Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Complete]


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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 11/7/15]

Post by Sharp-O »

AntonSlavik020 wrote:I have to say, British Molly is pretty awesome. Well, more Molly is always a good thing anyways, but this Molly is particularly cool. Looking forward to more of her.
I agree, more Molly is a good thing! Glad people seem to be enjoying her :D
AntonSlavik020 wrote:Also, nice inversion of the family situations, with Ritsu now having problems at home. It'll be interesting to see what's going on there.
It's going to be quite the punch in the gut when it comes.
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Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 12/7/15]

Post by Sharp-O »

Chapter Twenty-Two: The Path Not Taken

[Things are pretty shit but Kengo is keeping the peace as best he can. Wish I’d gone back to Yamaku with you though. Love you.] I frown at the text that woke me up. I wish I was there, at least then I’d feel useful. And I’d be with Ritsu… I lay back on my bed and thumb a text back.

[Offer still stands, I’ll be down there in a flash if you need me. Love you too.]

I sigh and close my phone and my eyes. What do I do today? Do I go see Molly? Yesterday was pretty fun. Why haven’t I hung out with her more during my time here? That’s true for a bunch of people really…


I open my eyes and look at the door, as if it would tell me who is behind it, before I speak up.


“Taro?” I can’t quite make out who it is…

“Door’s open!” I call and the door slides open, revealing my dining partner from yesterday. I ease myself up and sit against the wall so I can face my guest.

“Morning, Molly.” I smile. “Are you a vampire or something, you can come in!”

“Don’t be mean, Taro! Your lot are big on their manners so I’m used to doing that.” She frowns at me before stepping into the room and looking around, taking particular interest in my collectibles.

“Wow, these are cool! Kamen Riders, right?” She asks, kneeling down with a soft clink of her prosthetics. “I’ve only ever seen that American adaptation, the same guys adapted Super Sentai into Power Rangers.”

“Yup, along with a bunch of other tokusatsu shows, with varying degrees of success. I’ve seen a little of each but I think they lack the nuance of the originals.”

“We don’t have any long running superhero shows like you guys do. We have Doctor Who though but apart from that…” She ponders, racking her brain for other examples.

“Doctor Who’s pretty cool from what little I’ve seen. Can’t deny it’s legacy.” I smile, genuinely amused to be having a full-on nerd conversation with a foreign student. A sudden spark of inspiration.

“Molly? Do you have any Doctor Who DVDs or anything?” I scoot to the edge of my bed with excitement. She thinks for a second before smiling.

“I have the 2005 reboot… It’s about twelve episodes long.”

“What do you say to a little cultural exchange? Kamen Rider and Doctor Who marathon?”

She thinks it over for a while before nodding excitedly. “Deal!”

“{Excellent}! Go grab what you need and I’ll set us up in the common room.” I bounce off my bed and help Molly to her feet.


“So they’re wish-granting demons?” Molly calls back to me as I make fresh drinks for the both of us.

“Essentially, yeah.” I answer, making Molly’s tea in the way she showed me yesterday.

“And the good guys travel through time on a train to stop the evil demons from wreaking havoc in the timestream.” Molly continues to sum up as the sixth episode of Kamen Rider Den-O begins to play on the large TV. It’s new this year but thematically similar to Doctor Who so I figured it would be a good choice.

“Is it any weirder than an immortal man travelling through time in a phone booth?” I jokingly rebuke.

“Kinda, yeah!” That gets a laugh out of me. “But I love the music. It’s so upbeat and poppy. I like how they have a bunch of variations on the same song too.”

“And more just get added as more good guy demons are introduced and used as new forms for Den-O. Not to mention the secondary Rider’s theme.” They’re only vague spoilers but it gives her an indication of the variety of music in the show. I hand her a mug of tea and sit down with my mug of coffee.

“Well, it’s certainly reeled me in.” She smirks and pushes up her red-framed glasses, mimicking the Urataros-possessed Ryotaro onscreen. Never really noticed how she needed glasses to read before but regardless, it’s a cute display.

“You could totally rock a blue streak in your hair too!” I laugh and she giggles.

