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Shizune's favorite restaurant?

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 4:19 pm
by Merlyn_LeRoy
Signs, where all the waiters are deaf:

Re: Shizune's favorite restaurant?

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 5:02 pm
by SpunkySix
Huh. I saw the Signs, and it opened up my mind. That's really cool!

Re: Shizune's favorite restaurant?

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 5:05 pm
by metalangel
She's probably already going to Mozzeria.

The Deaf community here is buzzing, it can be very hard for people who are Deaf or HoH to find good jobs, so this will raise awareness and provide gainful employment.

My friends and I are trying to find a compatible space in our schedules to go for a visit. Some of the restaurants we've been to around here have been more accommodating than others...

Re: Shizune's favorite restaurant?

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 7:49 pm
by Atario
metalangel wrote:The Deaf community here is buzzing
Is "here" Toronto or San Francisco?

Re: Shizune's favorite restaurant?

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 8:34 pm
by metalangel
Sorry, I wasn't clear. Toronto.

Re: Shizune's favorite restaurant?

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 9:19 pm
by Potato
Thought 1: Those uniforms are ungodly ugly.

Thought 2: Comments on that video are disabled, which means people were being fucking awful.

Thought 3: I WANNA GO!

Re: Shizune's favorite restaurant?

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 9:19 pm
by Atario
It's funny for me that this topic should come up now; just a day or two ago, I was looking at [shimmie=1067]this fanart[/shimmie] and got to thinking how Shizune couldn't really work as a waitress at the Shanghai since patrons would at the very least expect her to come when called, and I got a little sad.
Potato wrote:Comments on that video are disabled, which means people were being fucking awful.
Not necessarily. A lot of accounts on YouTube disable comments every time (probably to prevent people being awful, of course). Indeed The National does seem to disable almost all of theirs…

Re: Shizune's favorite restaurant?

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 10:01 pm
by Potato
Atario wrote:It's funny for me that this topic should come up now; just a day or two ago, I was looking at [shimmie=1067]this fanart[/shimmie] and got to thinking how Shizune couldn't really work as a waitress at the Shanghai since patrons would at the very least expect her to come when called, and I got a little sad.
I'm sure Yuuko would make sure Shizune was accommodated.

Re: Shizune's favorite restaurant?

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 10:07 pm
by Atario
Potato wrote:I'm sure Yuuko would make sure Shizune was accommodated.
I tried to think of how that would work, too, but failed to come up with anything plausible.

Re: Shizune's favorite restaurant?

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 10:20 pm
by Potato
Atario wrote:
Potato wrote:I'm sure Yuuko would make sure Shizune was accommodated.
I tried to think of how that would work, too, but failed to come up with anything plausible.

A simple namecard to raise for service would solve the immediate issue of getting her attention. Or an easy-to-read "Get your ass over here" hand signal. The Shanghai's not so big a place as to make that implausible. That's how I grab waiters all the time anyway so it works fine. :lol:

...Anyone else want to see Gordon Ramsey visit this place?

Re: Shizune's favorite restaurant?

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 10:33 pm
by Atario
Potato wrote:A simple namecard to raise for service would solve the immediate issue of getting her attention. Or an easy-to-read "Get your ass over here" hand signal. The Shanghai's not so big a place as to make that implausible.
It's not the size of the place; it's the directionality of vision. If Shizune's back were towards you, all the waving and namecards in the world won't be enough. And even then you'd have to give every patron instruction about it.

Re: Shizune's favorite restaurant?

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 10:42 pm
by Potato
Atario wrote:
Potato wrote:A simple namecard to raise for service would solve the immediate issue of getting her attention. Or an easy-to-read "Get your ass over here" hand signal. The Shanghai's not so big a place as to make that implausible.
It's not the size of the place; it's the directionality of vision. If Shizune's back were towards you, all the waving and namecards in the world won't be enough. And even then you'd have to give every patron instruction about it.
If only Shizune wouldn't be the only person there and someone else who works there could help out until everyone adjusts. Or, like, Shizune would turn around at some point. Besides, peripheral vision is a thing that exists. She'd take an order, turn to move to another table, catch things in her peripheral. And patrons presumably have some manner of menu available to them. Instruction could be printed there.

But, hey, let's not get into these crazy dreams of utopia... :P

Then there's always the chance that Misha loiters about as her assistant, which she always does, probably for discount parfaits in that scenario. :lol:

Re: Shizune's favorite restaurant?

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 10:49 pm
by metalangel
I took a co-worker out for lunch today, and can assure you that servers who are both hearing and sighted will also fail to notice you waving and saying "excuse me!"

There is also a restaurant with staff who are blind, called O.Noir. The proprietor of Signs doesn't think much of their concept.

Re: Shizune's favorite restaurant?

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 11:02 pm
by Potato
metalangel wrote:I took a co-worker out for lunch today, and can assure you that servers who are both hearing and sighted will also fail to notice you waving and saying "excuse me!"
Waiters will "fail to notice" you being a noisy agitating git? Well, good thing nobody's suggesting that. :lol:

O.Noir sounds like a lousy time out. No way to tell if your order's been screwed up, no way to watch out for that steak knife beside your fork...And is being in the dark for a couple of hours really going to instantly heighten your sense of smell or taste? It's not as if your ability to taste is related to sight in the first place, there's no logical reason why it would overcompensate...Frankly, I can eat in the dark at home for what would definitely be a much more pleasant price tag. At least the Signs place offers something interesting.

Re: Shizune's favorite restaurant?

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 11:15 pm
by metalangel
I was invited to O.Noir a few weeks ago but at short notice so I couldn't go. I'm not so sure why anyone wouldn't just do it at home anyway: I can turn all the lights off and put something over my eyes. I did learn during intervenor training that something they use serving food to people who are deafblind is to tell them using the clock face where each part of the meal is on the plate. Meat at six o'clock, peas at nine, potato at 2, etc.

How do you get attention in a restaurant? Putting my hand up and saying 'excuse me' as they're coming towards me seems like the best option, especially given today where we'd both almost finished our food before anyone came to check if everything was okay with it.