Also I need to give you props for not falling victim to the loudness war and applying tons of dynamic range compression up the wazoo. Dynamic range in our music FTW!
Katawa Shoujo's resident straight male kuutsundere.
(because just "tsundere" makes people think of "Shana clones" *shivers*)
As a quick head's up, I've put up a playlist of all the remix work on Grooveshark. There's also an embeddable version (I'm having trouble getting the songs to load, but others said it works *shrugs*) whose color scheme matches KS' website.
I grabbed it off of the Shimmie. Give duanemoody a call, too, since he's the one who tagged it.
EDIT: Nevermind, I was the one who fucked up. I have NO idea where that song came from. Working on fixing, now.
EDIT2: Yours is fixed. Trying to get the song I mistook as yours up. It was Juno's remix of the opening. As for what to do next, I requested that you and Juno could possibly collaborate on a remix of the 4ls splash screen jingle.