Hmm. Potential Rin x Death/Iwanako Yuri? Not sure if want. It seems like this chapter doesn't do a lot to add to the story. It gives out a few little details about Iwanako's past, makes the connection between the previous Death's actions with Rin and the current one's need for companionship, and tells us about this impending doom. Putting it like that, it looks like a lot more than I thought. I'm probably just ignorant. Also,
Doomish wrote:Death only avoided direct contact out of curteousy... courtesy
Emi like chasing me down... likes
Other than that, I can't really fault this chapter. I'm anticipating some big event soon; the last few chapters seem to be building the tension and whatever else you call it to make it seem that way. Whenver it comes, I'm looking forward to reading it.
Cheers, BlackWaltz.
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