move across the floor....I can see the faceless things head trailing along the floor. The cries make their way over to where the faceless thing is, who doesn't have to throw its voice anymore. Lilly turns to look in the thing's direction, tears of worry streaming down her face.

"Hisao, what do you mean?!"

The faceless thing raises a hand up at about mid's holding something, I see a gleam in its hand....a knife....Oh God...

"Please, Lilly! Please help me!"

Fuck! Lilly's running towards it! I've got to do something!

Without thinking, I dart onto the table, run across it, and dive through the air, aimed right at the faceless thing, my hands in front of me. My brain processes the situation in slow motion. I can see the creature extending it's knife-wielding hand towards Lilly, who's not more than a foot away from the knife.

Before I know it, I'm ontop of it. I shake my head, trying to get my thoughts back, my mind still in that critical moment of time. I feel a soft, doughy, texture in my hands. I look down. I'm pushing the creature's head into the floor, it's arms whip around the floor violently, trying to grab for...the knife! It's about a foot away from the creature and I, at the feet of a stunned Lilly. I hear her scream, asking what's happening, asking for Hanako, for me. All I can hear now is myself grunt. My grip tightens on the back of the creature's neck as I reach for the knife, my face near the floor, almost getting hit by the creature's desperately swinging arms.

My finger nudges it, I scream in fear and desperation, reach out and grab it. Time moving in fast forward, my hand blurs through the air, the knife stabs through the back of the creature's head, down to the grip, as if I'm stabbing through jelly. No skull to stop the blade. As the knife goes down to the hilt, the flailing of its arms stop, hitting the floor limply. It doesn't bleed from the wound. I pant into the back of the creature, my heart flooding blood through every vein as fast as it can. I look up at Lilly, she's reaching her hand out.

"'s okay now."


That voice....

I trace where it came from, hoping it's not another projection. There's another faceless fucker, barely five feet away....

"Lilly! You have to come with me! Hisao's gone crazy! He killed Hanako!"


Lilly shivers at the words and jumps back, away from me, nearly in the grasping hands of the faceless creature....

"Lilly! Don't listen to it! You know I would never hurt her!"

"Lilly there's no time! The police say they've found bodies throughout the school, it's a ghost town in some parts of it, the police are on the way!"

Lilly turns to the voice.

"I don't believe you! Hisao wouldn't do that!"

"Lilly! Run! He's right behind you!"

Lilly turns back to my direction.

"Hisao..." Her face is full of emotion, too complex for me to assign to any particular one.

I get off of the floor, pressing off of the bloodless body, the knife still in my hand.

Lilly holds her hand out towards me. I take her arm in mine, in proper-date form, and shuffle away from the grasping hand of the faceless freak.

"Lilly! Please don't believe them, they can't move, so they'll try and make you go to them."

"I understand. Are you okay, Hisao? Did you get hurt, I heard a crash...and you sounded like you were in pain."

"I'm fine, I...I killed one of them, I have a knife." Fuck. I probably should avoid talking like a psychopath if I want her to trust me. I keep talking, trying to make things seem better.

"We can get through here, if any more pop up, I'll move around them. We'll be okay, don't worry."

"Thanks, Hisao. I'm ready."

We start to walk towards the exit, standing at a hellish 30 feet away. In looking back at the exit, I see 6 more of them, some unarmed, some with knives, scattered throughout the room, but there's just enough room between them to get through...whew..

Persistent bastards, they keep up the charade. The sounds of sirens fills the distant air, as if the sounds of police are outside the school.

"This is the police! We have the building surrounded! The parents of Lilly Satou are here, and they're demanding she be let out!"

They're horrible actors, but great impressionists.

We're able to get by the cluster of faceless bastards without getting anywhere near them, whew. The door's only the size of a classroom away! We're gonna get out of-

My grip of Lilly fades, my arm slipping out of hers, my hands hit the ground infront of me, nearly cutting myself with the knife.

"Hisao! Hisao, what happened?!"

I look back. A pale, chubby, hand has a grip on my foot. I scream against the sounds of sirens, my hand instinctively sliding across the air, cutting the hand's grasp off of my foot, as my leg pulls away in one swift movement, out of it's grabbing range. I catch my breath, looking for Lilly, the sirens have quieted...why?

"Lilly! Lilly, I'm over here, I'm okay!"

Is voice?

Lilly turns in the direction of one particularly smart faceless one, a knife shining in it's tight fist.

She runs towards it, starting to close the 10-foot distance quickly. I bolt up, the knife held backwards, my free hand reaching out as hard as it can.

"Lilly, freeze!"

Lilly stops, a swiping noise is heard, the blade cutting the air inches from her throat...

My hand grabs the back of her shoulder and tugs her towards me, she screams and turns around.

"Sorry, sorry, It's me. It's really me." I grab her hands and pull them to my face, trying anything to convince her.

"Hisao! I'm so glad it's you!" She embraces me in a hug of relief.

"Lets get out of here." I wrap an arm around her, and try not to say 'lets get the fuck out of here.' It's a bad time to let propriety take over, but I can't help it with her. I could be getting eaten alive, and still try to be as polite as possible if she's around, it rubs off on me.

Screams of terror, agony, and hate fill the room, as if all of the faceless are trying to simulate the sounds of Hell itself. I guess they're pissed they missed their meal. Lilly clings onto me, her long hair draped over my arm. I lean in and whisper into her ear, hoping she can hear me.

"Lilly, please, cover your ears. I'll get us out of here, I'll hold you." Wish I could've worded that...less...inappropriately.

