I am discontinuing the torrent for now.
I have set up a private repository, which will make downloading the deb file much easier and faster and will allow any updates to be issued automatically.
This is somewhat of an experiment and I will only leave it up so long as it doesn't utterly destroy my allocated bandwidth. I do not expect there to be a high enough demand for that. Also, after adding the repository, the application does not show up in the Ubuntu Software Center. If anyone knows how to make that happen, please PM me.
To add the repository and install on Ubuntu:
* open a terminal and enter
NOTE: This should not affect your saved game states. You can install the new package with peace of mind. If you're worried though, just backup the ".renpy" folder in your home folder.echo "deb http://www.david-weiser.com/repository Packages/" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo aptitude update
sudo apt-get install katawashoujoact1
I can't help you on any other version of Linux, but it shouldn't be difficult.
If you want to remove it later, open a terminal and enter
This is an unofficial release and I am the sole maintainer. If you have any issues with it, feel free to drop me a PM.sudo dpkg -r katawashoujoact1