Red9 wrote:How do you feel about the game, the community surrounding the game, and the feels that the game has brought upon many an unsuspecting reader?
I've written entire essays on these three subjects on many occasions, so you might want to dig around the blog and such.
KS is okay. I (and I think most of 4LS) identify more with the project, the 5 year long process of making the game than the end product, and it manifests as a sort of a blasé attitude towards the game itself. That's not to say we are unhappy with it, despite its shortcomings. KS is clumsy and amateurish and inconsistent and whatnot, but also it's very much what we wanted it to be like. It was definitely worth making.
The KS fanbase... we are pretty awkward about it. The existence of a KS fan community in the first place is pretty incredible, not to say anything about how big it is. Anyway, a majority of 4LS doesn't really want to do the community interaction thing, and the ones that do, like me, seem to be somewhat out of touch with the fan phenomenon. I want to be appreciative of the attention and not dismiss it as rabid/brainless fanaticism but it's not always easy to stay comfortable with the huge amount and wide range of stuff the fan community does. Heck, it's hard to be comfortable with the thought of how monstrous the KS fan community is in the first place. An interesting KS community that I was recently introduced to is the KS General threads on 4chan. Someone calculated that since the game was released there has been close to half a million posts on those threads, and the community is not like anything I've seen elsewhere before. The threads are active 24/7, with people from different timezones saying good night as they go to sleep simultaneously to others calling good morning from 8 hours ahead of them. It feels like a very strongly identifying community, much more so than our forums, for instance, and I think it's pretty amazing how KS spawned something like that. Then there's of course all the fan fiction, art, fan games and so on. All of it is nice.
The response to KS, the "feels" and such, I don't know what to make of it. Obviously we knew that people would claim waifus and get attached to the characters, but the overwhelming intensity of the experience to so many people is inexplicable. Unlike for instance Jun Maeda's VNs, KS doesn't try to manipulate the reader's emotions to get that kind of reaction, so we were surprised at the strong reactions. The really amazing thing though is that KS has inspired a lot of people to improve their lives. I can see the "feels" coming from the romantic pathos that's all over the game, but there is absolutely nothing in KS that should inspire one get their shit together, start working out, get better grades or what have you. It was really unexpected. As I said I don't really know what to think about all this, but drawing a reaction from the reader is one of the core goals of a writer, so I am satisfied.
<Aura> would you squeeze a warm PVC bottle between your thighs and call it "manaka-chan"
<Suriko> I would do it if it wouldn't be so hard to explain to my parents