She nods to me. "Thanks, Hisao." I barely make out her words over the screaming.

She covers her ears her hands, as best she can. I put the knife into my left hand, holding it backwards while I wrap my right arm around her side, as we start to walk towards the door. I can make out various voices and screams as we get closer to the exit. I hear the screams of Hanako, Misha, even Lilly's, I guess they're too pissed off to care about consistency at this point. I hear my parents call out to me, and scream in torment, making me shiver a bit.

I grab the door, swinging it open, and guiding the both of us through it as quickly as I can, trying not to let Lilly trip or hit something. I slam the door closed, a sighting of the screaming faceless things gone in a flash, replaced with a harmless wooden door. Whew.

The screaming stops, as if they all gave up simultaneously; it sounds like a CD-player that's had its batteries ripped out, the sudden jolt of silence.

Whew. My heart gets to a healthier beat, the bile that's been building up sliding back in place, my panting getting quieter. Lilly's panting as well. I can't help but notice, but the sound is undeniably cute.

She takes her hands off of her ears, not needing to anymore.

"They's over...thanks Hisao, thank you so much!" She hugs me, nearly knocking me over with her tall figure, her face pressed into my neck and the side of mine as she does. I hug her back, careful with the knife in my hand. "Thanks for trusting me, it really means a lot." I say it before I think it, but don't have any regret towards it. Through all that shit going on, the voices of her loved ones screaming for her...she never stopped trusting's cheesy to say, but I feel a warmth inside.

I hold her for a few more seconds, then we both pull away.

"Sorry I couldn't get your cane, you can hold onto me again though."

She nods, a grateful smile on her face.

She takes hold of the side of my arm, and we begin walking.

"Lilly, I'm taking you back to my room, you'll be safe there. Then I'm going to go find Hanako. I promise." I was making a lot of these promises lately, at least it seemed like it. I never have, before. But I knew the gravity of the situation. These were kind of promises you make more to yourself, than the person you're actually promising. The kind of promises that you have to win, the promises that, if kept, lead to the heartwarming happy ending, and the breaking of them... I don't feel any added pressure verbalizing this promise to her, as I'd already made it to myself a long time ago.

"Thanks, Hisao." She smiles, looking relieved, a weight off of her shoulders.

"When we get there, don't let Shizune get you down. I know how she can be sometimes." I really like Shizune, but I know of the animosity between the two. After all that's happened, I'd like for situations between them to be nice and tolerable, it'd put my mind at ease.

Lilly nods and smiles.

"And I know we heard some terrifying things earlier, but I don't think they compare to Misha's laugh, so you may have to cover your ears again."

Lilly laughs, kinda loudly actually, and smiles. I don't mind Misha's laugh at all, it's grown on me, but making Lilly laugh is too great a thing to pass up. Alright, enough of the comedy antics of Hisao Nakai, time to go.

We reach the door of The Room, a sigh leaving me.

"We're here. We're safe."

I open the door, and guide Lilly in, letting the lady go first. What a lady she is, as always....

"HIIIIICHAAAAN!" Distant planets must have heard that.

"I'm back, you guys!" I jump in the room after Lilly, quick to slam the door.

Misha pounces on me, wrapping around me like a straightjacket "I'm so glad you're okay, Hicchan! We nearly had a heart attack waiting for you!" I put my arms around her. She twitches, then looks up at me, eyes wide "Sorry, I shouldn't have said heart attack!" I laugh a bit "It's okay. Misha releases me from her grasp. I look over to the room, at Shizune, who has tears in her eyes. I move forward to hug her, but see a blur of movement infront of my face.

The sound of the slap is louder than any ordinary slap should be, as if all the volume in the world were poured into it.

I reel back in surprise and put my hand on the stinging side of my face, the knife falls from my other hand.


"Hakamichi!" Misha sounds surprised, Lilly sounds downright pissed. I guess she put things together...

Before I can look back at Shizune, she's in my arms, her dripping face against my neck, arms around me tightly. I put my hands against her back, not being able to lift my arms with hers wrapped around me like a rope.

She pulls away, her fingers flying, Misha interprets.

"I apologize Hicchan. It was so long since you left, I thought you were never coming back. Don't ever go again. Don't, Hisao." This isn't gonna go well, but at least she missed me, right? Agh...

She sees the look on my face, and I can see from hers that she's reading my thoughts. She knows I have to go back.

I pull her back into a hug. She won't be able to hit me if I'm holding her, eh?

She tightens around me. I look at Lilly, who appears to be holding back from doing some slapping of her own.

Shizune must feel the heat from my gaze, and lets go, turning to look at Lilly.

There's a feeling in my stomach that's been rising this entire time, something tells me this may not end cleanly. I grab a bottle of mouthwash from my drawer and put it in my pocket. Seeing the knife on the ground, I grab it.

"Hey, uhhh, I'm gonna head to the bathroom. I figure we should go there at the same time, for safety, anyone else want to go? It's only a few feet away." I couldn't think of any unawkward way to phrase it, but it doesn't really matter.

"I'm fine, Hisao, thanks for asking." Lilly softly says.

"Shiccan and I are fine, be careful though!"

I leave the room, seeing the glare Shizune has on Lilly, and the glare Lilly has on Shizune's general direction.

A few quiet feet of walking, and I get to the bathroom. I dash into a stall and collapse near the toilet, hugging it tightly, starting to heave. The past hours, or however long it's been, catch up with me. After a few seconds of panting into the toilet, it comes to a messy fruition. Most of it is just water, which I can't believe I could have, after the crying earlier, and all the sweating.

