Althamus wrote:ook wrote:Week 1 day 2 of pushups complete. I don't know if it was because I didn't run first like last time, or if I'm actually getting stronger already, but it was a little easier than day 1.
It's that you didn't run first. Running is a low-energy long activity, and will just generally deplete your energy reserves, but will increase your stamina and slightly increase your muscles.
Pushups (for example) is a high-energy short activity, and will go for maximum muscle growth and make your arms hurt, but won't really deplete your energy reserves or increase your stamina.
Therefore, plan accordingly. If you can, do exercises that'll deplete your energy reserves last (otherwise anything after that will be done while you're feeling exhausted), do high-energy short activities when you won't need to use -those- muscles for a day or so, otherwise they'll hurt etc etc.
Do endurance exercises after weight-lifting style exercises.
update: I honestly don't know if I'm following Althamus's chart but if I'm correct about this. I should rest until Monday again since I'm done with the first 3 days in that week. (Or should I progress on the chart everyday?)
With -any- exercises that're designed to push you to your limit (pushups, running etc etc.) then you should always rest for a day or so afterwards to give your body time to recover. Ideally exercise Mon, Wed, Fri and have the other days in the week off.
This is because if you're doing it right, then you should be actually tearing your muscles apart as you exercise, and then when they regrow, they'll regrow bigger and stronger. But obviously, if you don't give them time to regrow, you'll just end up damaging them.
Obviously, if you can run for 20 miles np, then a half-mile walk isn't pushing you to your limits, so a rest afterwards isn't needed etc etc.
If you feel sore when you start the exercise, you're probably better off leaving it a day more.