I'm not going to quote you much Atario, because I don't want to argue with you. I love your posts on the subreddit, I love your posts here..I really like you and I don't want to stir up any more anger in you, especially over something like this.
But let me clear up a few things:
I was not even remotely implying that you or CoffeeDrive are "elitist" because you both place a high value on pronouncing names correctly. No, of course I agree that it is important to do so, and I am a little insulted that you think me so ignorant that I'd think otherwise.
The "elitist" remark stemmed from quotes like these:
Atario @ /katawashoujo) wrote: Fun fact: Rin sounds like "green".
CoffeeDrive wrote:Is it now or later I tell them that her name sounds like "Reen"?
There are dozens of ways you can kindly tell people that they are mistakenly mispronouncing a name without sounding smug or arrogant. The two examples shown above are not good ones.
A "pronunciation nazi" is like a grammar nazi. It's someone who routinely pops up to point out the pronunciation mistakes of others, and does so in a way that seems angry. Your entire post has a very negative tone to it. You diced my message into mini-quotes as if you had to attack me with righteous fury at every point. Your anger was not well-hidden, nor was your pride. If you somehow think that statements like..
Atario wrote:I hope I don't have to point out by now that bin isn't a Japanese word
not seem to drip with condescension, you are mistaken. But you do know that, and I won't pretend you don't know what you as an equal human being
obviously know.
What do I know? I know that bin isn't a Japanese word. I know that Rin is a Japanese name. I know that, in Japanese, it is not unheard of to use English words. I know that this makes the phrase "rin in a bin" a remotely possible thing that Japanese person could say, and that if said in such an accent it would provide the exact context that that joke is looking for. Maybe that's a silly point to make.
Maybe it isn't even a point at all. But does it imply that I am an idiot trying to haphazardly make words from different languages rhyme? If your response was any indication, I guess it did.
You said that there are two ways to take corrections on mistakes. Here's a third:
- 3. This guy isn't telling me anything I don't already know, and he sure is being a prick about it.
Maybe when you get a reaction like 1. on your list, it's because you *are* coming across that way. You aren't saying "Actually, not to be a buzzkill or anything, but Rin doesn't actually rhyme with "bin", it rhymes with "green." No, in this golden age of online communication where civil discourse is becoming a lost art, you burst in with "Fun fact: Rin rhymes with "green!".
You're an American too, Atario. You know that when we say a thing like that out loud, it's usually with a smug look and a sarcastic tone; you're certainly not doing it to share a "fun fact" after all, but to point out how wrong and ridiculous you think something is. So in my case, whereas I knew how "Rin" would be pronounced in her native accent but did not give enough of a crap to
not post a silly rhyme that I knew 99% of the readers out there could appreciate, I can tell you straight up that 1. and 2. were definitely not on the table.
I have nothing more to add to this except to say that the clip from the anime Crowst posted sounds at worst like "Ree-in" (not far from bin) and at best, exactly like "bin". If you are right, I apologize. If you are wrong, you've wasted a lot of anger and condescension. That's all. SilentCook, if you are reading this and think I should have just dropped the matter: I apologize, and please don't cook me.