I take a few swigs of mouthwash, and look at myself in the mirror. I straighten my hair and shirt a bit. I look a little pale, but good enough for me, considering. Enough fucking around, I have to go check on the girls. I begin to walk towards The Room. Maybe I shouldn't have left them alone. They're safe from what's out there, but not from each other.

I imagine Lilly putting Shizune in a headlock, then I picture Misha holding Lilly while Shizune punches her in the stomach.

I hear Misha's voice from The Room. "So you're completely alright with Hicchan going?"

I open the door, step in, and close it. Lilly smiles, which makes me smile. Shizune doesn't look happy though. Misha looks...well, like Misha always looks.

Lilly turns back to the two and begins. I put my mouthwash away, and try not to attract too much attention to myself. I hate having to take sides between the two, I'd rather just watch. Not that I like watching this.

"Hanako's out there alone. If he hadn't have found me earlier, I wouldn't be here now. He saved my life many times, I have confidence that he'll be okay, he's very brave, and very strong."

It's a little weird with her talking like I'm not here, but her compliments make my face a little hot. It's strange, from the way she says it, I sound like a badass. In truth, I just got lucky. Those things nearly killed me once, and they nearly killed Lilly at least twice. If I'd have been a second slower, or a little weaker...I hope my luck doesn't run out, and not just for my sake.

"Are you saying I don't have confidence in him? He saved me too, but it's not his job to save people, and you can't order him to do that."

"I didn't order him to, he offered. I would rather he didn't have to do this, but he's made up his mind. It's not your place to stop him."

"As someone who cares about him, it is my place!" I'm surprised, but Misha actually gets the tone Shizune intended, I guess because she agrees.

"Don't act as if you're the only one who cares for him! And let me ask you, what if Hisao had decided to stay here before? What if he never looked for you? What would you have done?"

Damn, Lilly's getting her strikes in well.

"I'd have tried to make it on my own! But knowing Hanako, that'd be something she could never think to do! She's useless by herself!"

I can see the anger on Lilly's face, and I feel it on my own as well. Shizune and I....I really...but still, there's no reason to insult's not the time to think about this, but Hanako...

"Watch your words, Hakamichi!"

"And why don't you go look for her with him, if you're so concerned?!"

"You know as well as I do that with my disability, I would only slow Hisao down. You know very well that I'd help if I could. I've had enough arguing with you. Hisao," She turns to me. "If you decide to stay, I can't blame you. I won't force you to go, please don't let this argument make your decision for you."

I finally say something.

"Listen, I'm sorry, Shizune, Misha. I have to go, though. Hanako's been out there for a while, and I might be able to save her. I'm gonna be okay, I got a knife earlier, I can defend myself if need be." I hold up the knife, showing it to them. Misha and Shizune look less than thrilled, maybe I shouldn't have mentioned it. Either way, I keep going.

"Look, I'm gonna go find her, then I'll be right back."

Misha looks like she's going to cry. "Can't you stay...just a little longer, Hicchan?"

"I'm sorry, Misha. I can't. Hanako might need me." I notice a grimace on Shizune's face everytime I mention Hanako. Sigh. I can tell this situation isn't making her like Hanako any more.

I go towards Misha and Shizune, hoping to comfort them.

I wrap my arms around Misha and Shizune, an arm around each. "Like last time, I'm coming back."

They hold me tightly. Times like these, they keep me going. I know if I didn't have them with me, or Kenji's prayer (which I have no choice but to believe in) on The Room, I'd be fucked.

After a few seconds, I pull back.

"Hicchan, good luck. Shicchan says she wishes you luck too. She says 'never give up, and sorry again...about everything. I really do appreciate all you've done, and I know I can't blame you for being as brave as you are.'"

"Thank you." I really appreciate her being strong enough to say something like that.

"Hisao," Lilly calls softly. "Good luck, and thank you, for saving me, and for this." Her beautiful smile gives me another boost.

"Thanks, Lilly."

I take a few drinks of water, look back at the girls, and step out the door.

Re: Nightmares

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 6:25 pm
by Tom Noble

I really liked this chapter. Like a lot.

The writing was good as usual, and now we're starting to see some more monsters.

From the general trend, it seems that each room has its own monsters tailored to each person's disability.

The dark student council room would require someone to be able to hear in order to get away from the monster or monsters inside.

For Lily, the voices and the altered room would make her very confused, as she can't actually see the monsters that are trying to kill her.

So that means that Hanako's monsters are going to be related to... Fire? Possibly her dead father?

Oh-ho-ho-ho this is getting really interesting!

And lawl, Lily holding Shizune in a head lock. I'd like to see that XD

Re: Nightmares

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 4:38 am
by Elroy
Tom Noble wrote:Hmm...
I really liked this chapter. Like a lot.
The writing was good as usual, and now we're starting to see some more monsters.
From the general trend, it seems that each room has its own monsters tailored to each person's disability.
The dark student council room would require someone to be able to hear in order to get away from the monster or monsters inside.
For Lily, the voices and the altered room would make her very confused, as she can't actually see the monsters that are trying to kill her.
So that means that Hanako's monsters are going to be related to... Fire? Possibly her dead father?
Oh-ho-ho-ho this is getting really interesting!
And lawl, Lily holding Shizune in a head lock. I'd like to see that XD
:D Thanks! I'm really glad you're enjoying it, and we shall see what's in store for Ms. Ikezawa! Cause damn, there is a lack of Hanako.