“Switching to Doctor Who after this? Finish up the last six episodes?” She asks, looking back at the screen.

“Sounds {fantastic} to me.” I give a sly smile as I use the Ninth Doctor’s catchphrase.


At some point during the two-part finale of Doctor Who, Molly slumped to her side and started napping. I pulled the blanket slung across the back of the sofa onto her and finished the episode. I retrieve our mugs and discarded snack packets and take them to the kitchen. I place the mugs on the sideboard near the kettle and put the packets in the trash. I lean my back against the counter as the kettle boils again and rub my eyes. I hear the main entrance to the dorms open and two familiar figures appear in the hall.

“What up, big man!” Miki calls, dragging Suzu behind her. I raise a finger to my lips then gesture to the sofa, Miki skipping over to peer at the sleeping Molly.

“I didn’t expect to see you guys back so soon. How was your trip?” I ask quietly as Miki walks over to give me a fist bump.

“Pretty good, I think. Hung out with my Dad and explored the old haunts. How about you?” She leans against the counter much like me.

“Much the same. Actually made up with my Father.” I smile.

“Really? Damn, that’s awesome!” Miki exclaims before quickly turning her voice down. “Happy for you, man.” She pats me on the shoulder. We look to Suzu who had gone to peek at the sleeping Molly and then turned to us.

“I can’t believe you’re still building a harem…” She shakes her head.

“I’m not building a fucking harem, Suzu!” I scold in a hushed tone, gaining a laugh from both girls. “You couldn’t have lost her out in the boonies?” I ask Miki, who stifles a laugh as Suzu punches my arm.

“I’ve been living without phone signal and creature comforts for a week. By all means, Taro, push me.” Suzu glares up at me. I think she’s actually pissed.

“It wasn’t that bad.” Miki pouts and crosses her arms indignantly.

“Well I’m sorry that I can’t appreciate the rustic charm of your home town.” Suzu smirks wryly.

“There must have been something you enjoyed.” I say, turning and preparing a couple of fresh mugs.

“I guess the lake was fun.” Suzu offers. Miki laughs a little and ruffles her friend’s hair.

“Toldja!” Miki beams.

Preparing drinks for these two is old hat by now and I’m more than happy to welcome them home with a warm drink. We follow the sounds of shuffling as a dishevelled and drowsy Molly peeks over the back of the sofa with crooked glasses.

“Tea, Molly?”

“Mmmm, please…” She sighs, folding her arms over the back of the sofa and resting her chin. “Welcome back, guys! Have fun?”

“We did, thanks Molls.” Miki shoots a look to Suzu before she has a chance to speak up. “How about you?”

“I just dossed about, really.” She admits with a yawn. “Taro coming back was the highlight of my week, to be fair.” Oh, Molly… You’re going to regret saying that.

“So how are you adjusting to your new place in Taro’s ever-growing harem?” Suzu chimes in.

“I swear to god, Suzu, I will swap out your Provigil for laxatives.” I threaten as I prepare our drinks, Miki cackling at the idea. “Ignore her, Molly, she’s just a massive pervert. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she wanted in on this non-existent harem.”

“O-oh… Okay…” Molly removes her glasses and replaces the blanket. “Did you finish the last episode, Taro?”

“I did, that Bad Wolf stuff blew my mind!” I chuckle. “And the regeneration scene was a real tear-jerker.”

“You should see the new guy in action, he’s pretty…” She smiles, collecting the DVD from the player.

“Pretty what?”

“Just pretty!” She laughs.

“Fucking NERRRRRRRDS!” Miki exclaims.


“So Ritsu’s got family troubles, eh? Really surprised you didn’t force the issue and stay.” Miki snorts in amusement as I sit next to her on the common room sofa, holding her mug out as I do.

“I tried but it was made pretty clear that I’d only exacerbate the situation, whatever it is…” I sigh and put my feet up on the edge of the table.

Weird.” She raises an eyebrow then takes a look at the snoozing Suzu in a nearby armchair. Molly had hung around for a while before taking her leave. It was nice to hang out with her again.

“What’s got you smiling?” Miki leans in, narrowing her eyes.

