Currently playing as Japan in Europa Universalis IV and I colonised California. When you establish a Colonial Government, you can choose what to name it. So yeah...all it took was 237 in game years and 12+ IRL hours to set this up.
and if we zoom in, you can see why I love the ability to rename provinces
I naturally wanted Hakamichi as the capital but because I was racing with the Spanish and Portuguese (even had to go to war with Spain to claim the territory that would because Satou), it didn't work out that way and Ibarazaki became the capital (I think Spunky would approve). Amongst the 5 main girls (who's first names are the provincial capitals), we have Misha, Miki, Suzu, Akria (aneki meaning elder sister and with Thanatos finishing his Akria route, I decide to honour both him and the lady) Saki, Riki and my favourite OC girls; forgetmenot's Kagami and Helbereth's Aiko.
"She also ties you up to a chair. You're gonna like that. Chairs are good. Chairs are your friend."
BeeFhGhost, Jan 15th 2012.