Re: Nightmares

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 11:18 pm
by didnt log in
wow i cant wait for the next chapter hope you finish it soon and i bet its gonna be awesome too

Re: Nightmares

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 11:29 pm
by Elroy
didnt log in wrote:wow i cant wait for the next chapter hope you finish it soon and i bet its gonna be awesome too
Thanks! I'm about halfway through on this next one. As soon as I knock some schoolstuffs out of the way, I'll be working on it.

Re: Nightmares

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 5:02 am
by Elroy
The saga continues! I apologize for taking so long, and I really hope you enjoy this installment! Thanks for reading!

Chapter 4

I let out a long sigh, stiffen my back, and creak my neck. Time to go. Gotta look for Hanako, though she could be anywhere. Ergh, it's damn strange though, her running without Lilly. She says she heard a voice, but what the hell was being said? And who was saying it? It's not like her to do something like that. In fact, that's the exact opposite thing I imagine her doing in a situation like that. Either way, gotta go, figure this all out. Being in The Room for a while has me a bit pumped. It feels like the save room of a video game. I can take a break there, and nothing bad happens there...but I can't stay. Anyway.

I start walking, the knife firmly being gripped at my side. I lift it to take a look at it. It's a long hallway, so I'll see something coming before anything happens. Besides, has anything bad happened from examining a knife? The handle is black, with a soft, plastic grip, and the blade was about 6 inches or so. It looked like a kitchen knife, used for cutting meat and such, though the tip was sharp as well. It was surprisingly clean, considering it was both used by and on that creature from before. Hell, I can even see my reflection in the silver metal. With no other weapon to compare to, this thing may as well be excalibur, it gives me a hell of a confidence boost.

Still walking, the look at the knife has me remembering before...

I never gave it much thought, but that thing I was the first time I've killed something other than the occasional insect...I don't really have any feeling toward it though. I mean, how could I? It's not like I could regret it, that thing would've killed both Lilly and I. I guess I should feel fear, but I don't. If I can kill those things, I may have a chance here. I walk into the lobby. Hmmm. I'll head opposite the tea room, and work my way in deeper. Who knows, she might still be looking around the halls for the voice. Or she may have found it....

After a few minutes of walking through the empty halls, I decide, "Fuck it." I'll call out to her. If she hears me, hopefully she'll follow my voice instead of the other one.

I put my hand near my mouth and call her name loudly into the hall.

No response.

I walk further into the hall and try again. "Hanako!"

I hear something faint in the distance. I walk faster down the hall, the knife clutched hard incase it's not her...

I turn the corner, knife held at my side, in the stabbing position. Whew. It's her, 10 feet away. No mistaking that hair.

I can see her smile when she sees me, out of the corner of her face. I approach her, and see her shift away, her hands clasped nervously.

"H-Hisao, why do you have a knife?" Oi, I don't want a repeat of last time. It's a miracle Lilly didn't think I'd gone crazy, I don't need Hanako thinking that either.

"Uhhh, it's a long story. Listen, Lilly wanted me to find you, she's really worried about you."

"She is?" Hanako frowns a bit, her big eyes at mine, then the knife again.

"Yeah. Long story short, uhh, things have gone wrong. This place has...changed. I'm sure you've noticed it too. There are..." I pause, thinking of how to put it. "Things. In the school....uhh, monsters." Hanako shivers a bit. Has she seen them too?

"I saw what happened to the teacher's lounge and other places,....I-I was so scared...but by then I couldn't find Lilly..."

"Hanako, she said you've been hearing a voice calling you, ha-"

Her eyes widen, and her body tenses.


She turns back, facing the other direction.

"C-can you hear it?" She asks meekly, still facing away.

"N-no." I studder and pause for a second. "I can't hear anything." I hope she's not the one going crazy....

"I-it's coming from over there, it sounds like it's coming from the library." She points to the door of the library, a bright and friendly picture of a smiling anthropomorphic book drawn on the door. I always thought it was stupid, like something better reserved for a primary school, but in the context of tonight, it looks fucking creepy.

"If you want to check it out, I'll go with you." She smiles and unclasps her hands, not covering her scarred one anymore.

"I'd like that. I-if it's okay with you."

"But we have to go back after this, okay? Lilly's waiting for us in my room."

"Y-your room?" Great. I just love explaining this part over again. I have to avoid sounding psychotic, and avoid sounding like I'm trying to form a harem.

"Y-yeah. It's the only really safe place in the school. Once we get there...I don't know, we can come up with a plan on getting out of here, or wait it out. To be honest, I don't know what we're gonna do."

She looks at the floor, her face hidden from me. I've got to be more careful with my words. It's the truth though...I haven't put too much thought into the big picture, how we're gonna get out of here. I shouldn't, though. There's nothing that can be gained by making too big a plan here. From the way things have been, it's obvious that rational thought and logic don't mean shit. The only thing I know for sure is that my room is safe. For now, I can only focus on getting everyone there.

"Hanako, if we're going to go, you have to stay close behind me. We can't get separated, okay." If everyone was going to treat me like the hero I know I'm not, I should at least play the part of one. I have to be smart, and I have to be careful.

"Okay, I will."

She looks tense, with nothing else to instruct her on, I fill the void with a question.

"So, do you recognize this voice anyway? What does it tell you?"

"It just calls my name....and I-I don't know who it is. It sounds like someone I know...but it can't be."

She has a cheerless tone as she finishes her sentence. I shouldn't press her any further. Besides, if we can see this "voice" for ourselves, it might explain it for me.

She follows me at an arm's length away as we walk to the library. That fucking book cartoon is giving me the creeps, it's worse than the wizard painting.

