Going from my own mental state from high school and my own medical issues, you could think of me as having Hanako's mental state towards people and Hisao's heart condition. I could easily fill this post with a brick wall of text explaining this but I have already done so in several other topics in the past. Suffice it to say that I was picked on a lot in high school and was born with Tetralogy of Fallot (has since been repaired).
Act 2: Stranger
Act 3: Difference
Act 4: Coming Home
Or on a less serious note...
Act 2: What am I doing here? I don't even speak Japanese! What's going on?
Act 3: Goddammit, Hisao! Do I look like a girl to you? Knock that shit off!
Act 4:... alone... so very very alone....
Huh, if it was FemHisao and she picked me anyways.
If I was Hisao, and I still got to pick the act names
2. Choices
3. Double Trouble
4. And Only One Stood
Here, though, it would be an AU where Hisao (me) got the attention of all 6 (Including Misha) girls, and I had to prune away the girls I didn't like. Also, Scout from TF2 would be my friend/wingman in the story, he kinda fits since he's 20(?, he's definitely not an adult adult) and he's still a virgin, so that would make an interesting subplot. Heh, now I might actually make this selfinsertion/KS-TF2 Crossover now. Trolol
Last edited by BobBobberson on Mon Mar 19, 2012 7:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I guess it would be
1: Recovering
2: Trying to live
3: Dream of tomorrow
Pretty much because all of my life can be summed up in those followed by "Huge loss that destroys me economically, emotionally and sometimes physically" in order to start the whole dance again.
If I wanted a happy ending I'd use the titles from a few of my favorite Rush songs, since I think they would map out the story arc well.
Act 2: Entre Nous
Act 3: The Pass
Act 4: Dreamline
If I wanted a sadder ending, use some slightly more obscure song titles.
Act 2: I'm Not Waving
Act 3: Black Smoke and Mirrors
Act 4: Crows on the Wire