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Fallen out of Feeling

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 8:07 am
by Cunce
So I picked up this VN about 2 weeks ago. Managed to get through 3 routes so far (Hanako, Emi then Lilly). I blasted through those pretty fast and was looking forward to the next two.
But when I got to Shizune's route, I... emotionally dropped out. I just didn't care about the route, or Shizune in that matter.
I don't know what it was, it just didn't hold my attention or my feels in anyway like the others did.

Does this kinda thing happen regularly? I'm trying to decide to decide between soldiering on or giving up and going straight to Rin's route.

Re: Fallen out of Feeling

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 8:12 am
by Numb
Many people criticise Shizune's route as being the worst of the five. Honestly, the endings and the route didn't have the same style as the other four, and as such the impact isn't felt as much. The writer, A22, came on and made a post explaining this a few weeks ago, and the reason is simply that he wrote characters first, story second. If you go through Shizune's route and read into everything in more detail, there is MUCH more than meets the eye, but many don't have the drive to do this. Honestly, if you didn't like the character, don't bother doing this, but I implore you to push through and play Rin's path. It is, again, different to the three you did before Shizune, but it is different in a MUCH more effective way. I highly recommend reading her path, as do many others on the forums.

Re: Fallen out of Feeling

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 8:26 am
by Cunce
Ehhh, sounds too much like how David Cage writes, and I really don't like that man. I may be jumping the gun a bit there, so I'll persevere in any case.
Is Rin-Tin-Tin's route any better or is it similar to Shizune's?

Re: Fallen out of Feeling

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 8:27 am
by ArcCain
Hanako, Lilly and Emi are seen as the better ones. Rin varies from person to person and Shizune is over all seen as the weakest route.

Also, Numb. Could you link the forum thread from A22?

Re: Fallen out of Feeling

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 8:41 am
by CoffeeDrive
In my own opinion Rins route is the best, after I started to understand her, the feels started laying on thick, she's an intriguing character and I'm glad you're given the chance to figure her out before hisao is meant too.

I know what you mean, shizunes route seemed kind of strange, when I hit the bad ending though, at was if everything I ignored about the route came back. Really was quite depressing.

Emis route is simple in my opinion, her problems are obvious but it really is heartwarming to see the relationship develop.

Lilly's route is the most complete, it explains fully what happens, why things happen, and wraps it up nicely.

Hanakos route was a little odd for me. I never really connected with her, the ending was really nice then.

Re: Fallen out of Feeling

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 8:50 am
by Blanc
If you're going for feels, Lilly, Emi, and Hanako would certainly give that to you. Shizune's not that feelsy type but I think it has interesting aspects tackled in itself. Rin's has a combination of the two. From what I noticed to some, if one has feels for Lilly or the others, Rin doesn't hit that much to them.

Re: Fallen out of Feeling

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 8:59 am
by Cunce
Ah, this is gonna be difficult then because Lilly was the most feelsy for me.The fucking musicbox man...
I'm sure it's going to be great though. Rin's is still quite great from what I've heard, so hopefully that can carry me through.

Re: Fallen out of Feeling

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 9:02 am
by Munchenhausen
I think it's safe to say that Shizune's route is probably the least liked. Although I can see where A22 was going when he was writing it, and Shizune is probably my second favourite girl, I have to conceed and admit the only route I liked less was Rin's.

When it comes to whose route is better, it is down to who's playing it.
I don't just mean as in an 'each to their own' kind of deal, I mean the routes touch on pretty hard hitting themes and those that can identify with the main girl will find her to be the preference.

I find a lot of Rinbros prefer her because they can identify with her inability to be understood. I've rarely had that problem, so I couldn't quite attach myself. I preferred Emi down to me liking her bouncy nature and I identified with her disdain for dwelling on the negatives, even if it was doing more harm than good.

Whoops, I've gone off on a tangent. This is what I get for posting whilst having a crap, I guess.

Re: Fallen out of Feeling

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 9:03 am
by bhtooefr
Rin is very polarizing.

For those that sync with her, the route is full of feels. For those that don't, it's like pulling teeth. I don't, and find it worse than Shizune's route.

Re: Fallen out of Feeling

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 9:18 am
by Cunce
I can see what you two are saying, and it makes me sad that Misha doesn't have a route.
Also, don't get down about ranting on the toilet. Toilets are peaceful havens. A moment of solitary and self-reflection while taking care of your basic needs.

Re: Fallen out of Feeling

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 9:20 am
by brythain
I think that as far as fanfic is concerned, people like reading and writing stuff about Hanako, Lilly, Emi, Shizune and Rin in that order. I don't have a personal preference in that way, but I do find that the difficulty of writing (for me) increases in that direction. If I had to, I'd place Misha (not just for the wahahas, mind) around Emi's difficulty level. I'm not so sure about the order of the middle three, because quality, sustainability etc vary considerably.

Re: Fallen out of Feeling

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 9:35 am
by ArcCain
Rin made me confused. I think I need to re-read her path, it's apparently better on your second read.

Re: Fallen out of Feeling

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 10:09 am
by Numb
ArcCain wrote:Hanako, Lilly and Emi are seen as the better ones. Rin varies from person to person and Shizune is over all seen as the weakest route.

Also, Numb. Could you link the forum thread from A22?
Spent so much time diving through the forums looking for the thread it was in, then I remembered. Search functions. I feel dumb now.

Anyway, post found here.

Re: Fallen out of Feeling

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 3:11 pm
by ArcCain
Numb wrote:
ArcCain wrote:Hanako, Lilly and Emi are seen as the better ones. Rin varies from person to person and Shizune is over all seen as the weakest route.

Also, Numb. Could you link the forum thread from A22?
Spent so much time diving through the forums looking for the thread it was in, then I remembered. Search functions. I feel dumb now.

Anyway, post found here.

Thanks Numb. You rock.

Re: Fallen out of Feeling

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 3:50 pm
by Cunce
Cheers mate, I'll give it a read through after my daily grind.