I open the door to the library and feel along the wall, hitting the lightswitch. The lights are sort of dim, but light enough to see everything alright. It's empty, and everything's in perfect and tidy condition, save for a few loose books on the desk. Opening the door all the way, I step in and let Hanako follow suit, then close the door.

"So, can you hear it in here, Hanako?"

"I-it's completely quiet. But I'm sure it was in here, I know it was." She looks embarrassed, as if she feels foolish.

"Don't worry. I'm sure it'll start again." I don't know why I'm cheering it on, it's probably a fucking trap. It might be more of those faceless things fucking with us, but then again, if we don't check, we might miss somebody who needs help. Dammit, what am I thinking? I should've never agreed to this. What would Lilly have done?

As we're waiting for the next sound, I'm bouncing around the corners of my mind, trying to make sense of this.

Wait, it can't be a faceless thing, as both Lilly and I heard them. Only Hanako can hear this, so it's gotta be something else. I've got to calm down, keep my heart in check. As long as we're both careful, we'll be able to get out of here if we spring a trap. Besides, I've got a knife now. It served me well before.

I let out a long breath, looking at Hanako, who still has an anxious look on her face. Should we just leave? I guess I'll give it another few. I hope the girl's aren't worried too much...

"H-hisao, I don't think it's coming from here. I'm sorry I wasted your time." She looks down, her eyes mostly hidden by her hair.

"It's okay, really. Let's-"

She raises her face up, a look of shock covering the parts of it I can see, her eyes grow huge.

"H-Hanako?" I turn to look behind me, raising my knife up.

It's...a man. He looks some-what middle aged. He has black hair, purple eyes, and a medium-kinda-tall-build. I haven't seen him before though, is he a teacher?

"Hanako, do you know him? Is he a member of the-"

Hanako rushes at him, her feet flying across the floor desparately, almost making her lose her balance. She embraces him tightly, and he puts his arms around her.

What the hell? I step in closer, and can hear her crying into his shirt, muffling it.

"D-daddy, I missed you so much! I-I knew it was you, I knew it was you calling me!"

What the fuck?!

"It's okay, Nako, I'm here now. I missed you too." He smiles and puts his hand on her back, patting it softly.


Lilly told me before, that Hanako's father died in the same fire that burned her. How the- Is he an imposter? Is he a ghost? Can I trust him? Can she?

They continue to hold each other, whispering things I can't hear. I make fists out of my hands, putting the knuckles against my forehead, dragging them across. What do I do? Things are calm now, but is this another trap?

I pull my hands away from my face, sigh quietly, and walk to the side of them. Do I take the initiative? It reminds me of one of my first days here, playing Risk with Shizune and Misha. I either take the aggressive side, or the defensive one. There, it was a board game, here, Hanako's life, and probably mine, are at stake. If he is a trap, and I take too long to do something about it...Hanako gets hurt. Then again, if I react now, and I stab him, what if it turns out he was innocent? Son of a bitch, I'd be the monster. I call out to him, still cautious, gripping the knife as if I were holding onto it for dear life.


Mr. Ikezawa looks up at me.

"Nako, is this a friend of yours?" He smiles at me kindly.

She turns away from his chest, her face still wet.

"Yeah, this is my friend, Hisao!" She looks up at her dad, smiling. Not the weak smiles I've seen from her before, a smile that could put Misha's to shame, this is the happiest I've ever seen her. She's not...not just coping, making the best of things, she's actually genuinely happy...

"It's nice to meet you, Hisao!" He raises his hand in a wave, Hanako still wrapped around him.

"U-uh, nice to meet you too, sir." I must not look too amused, I can feel the slight frown on my face, squinting in confusion.

I wish it were easier than this! Why the hell couldn't it have been something obvious?! I almost wish we could've just found a fucking monster or something, then, at least I'd know what to do. Hanako's so happy...I really hope this is the real thing. Whether he's a ghost, or whatever he is, I hope he's good.

"Daddy, am I dreaming? I want you to really be here..." I find it cute, the way she calls him daddy, like a kid, not caring that I'm in the room.

"This is the real thing, Nako, you don't have to worry." He pats her head and smiles, his smiling getting wider, looking content, true happiness..

I feel a gust of wind brush past my legs, making me jump back. I walk away from the side of them, looking at the door. It's still closed, and so are all the windows. What's with the breeze? It's coming from the side of the room where the door is. I look back, past the Ikezawa's. Papers and books are being blown towards me...but the wind is pushing away from me...isn't it?

I move back closer to the them, the wind is....gathering...around Mr. Ikezawa...what the fuck?! What's happening to him?! Hanako! Oh shit, I'vegottagodosomething!

My heart racing, I rush forward, wrap my arms around Hanako's sides and pull her back, out of his embrace.

"Let go! Let go of me!"

My legs keep backpedaling as I look back at Mr. Ikezawa, who's still grinning. A burst of flame envelopes his person, accompanied with a wooshing sound.

"Daddy!!!" Hanako's voice is shrill and hoarse. What thef-

Flames cover his clothes and body, then, alltogether, the flames go out...he hasn't budged. Portions of his hair have been completely burnt away, as has most of his clothing, the remaining bits of his shirt falling off, his pants charred. His skin is horribly burnt, in a way worse than Hanako's, these are all fresh burns.

"What's wrong, Nako? I-I just wanted to hold you..." He sounds like he's on the verge of tears...

"D-daddy, what happened to you?!"

"Nothing, baby. I'm fine. Come here." He offers his hand out, still sounding like a loving father. Hanako steps towards him, holding her hand out to him. I shout at Hanako, probably too fiercely.

