Mirage_GSM wrote:With your posting schedule you can safely assume that any delay caused by you deciding on the name of a minor side character will be insignificant.
My posting schedule is more dictated by the amount of time I have per day to work on a chapter, and since that can be limited depending on how much I can write it does cause some delays (and the naming of the youngest sister got put on the back burner).
Oddball wrote:When writting, your characters are probably going to take on a life of their own as you go on. Character grow and you'll begin to understyand them better as you write.
However, that is NOT an excuse for not having the basics figured out before you start. Before you write a single line of a charcter, you need to have a name for them, and some basic character traits. You also need to know where the story is headed as well as some basic ideas that will get you there. Don't be afraid of changing things and developing them further as you go, but the simple stuff needs to come before you even start your writing.
The character in question is a minor one, and was there to help advance that scene (although she does appear again much later on in the story).
I always have the basics sorted out before I start writing, and I do normally have some parts thought out either before I start writing or while the story is ongoing.