Warclam wrote:Alphabetically... according to height? How does— if it's— but then— gah, my brain!
It was a coach. don't remember his name. But he had a firm grasp of the english language as you can tell. Urgh. I'll get his name later lol. I have class. slightly more important than googling that quote.
Edit: Bill Peterson. Gud engrish speeker.
I tried writing something funny or DEEP here. But i couldn't think of anything.
Warclam wrote:Alphabetically... according to height? How does— if it's— but then— gah, my brain!
I honestly can't rememer where i herd it from, but i didn't intent fort it to break your head or give you a mind fuck. Maybe i should make more of these shops.
what in the name of all that is holy..... wow just wow this is by far the funiest thing i have come across in the past few mounths.... also disturbing to think of the charecters actuly saying that
Hehehe. Utter brilliance. I can seriously see that happening...in Kenji's deranged mind.
I would find it more fitting if he said that he'd built the spaceship himself, though. It seems like something he would do.
On a side note: there wasn't any need for the capital 'F'.