“Hanging out with Molly was pretty fun. I’m surprised we haven’t hung out more considering our similar interests.” I admit.

“So Suzu was right!” Miki laughs.

“She’s never right, about anything.” I shake my head with a smile. “It’s just… Being left on my own made me realise that I have a really close knit circle of friends. I love each and every one of you guys, don’t misunderstand. It was just weird to be alone and suddenly find someone so similar to me that I hadn’t really considered before. I guess…” I pause, trying to think of the words.

“Thinking about the path not taken?” Miki offers. Huh. She can be surprisingly insightful when she wants to be.

“Yeah, that’s it... So many of my choices in my first two years lead me here and I guess having the alone time to think about my last year here and then spending time with Molly has brought up some questions.” I explain as Miki listens intently, Suzu still seemingly asleep.

“What if I’d never been assigned the seat next to Ritsu? What if I never found Akio on Yamaku hill? What if I never joined the Art Club? What if…”

“We’d gotten together?” Miki chimes in and my heart stops. My eyes dart to Suzu and Miki shakes her head.

“She knows. Not going to keep secrets from my best friend. Not that you could from that narco’ bloodhound.”

“Brutally honest to a fault, eh?” I manage a nervous chuckle.

“You know I am.” She smiles a little, looking at her mug of hot chocolate.

“Hm.” I snort with amusement. “I guess if we did get together in those early days, ours lives might be much different now… Can’t say how though.”

“It’s hard to imagine it, right?” Miki laughs. “Yeah, we helped each other adjust to Yamaku and… well, you know…”

I think back to a couple of… intimate encounters Miki and I had in our first year. Helping each other relieve stress or vent or just because it was fun. It didn’t last long but I think that, as well as our long nights of shared emotional support, went a long way to forging the friendship we share today. It’s probably not the best way to start a friendship but we’ve made it work.

“But I don’t think I’d trade any of our time together for something else.” Miki continues, her eyes full of warmth.

“You’d have gotten soooo sick of my nerd shit…” I laugh and Miki jumps to adjust her sitting position.

“Are you kidding? You’d have thrown in the towel first! Do you remember how bruised you could get?” She has a massive smile on her face as she recalls our past adventures.

“Oh please, I could take whatever you dished out and then some!” I retort with a derisive look. “I seem to recall you having trouble with me… Once you taught me some tricks that is.” We glare at each other for a few seconds before erupting in laughter.

For the first time in a very long time, I see Miki blush. She never blushes, not in a straight-up embarrassed way.

“Heh. Ancient history now, I suppose.” She looks up, a similar wistful expression as the night she told me not to break any hearts. She cares about me, that much is obvious. How deep that runs could be debated but that’s a hypothetical. A path not taken. The path that I am on?

“True, but not a history I regret nor would I change for anything, {good buddy}.” I give the biggest, sincerest smile I have and offer up my mug to hers in toast.

“To history and to friends.”

“Amen to that, big guy.”


“And to harems.” A drowsy Suzu adds, shattering the moment.
Last edited by Sharp-O on Sun Jul 12, 2015 6:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 12/7/15]

Post by swampie2 »


I'm guessing Miki is where Taro learned how to get so good at... stuff then?

Nice chapter as always, great work Sharp.
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 11/7/15]

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

Sharp-O wrote:
AntonSlavik020 wrote:Also, nice inversion of the family situations, with Ritsu now having problems at home. It'll be interesting to see what's going on there.
It's going to be quite the punch in the gut when it comes.
My first assumption is divorce, though the whole arranged marriage thing someone brought up earlier would be a bigger punch to the gut. It scares me more, anyways.
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 12/7/15]

Post by Alpacalypse »

Excuse me while I fangirl over Doctor Who and British Molly appearing in the same chapter.


