Rhodri wrote:Oh. God. Fucking. Damn. It.
Its like the time I had this amazing sci-fi dream that stuck with me for ages, only to realise a few years ago that it was a knock off of Dune. I hadn't even heard of it when I had that dream! Seriously, this is real disheartening.
I know how you feel. On my forklift I have a
lot of time to myself, that I spend either nattering away to the sexy guy in the rear-view mirror or just thinking.
One day, I came up with an idea for a post-apocalyptic zombie movie about some guy with nothing to live for wandering aimlessly through zombie-infested Britain. He walks from city to city, where people have fortified themselves with huge city walls safe from the zombies, trying to find something to fill the empty void. As he's setting off from one city, a lone woman seeks him out and asks him to deliver a letter to someone in the city he's headed too. With nothing better to do, he agrees.
After a few days, he reaches this other city and finds the guy the letter's addressed to. this guy's the woman's son and he's overjoyed to hear she's still alive and well. Seeing the joy and relief on this guy's face makes Protagonist happy, and he got such a kick from it Protagonist offers to walk back to deliver a reply. Someone else overhears and asks him to deliver another letter to someone else in that city aswell as this initial reply letter.
Long story short, he becomes a zombie-apocalypse postman; walking from fortification to fortification, dodging bandits and zombies alike, to bring hope to the remaining people of this once-great country.
Basically, I told my mum and she said she saw that film when it came out.
It's already a fucking Kevin Costner movie from 1997, but based in America and without zombies.
I was absolutely livid.