Napalm wrote:
I suppose the biggest problem with the kids would be the age difference more than where they come from or their skin colour. So you shouldn't worry too much about it. (Then again, I have absolutely zero experience with parenting, and all of this is coming from having grown up with a brother 2 years and half older than me, and seeing friends with 5+ brothers/sisters).
Well, I don't have siblings myself, but my family is extended family is extremely strung out in terms of age. More to the point, my mom is close to the others of her generation despite there being quite an age gap between some of them, especially with one of the youngest aunts. Mind you, the relationship did turn pseudo-parental after a gap of literally over a decade or so, but the fact remains they're close to this day. So it's certainly workable.
Besides, with adoption, one would think the age part could be manipulated somewhat more easily than normal anyhow.