"Hanako! Don't listen to him! He's not really your father! Get the hell away from her!" I point my knife at him and move infront of Hanako. He looks at me, his eyes full of complete rage.

"GET AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER!" He growls and claws at me, I swipe at him, missing by an inch. He rams his body into me, throwing me onto the ground. I catch my bearings, grab the knife, and bolt up. Hanako's ran away from the two of us, near a shelf.

Wind pushes towards him from all corners of the room, and he bursts into flames again, this time inhuman scream, the sound of genuine, torturous, pain escaping his voice.

The flames dissipate once again, leaving him clutching his sides, holding himself as he shakes, breathing irregularly. He looks..Oh God...his hair is completely gone, his skin....the burns have become unbelievably disgusting, his facial features burnt away leaving him without a nose, no eyelids, and no ears. His jaw hangs open as his head twitches. Hanako's bawling loudly, trying to speak, muffled by her own cries.

I begin to sidestep towards her, my eyes on him the entire time. He's still twitching and shaking, he seems to be in his own world, distracted by his pain. I take Hanako's hand and pull her up, she clings onto me. Her hair covers my face, I brush it off and look back at OHF-

He's charging at us, growling and screaming like an animal. I grip Hanako's arm and take off running, going through an aisle of shelves, heading towards the exit.

I hear his growls at our backs, and hear the whipping of his arms as he tries to grab us.

We pass the aisle, flashing through it, we hear him stop chasing us, and the shaking of paper.

The both of us turn, watching him become covered in flames again. The flames last for quite a few seconds, growing huge around him, but...nothing around him seems to get burned, as if the floor, the shelves, and the rest of the room are fireproof.

The flame disappears completely...he's...I try not to gag.

Parts of his...skull...are visible, as well as other bones in his arms, his fingers especially.The bone of his knees are visible as is he even standing?! Pieces of flesh and fat have fallen off his chest, thighs, and stomach, slopping onto the ground. All of his clothes are gone, even his shoes have been melted into a mess of fabric attached to his feet. I can see the bones of his ribs poking through the mess of flesh somehow holding himself together. The smell is nauseating, like rotting garbage being burnt. His shakes start to get less dramatic, and he seems to be trying to say something...

"I-is it because I'm ugly? Is that why you run away?" His words are an airy growl, I can hear him wince as he inhales.

"D-daddy?" Hanako's sitting down, her hands wrapped around her legs, her knees covered by her hair.

"N-nako" He reaches his hand towards her, she sits in silence, staring at it, he starts to grow closer to her. I move infront of her, my face warning him to back away, my jaw clenched tight.

He-he starts to laugh. A low, quiet laughter, that starts to grow as it goes along. Soon, he's lowering his head, the laughter too much for him to handle. H-he doesn't sound like he's laughing out of any humorous reason, he sounds like he's laughing out of pain...the subtle groans seeping through his chuckles. I almost feel sorry for him....

"S-sir, I don't want any trouble. Just please, leave us alone." Hanako takes my hand, and I pull her up. He rushes for me, I dash infront of Hanako, my arm whipping the knife through the air at him. It misses by mere inches, and before I can ready my arm for another swing, his arms and torso slam into me, tossing me to onto my back in a heap. Oh fuck, he lands ontop of me, his ruined hands grasping at my shirt, his tarnished face above me, his slack jaw hanging near my forehead. I grab the knife off the floor and jut it at his side, his left hand releases my shirt and grabs the wrist that flies at him. His skin and bone is scorching hot, my hand releases the knife and pulls back away in pain. I feel a light wind pick up at my legs and arms, starting to blow my hair infront of my face...ohhshiiit

I reach my hand out for the knife, but before I can, he pins my arms down near the shoulder, the heat from his hands flowing through my shirt, and into my skin. I...I'm defenseless...I'm fucking dead....

I start to panic, my breath hard and heavy, grunting and cursing in vain, my arms try to struggle free from his grip, I feel the tip of the hilt...I can't reach...fuck

The wind is starting to pick up, the rushing noise fills my ears, I'm in the eye of the growing tornado.

I scream, my lungs going from full to empty all in one shout of desparation. As my scream ends, I hear another one, a sharper one.

"Leave him alone!" I see a large, fat, book, something like a dictionary, slam into the back of his head, a scarred hand holding the side of it I can see.

He whips around, his arms release me to swing at the retreating figure.

Now's my chance! I can't ruin this moment! It's my only shot! Here it goes!

My arm springs to the knife, grabbing it with the tips of my fingers and pulling it into my hand. He turns back to me. I can see from the bits of his face left, and the look in his eyes, he knows what's happened. My hand goes to my side, then drives upward, the blade pushing through his chest. His throat tightens, unable to force more than a soft groan out. Like the faceless blood.

The wind growls at me louder, oh shit! I have to get the fuck away!

I push him off of me, slide out from under him and throw myself away from him, landing on my side as the fire engulfs him once again. Even the pieces of him that fell off earlier have caught on fire. His entire body, every part of it is inside a growing flame, nearly five feet high. I shield my eyes from the brightness. The smell...for some reason, actually starts to get better, like the smell itself is burning with him.

The flames die down, until they're completely gone, his body with them. There's nothing left of skin, no bone, not even he just disappeared. The smell is completely gone, whew. I sit back against the nearby shelf and look up at Hanako, who stares at the patch of the room he was at, her eyes brimming with tears.

"Hanako?" I pat the floor next to me, hoping she'll sit with me. She walks over to me and drops to the floor, her back against the shelf. She stares infront of her.

