Xaredian wrote:wazuzu wrote:Steinherz wrote:Sounds like League in low ELO
Sounds like League in any elo. Confirmed even in D1.
Challanger. The only possible place safe from noobs, fools, trolls, and feeders. Or is it?
Anyways, we're getting side tracked about League's community.
Not anymore. I've run into less assholes and douchebags who think they're hot shit because they can go 6/1 on a snowballing champ in higher ELOs.
Xaredian wrote:I wonder what Champion Saki would play. She might be one of the girls that'd actually play a cute character. Tristana, maybe? Or Lulu?
On a related topic that has to do with the recent happenings in "Favorite artwork", I actually am fairly good with Zac. And I have a very strong love for Shyvana (which is only beaten by Kayle).
I could definitely see Saki playing Tristana or Lulu.
Also, my current "best" champs are Nasus (Jungling. I farm that Q like a madman), Vladamir, Master Yi (Jungling, because you're an idiot if you do him anywhere else
), Renekton and Nocturne. It appears that I'm good with the tanky champions who can do damage.... and Master Yi