Okay, now that that's over, I'm interested to see exactly what happened between Miki and Taro. They have a very weird relationship and I honestly haven't really seen that kind of thing before - they seem a little like fellow war veterans or something. I kinda like it. :)

Also, looking forward to the heartbreak that will inevitably be Ritsu's family life. :( Yes, I am looking forward to the heartbreak - I enjoyed Clannad for a reason

Edit: Caught one, boss!
You couldn’t of lost
"Couldn't have" (common mistake, that)
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 12/7/15]

Post by Sharp-O »

AntonSlavik020 wrote:My first assumption is divorce, though the whole arranged marriage thing someone brought up earlier would be a bigger punch to the gut. It scares me more, anyways.
I did think about an arranged marriage early on but thought it might be a bit too farfetched, which is a shame, because I really liked that scenario and the scenes I could write for it.
swampie2 wrote:Developments!
I'm guessing Miki is where Taro learned how to get so good at... stuff then?
I've been building that reveal since the first chapter :D I'm surprised no one caught it until now! :lol:
Alpacalypse wrote:Excuse me while I fangirl over Doctor Who and British Molly appearing in the same chapter.

I hoped that would be the reaction!
Alpacalypse wrote:Okay, now that that's over, I'm interested to see exactly what happened between Miki and Taro. They have a very weird relationship and I honestly haven't really seen that kind of thing before - they seem a little like fellow war veterans or something. I kinda like it. :)
That was my idea for them all along! :D They're inexplicably linked by their shared disability (yes the exact condition is different but there's a definite parallel) so of course they'd find themselves in each other's orbit and they'd come to rely on each other. I may end up doing an origin for the two or maybe just detail one adventure they had.

Alpacalypse wrote:Caught one, boss!
You couldn’t of lost
"Couldn't have" (common mistake, that)
Cheers, Al! Even I succumb to my working class upbringing from time to time and slip into the old vernacular :roll:
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Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 13/7/15]

Post by Sharp-O »

Chapter Twenty-Three: The Gang’s All Here

[I think I’m going to come back to Yamaku. Nothing more to be done here. See you soon.] Fantastic! Ritsu’s on her way back. I feel positively giddy at the prospect and my walking companions pick up on it.

“Good news?” Molly smiles, swinging her arms rhythmically behind her back.

“Yeah. Ritsu’s coming back.” I grin, unable to hide my happiness.

“That’s great.” Miki comments, adjusting the sleeping Suzu on her back.

“I really liked the story about how you two got together. It was super romantic!” Molly brings her hands round to her chest with a grin.

“Taro’s a big ol’ romantic underneath all that nerd.” Miki smiles. “If you’re into that that kind of thing.”

“Sounds like Suzu needs to up her game if she hasn’t convinced you yet.” I throw smirk towards the pair and Miki scowls, cursing under her breath that she’d punch me if she wasn’t carrying a sleeping girl.

We reach the top of the hill and arrive at the school gates, greeted by the unlikeliest of pairings if you didn’t know the story.

“Well, well, well! Look at these morose motherfu--” Akio is cut off by a sharp elbow to the ribs by the girl holding his hand. “Hi, guys!” Hanako smiles brightly.

“Welcome home, you two.” I beam. This day just gets better.


We hang around the school gardens, basking in the sunlight and talking about our summer breaks so far.

“I’m telling you, I fell right through the bed.” I admit, laughing. Ritsu wouldn’t mind me telling the story; barring some of the naughtier details, of course.

“God, you just have the worst luck sometimes!” Akio guffaws, leaning back on his hands while his girlfriend doubles over in giggles. Molly covers her mouth, failing to keep her giggles in and Suzu just shakes her head with a wry smile.

“You should get him to tell you the story about why he tucks his right arm in his pocket all the time. It’s pretty funny.” Miki cackles, leaning forward on the bench.

“I had a black-eye for a month!” I decry the story’s funniness, knowing full well that Miki is leaving out the fact that she gave me that black-eye.

“Yeah, and it was hilarious.” She teases with a devilish grin.

“How’s your butt feeling after our sparring session?” I counter with a smug smile.

“You son of a bitch! I still owe you for that!” She playfully kicks my back.

“You bruised my collarbone and ribs!” I laugh back.

“You deserved WORSE!”

I roll onto my side with one final kick from Miki, laughing as I go down. We calm down a little, chit-chatting before Miki and Suzu head back to the girls’ dorms.