"I...I thought it-it was really him." Her lip quivers, trying to stay steady. "I...I thought I'd really get to see him again. He...that wasn't my father...he'd never do anything like that...he almost...he almost killed you..."

I put my arm around her, hoping to offer any comfort that I the time I've had to process the last few minutes...I realized...she saved my life. If she hadn't helped me, I'd have been burnt to death..

"You saved my life, Hanako. Thank you, I can't thank you enough. And that wasn't your father, but your real father, I know he's watching you, and I know he's proud of you." The words I say to her are what I really feel, I hope she understands that. I know fire is one of her biggest fears, for so many good reasons...and she was still able to overcome the threat of it to save me...From all of the crazy shit I've seen tonight, spirits definitely have to exist, and Mr. Ikezawa's must be brimming with pride right now, in how strong his daughter really is, and in all the way's she's beautiful...I slide my fingers onto her unburnt cheek, hoping I'm not overstepping. She curls into me, her hand grabbing my shoulder, her face pressing into my chest, soft cries soaking into it.

I know we should be moving to my room, for safety, but this is something she needs. Then again, Lilly would also be able to help her with this. Should I wait here a while, and let her catch a break, or get going? Fuck it, I'm staying here. I need to let her let it out. I've always...felt so much for her, then again, my heart's been in several directions at my time here...but still, I want her to be okay. I wrap my arms around her and start to rub her back softly. We sit there in silence for a while, save for a few sniffles. After a while, she stops crying...and...actually starts to rub my shoulder softly with her thumb...I don't know what to say, so I just keep holding her. My heart definitely knows what to say though, I can hear the thumping, with her head there, she must too. A few minutes pass, I don't know how long, but we should go.


She looks up at me. I'm reminded of why I've never notice her scars...her beautiful amethyst eyes always take all my attention.

"I think we should get going. We're gonna go see Lilly, okay?" I smile at her, she responds with an adorable smile of her own. She lifts herself off of me, and offers me her hand, I take it graciously and get off the floor.

We pass by the aisles, both looking back to where he was, then leaving. It's a silent walk to the exit of the library. As we get to the tiled hallway, I smile, an odd idea forming. I look back at her, she's glancing at the floor, as well.

"Hey, Hanako?" She looks at me, wondering what I'm going to say.

"Wanna play? With me?" I put the knife in my pocket and offer my hand to her.

She smiles back "O-okay." She giggles a bit, probably because it's such a weird thing to ask, considering what's happened.

She takes my hand, and we start to play the tile game, avoiding the "wrong tiles" as best we can. It's a little more difficult with the two of us holding hands, but it's got to be more fun this way. We laugh as we almost miss a tile, or when we actually do miss one, offering each other encouragement. "You can do it, Hanako!" "Watch out, Hisao!"

When we cross all of the tiles, I'm almost a little sad. We stop and stare at each other, till her gaze lowers to our clasped hands, then raises back up at me. From the uneven look she has, I can tell what she's thinking.

"I'm not letting go, if you don't." I say with a smile. She smiles back, and we keep walking, hand in hand. Her hand is warm and soft, I spend a lot of the time hoping mine doesn't get all clammy. I almost start to laugh when I realize I'm thinking that. I'm behaving like I'm on a date with her. It gets me thinking, that's something I'd really like...when all this is over.

As we make it to the door, we both look at each other, our hands release, but as they do, I get a hold of her arm, and pull her into a hug. "Thanks again, for saving me." I whisper into her ear. "N-no problem." She haltingly says, ending with a giggle. "Thank you, though, Hisao, for all you've done for me." She tightens the hug.


I shake in Hanako's embrace, jumping at Misha's words. If you can even call them "words" at that volume. Not that I'm disappointed to hear from her. Deciding to face the Misha Music, we let go of each other. I open the door, letting her walk in first, then follow.

"HICCHAN! We're so glad to see you're okay! Hey, Hanako!" I'm not sure Shizune "sounds" so glad to see her, but Misha does.

Lilly has a pleasant smile on her face, and is quick to hug her friend. I whipe my brow. Whew, "another day's work."

"Hanako, were you two able to get here safely? Are you hurt, is Hisao?"

"N-no, we....we....we ran into trouble. But Hisao protected me."

Lilly smiles in my direction, "Thank you so much, Hisao."

People have been giving me a lot of credit today, but Hanako deserves it all.

"Actually, I should be the one thanking Hanako. She saved my life earlier. She's extremely brave, I wouldn't be here without her."

Lilly is absolutely radiant with pride. "I'm so proud of you, Hanako." Her grasp of Hanako tightens. I can see the blush on Hanako's cheek, it makes me smile.


Misha calls out, but Shizune stands close to Hanako, a serious look on Shizune's face.

"Is this true?"

I step in.

"Yeah, no exaggeration. I was a second away from death."

Shizune fixes her glasses.

"I have gravely underestimated you, Hanako. You have my grattitude." Shizune bows before Hanako, who's completely dumbfounded by the act.

"Th-thank you." Hanako bows her head a little as she says it. I'm pretty fucking shocked, but I find enough composure to smile at Shizune, nodding my head once, hoping she understands that I appreciate her actions.

Whew. I lay on the floor, my back against the bed. I groan as I feel the knife dig against me, then take it out of my pocket, letting it rest with me as well. I hear the girls converse a bit, asking if we're really okay. I get off the floor, grabbing a drink of water. I pop open the ice box. "Anybody want any water? I've also got a few snacks, if you'd like some." Hanako raises her hand, haltingly. "I-I'm a little hungry."