“So, Molly, have you got your eye on anyone special?” Akio asks before getting another nudge from a disapproving Hanako.

“Um… Not really… I don’t think there’s anyone in particular I’m interested in anyway.” She shyly admits, stroking her hair nervously.

“Ignore him, Molly. He’s just teasing.” Hanako smiles, patting Molly’s knee.

“There’s not a whole lot of available guys in our class, right?” Akio continues, unabated. “Or do you play for the other te--” Hanako’s hand clasps around his mouth and she wags her finger.

“Hush, you.” She scolds, receiving a muffled “yes, ma’am” before she lets go.

Molly chuckles nervously but I pat her on the back. “{Love rolls around when you least expect it. Just enjoy your summer, Molls}.”

“{Cheers, mate}.” She nods with a smile.


Molly and I split off from Akio and Hanako, who go into the boys’ dorm while we walk into the girls’.

“They’re probably off to have a {shag}, aren’t they?” Molly says rhetorically, a little disdain in her voice.

“If that word means what I think it means, I don’t want to know…” A visible shudder runs up my spine which makes her giggle.

“Getting jealous that your boyfriend has moved on?” She leans in with a wry smile.

“Hana will be a good influence on him. If she doesn’t kill him for running his mouth.” I laugh, flopping down on the sofa. Molly sits on the other end, reaching for the remote.

“Whatcha wanna watch?” Molly asks, gesturing to the TV powering up.

“Lady’s choice. I’m just going to sink into this sofa for a little while.”

“Am I that boring?” She pouts a little.

“Not at all, I was telling Miki how much I enjoyed hanging out with you these past couple days. That we probably should have done so before.” I smile, tilting my embedded head a little in Molly’s direction.

“Oh… I’ve had fun too.” She blushes, stroking her hair a little. “You’re pretty cool, Taro.”

“For a nerd?” I chuckle.

“Full stop. And shut up, geek is in right now!” She laughs.


At some point, I must have fallen asleep because I’m suddenly startled awake by the sound of a loud wet thud. I rub my eyes and shift in my seat, feeling the weight of an equally drowsy Molly on my bad arm. My eyes focus and I see a familiar looking duffel bag on the table, a pool of water forming around it. I hear the sound of thunder and look to the figure soaked to the skin. Ritsu.

“Ritsu!” I smile, “It’s so good to se--”

“What do you think you’re doing?” Her sopping hair hides her eyes but her tone is definitely angry. I look to the sleeping Molly and carefully prop her against the sofa and stand up.

“We, uh, must have fallen asleep watching TV. Are you okay?” I reach out to her shoulder and she pulls it back.

“So that’s it? It’s all innocent?”

“Well, yeah, it is innocent.” I answer, slightly confused.

Bullshit.” She seethes quietly.

“Ritsu, what’s wro--” I reach out again and she slaps my hand away.

“I said that’s bullshit, you lying fuck!” She shouts, startling Molly.

“Whu?! What’s going on?” She looks around, still unsure of her surroundings.

“And YOU! How fucking dare you!” Ritsu points an accusing finger at Molly. “What do you think you’re doing with MY boyfriend, you bitch!”

“HEY! Leave Molly alone! She’s done nothing wrong.” I say, tugging Ritsu’s arm away.

“Oh, here you go, playing the big hero when you’re just like she is.” Ritsu spits, yanking her arm out of my grip. “Playing like your in a happy relationship and then sleeping around!”

“What? You think I’m cheating on you?” I narrow my eyes. I could forgive a lot but questioning my loyalty? “Why would I cheat on you? What kind of asinine thinking is that?” I raise my voice, finding it hard to keep my calm.

“So now you think I’m stupid?” Ritsu glares. I’ve never seen her like this.

“When you think I’m cheating on you, YEAH! I’m inclined to think that!” I can feel my shoulders tense up, a familiar burning in the back of my skull.

“Fuck you, Taro! Fuck you and your whore!” She glares at Molly again and I step in the way, grabbing her shoulder firmly and getting in her face.