I smile and give her some chocolate. I don't have much, but I hope it's enough to tide her over. The other's seem to be fine, declining my offer politely.

I sigh and sit on the bed, Hanako and Lilly are sitting there as well, while Misha and Shizune are sitting on my desk and chair, respectively. My face reddens a bit as I realize I can see up Misha's skirt, I look away, hoping nobody saw me see.

I nearly laugh again, I can't believe I can think of that at a time like this. I spend a few minutes resting on the bed, half of me laying down on it.

"Hicchan?" Misha asks calmly. "Are you gonna go again?"

Fuck, I hadn't thought about it, I've been much too relaxed.

"Y-yeah, I think I am..." She pouts a bit. " a few more minutes." Her pout turns into a toothy grin. "Good!"

Hanako looks at me, concerned. Oh, fuck, I didn't explain to her, the "unwritten rule."

"Hanako, I've gotta...I've gotta go, in a bit. To look for a way out...and others..."

"B-but when I was looking for.......the...voice...I didn't find any exits...I mean, the doors were all...gone, but there was just a wall there...where the doors were."

"All of them?!" I can't help but raise my voice, in the shock.

"Y-yeah...all of them....I don't know what's going on..."

I cup my forehead. What the fuck are we gonna do? Wait it out? Is this something you CAN wait out? What happens when we run out of food, or water? How long will this take?! I shake my head. I can't think about that. I need to just focus on helping those that I can come across. There might be more people out there.

"Hanako, when you were out there, did you see anyone else? Or hear anyone?"

"I heard a few noises, but I don't really remember where they were, I'm sorry. They weren't where the voice was coming I ignored them...I'm really sorry, Hisao."

I send a reassuring smile her way.

"It's okay, you telling me that helps a lot." At least I know I'm not doing this for nothing. She smiles back.

I lay back on the bed, and spend a few minutes in silence, recollecting the day. After a while, I get off. "Girls, I'm gonna go. I'm gonna look for anybody I can find, and bring them back here. They might know more than us, and have a way out. We're gonna get through this, I promise all of you." Another smile of reassurance. Maybe after being called a hero so much as helped make me more like one. I feel...confident.

They all smile, even Shizune and Misha, maybe they feel the confidence too. I swear, this room gives off a healing high.

They all wish me luck, which I thank them for. I let out a long breath, grab my knife, and head out the door, waving and smiling to them. Mission time!

Re: Nightmares

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 4:39 pm
by Mikage-sama
:lol: Hahaha Hanako's a little hungry so Hisao offers her "chocolate" or so he called it
Fufufu truly fantastic I must admit. But now I wonder who's going to be next, I think Rin should be just cuz she's funsome and I wanna know what's in store for her hehehe

Re: Nightmares

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 6:19 pm
by Tom Noble
Gack, can't believe I didn't catch this earlier.

So its official, the monsters attack based on everyone's disability in an attempt to kill them.


Also Hanako hearing a few more noises from the other rooms, meaning that there might be more people alive.

THEN the food situation comes up, good god the food situation.

Will they have to start doing raids on the cafeteria? Does the cafeteria still have FOOD?


Another good chapter. I can't wait to see the next installment.

Re: Nightmares

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 6:35 pm
by Elroy
Mikage-sama wrote::lol: Hahaha Hanako's a little hungry so Hisao offers her "chocolate" or so he called it
Fufufu truly fantastic I must admit. But now I wonder who's going to be next, I think Rin should be just cuz she's funsome and I wanna know what's in store for her hehehe
Thank you, thank you! Rin will have a shot very soon!
Tom Noble wrote:Gack, can't believe I didn't catch this earlier.
So its official, the monsters attack based on everyone's disability in an attempt to kill them.
Also Hanako hearing a few more noises from the other rooms, meaning that there might be more people alive.
THEN the food situation comes up, good god the food situation.
Will they have to start doing raids on the cafeteria? Does the cafeteria still have FOOD?
Another good chapter. I can't wait to see the next installment.
Thank you! I really appreciate your comments on all of my chapters, it really means a lot! I should say though, the monsters are about the entire being of the person, personality and fears, and whatnot, though the disability is a big part of it as well.

Re: Nightmares

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 11:31 pm
by Gash
These are very good.

I can't imagine what Rin's will be like. She doesn't seem the sort to have much in the way of fears relating to her disability or history. Maybe her fear is a room full of shirts or something?

Or maybe hers will be more philosophical. Something to play to her existational angst.

Oooor it'll just be the only one thats not trying to kill her in the whole thing. Her personal demon is just sitting around sharing a snack with her talking philosophy with her all friendly like...
Hisao walks into the art room to find Rin sat on one of the tables next to a humanoid figure that looks like something from one of her paintings. They're sharing a boxed lunch between them, as he walks in they both look at him pausing in mid bite. The figure is the first one to speak.

"Oh heeey man. Was wondering when you'd get here. Want some? Is good. Emi packed a lot more than Rin could eat on her own so we're sharing and shooting the breeze. Come on grab a seat don't just stand there."

Rin nods to Hisao in acknowledgement of his existance and goes back to eating for a bit before talking to the figure

"So what you're saying is that good and evil don't really exist?"

"Yeaaah they're entirely based on your perspective. From one guys point of view something you'd regard as normal would be considered evil or a sin. Say the fact that you're wearing pants. In some cultures that'd get you killed."

Rin nods mulling this.

Oh come on. Its Rin. Considering how out of place she always is (except in the middle of some chaos) you know hers is gonna be wacky.

Or we might see a side of her you'd never expect *strokes his beard*