Listen to me! I don’t know why you’re flying off the handle but I. AM NOT. CHEATING. ON YOU.” I angrily annunciate the words and let go of her shoulder, stepping back. I can hear Molly whimpering behind me and I feel a twinge of guilt in my heart. I hate that she’s been dragged into this. Whatever this shitstorm is.

“What happened, Ritsu… What could have possibly happened to make you think I would cheat on you? I love you.” I calm my voice as best I can as Ritsu turns away from me, fists clenched. Emotions are running high, she could easily explode again. I put my hand behind back and motion for Molly to make a run for it. Once I hear her prosthetics moving, I speak up again, placing a hand on Ritsu’s shoulder. She flinches but stays in place, trembling with raw emotion.

“I love you, Ritsu… Please… Tell me what happened.”

“I bet she used to say that too. Using those three little words to pretend everything was fine, like they didn’t mean a damn thing… Lying to my Dad’s face.”

“Is this what the fighting at home was about? Was your Mom…” I hesitate and Ritsu takes over.

“Fucking guys behind my Dad’s back? Yeah.” She simmers. “And to come back and find you…”

“Ah… Yeah, that’s…” I breath a heavy sigh. “Please believe me… Nothing is going on with me and Molly.”

“I want to believe you… I’m just…” Her voice quivers, on the verge of tears. “She was lying to my Dad. To all of us. FOR YEARS! How can I believe anything when a person can do that?” Her voice is getting harsher again.

“I… Sorry, I don’t have an answer for you, Ritsu… I’m so sorry. I should have stayed with you…”

Ritsu turns on her heels and hammers her fist into my chest. “Don’t you fucking dare try and take this on yourself. This is nothing to do with you.” She glares, but with less hate than I expect.

“But, I…” Another hit, that’s going to leave a mark…

“No! This is her! She’s why I’m so fucking angry! So just… Shut up. Stop talking, Taro. Please. Just hold me.” I wrap my arm around my drenched, shaking girlfriend and bring her head to my chest, stroking her hair.

It’s going to be okay, Ritsu…” I whisper as she begins sobbing uncontrollably. I catch a glimpse of movement near the opening to the common room. Miki, her face wracked with concern and a distraught Molly being comforted by Suzu. I shake my head as tears fill the corners of my eyes and Miki ushers the two girls away, giving one last pensive look at me before following.

“I’m sorry, Taro…” She chokes the words out and I grip her tighter. The cold water is soaking into my clothes, sending a chill through me. I should have stayed with her. I should have protected her. I feel a couple tears roll down my cheeks and thunder rumbles in the distance.

“Me too.”
Last edited by Sharp-O on Mon Jul 13, 2015 6:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 13/7/15]

Post by swampie2 »

*First half*

Everything is fantastic!

*Ritsu returns*

Everything is awful!

Another great chapter, looking forward to the next as always!
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 13/7/15]

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

Well I was kinda right. Cheating is grounds for a divorce, it's just more serious than I guessed. I was almost concerned for their relationship for a bit, but luckily Ritsu realized she was taking her anger out on Taro, though it's understandable considering what she just went through. Makes me glad I've never had to experience anything like that with my family.

Also, I love the writing at the end there. Almost had me tearing up, though that's not exactly hard with me.
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 13/7/15]

Post by HoneyBakedHam »

Has anyone noticed how Hanako wasn't her Hanako-ist this chapter? :|
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 13/7/15]

Post by Alpacalypse »

Okay, before this gets serious, lemme just say that I cannot look at that first picture without imagining those two as a Super Smash Bros tag team :lol:

Anyway, chapter - ouch. That was not pleasant at all :(
Well-written, though. Definitely well-written. I thought that the whole relationship was gonna go straight down the shitter for a minute, there. Glad that that hasn't happened yet.

Overall, good (if not exactly enjoyable) chapter.
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 8/7/15]

Post by Mirage_GSM »

swampie2 wrote:Once about 6 people jumped on my budies bed once and went right though it, I can confirm that this is the sound it made.
Yeah... I can attest that most beds are not made for more than four people:
When I was on a class trip once, there were four guys playing cards in the bed above mine when a fifth jumped in to join them...
To be honest I don't remember the sound, but I'm glad I was not lieing IN my bed at the time but just sitting on the edge so it just grazed my shoulder coming down.
What's the point in getting laid unless you have a story to tell at the end?
Sad to say nobody was getting laid that night (that I know of) :)
“You should see the new guy in action, he’s pretty…” She smiles, collecting the DVD from the player.
“Pretty what?”
“Just pretty!” She laughs.
Had a good laugh when I imagined how this sentence would go in Japanese:
The Japanese word for "pretty" or "a little" is "chotto", but if you end a sentence trailing off like that it always has the connotation of something negative, like "It's not good, but I don't want to come out and say it."
I don't usually pay attention to stuff like that in fanfiction here, but your continued use of { } for english phrases keeps me on my toes in this one, and I couldn't help but think "This joke needs 'pretty' to be in { } to work." :-)
“Thinking about the path not taken?”
Strange. I'd never heard of this poem before, and now it's mentioned twice in one week. Yes, I know there's an explanation for that.
Hmm... "the path less travelled by" is an interesting analogy in the context of choosing a girlfriend...
“Yeah. Ritsu’s coming back.” He grin, unable to hide my happiness.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 13/7/15]

Post by Sharp-O »

swampie2 wrote:Everything is awful!
♫~Everything sucks when your mom sleeps around~♫
HoneyBakedHam wrote:Has anyone noticed how Hanako wasn't her Hanako-ist this chapter? :|
Or is she the most Hanako? :wink:
Alpacalypse wrote:Okay, before this gets serious, lemme just say that I cannot look at that first picture without imagining those two as a Super Smash Bros tag team :lol:
Hanako is burning up!
Akio snarks the competition!
Mirage_GSM wrote:
“You should see the new guy in action, he’s pretty…” She smiles, collecting the DVD from the player.
“Pretty what?”
“Just pretty!” She laughs.
Had a good laugh when I imagined how this sentence would go in Japanese:
The Japanese word for "pretty" or "a little" is "chotto", but if you end a sentence trailing off like that it always has the connotation of something negative, like "It's not good, but I don't want to come out and say it."
I don't usually pay attention to stuff like that in fanfiction here, but your continued use of { } for english phrases keeps me on my toes in this one, and I couldn't help but think "This joke needs 'pretty' to be in { } to work." :-)
You're a font of Japanese trivia, Mirage and I find it fascinating :D Whenever I watch something subbed now, I'm going to be looking for that chotto!
Mirage_GSM wrote:
“Thinking about the path not taken?”
Strange. I'd never heard of this poem before, and now it's mentioned twice in one week. Yes, I know there's an explanation for that.
Hmm... "the path less travelled by" is an interesting analogy in the context of choosing a girlfriend...
It is, I wanted to find an alternative phrasing because it might seemed a bit trite but you can't fix what ain't broke :)
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 13/7/15]

Post by Mirage_GSM »

You're a font of Japanese trivia, Mirage and I find it fascinating :D Whenever I watch something subbed now, I'm going to be looking for that chotto!
I actually don't hear it that much in anime - the typical anime heroine (Tsundere) would rather outhright scream "Kirai!" (I hate you) than be so formal :-)
Chotto is mostly used to politely decline a request without having to give a reason: "Sore wa chotto…" roughly: "That's a bit…[inconvenient]
So if you want to listen for it in anime, you might want to look for situations like that.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 13/7/15]

Post by Sharp-O »

Mirage_GSM wrote:
You're a font of Japanese trivia, Mirage and I find it fascinating :D Whenever I watch something subbed now, I'm going to be looking for that chotto!
I actually don't hear it that much in anime - the typical anime heroine (Tsundere) would rather outhright scream "Kirai!" (I hate you) than be so formal :-)
Chotto is mostly used to politely decline a request without having to give a reason: "Sore wa chotto…" roughly: "That's a bit…[inconvenient]
So if you want to listen for it in anime, you might want to look for situations like that.
Not such a fan of subbed anime but I watch a lot of Kamen Rider (shocking, eh?) so I'll keep what you said in mind :D
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