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Which side would be the most interesting?

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 10:51 am
by RandomPerson
So I just wanna know which people from katawa shoujo did you most want to see as an actual main girl. They obviously would have to have a proper story not just a hi, you seem nice have sex with me realationship. and no before anybody says it NO TAROS DICK!!

Re: Which side would be the most interesting?

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 10:55 am
by brythain
RandomPerson wrote:So I just wanna know which people from katawa shoujo did you most want to see as an actual main girl. They obviously would have to have a proper story not just a hi, you seem nice have sex with me relationship.
Shizune, actually. She's got the most complicated story, as opposed to being just a complicated person. Lots of scope for character development there, because she has several facets to her personality, some of which are not obvious on the first or even second run through.

Re: Which side would be the most interesting?

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 11:00 am
by SpunkySix
Main girl as in canon? Emi, but I'm horribly biased.

Re: Which side would be the most interesting?

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 11:24 am
by brythain
SpunkySix wrote:Main girl as in canon? Emi, but I'm horribly biased.
I'm genuinely curious. Why do you find Emi interesting? I do too, but a fair number of people see her as 'plain vanilla'. You might call it 'bias', but you're entitled to express your preference, surely… :)

Re: Which side would be the most interesting?

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 11:26 am
by Munchenhausen
You mean the side character I'd love to have a route for?

I'd vote for Miki or Naomi... Phantom Limb Pains and Epilepsy are things I find fascinating.
Also why not, throw Molly in the list :3 I think it'd be interesting to see why an Indian girl is living and studying in Japan, if it isn't simply just "I fancied coming to Japan"

Re: Which side would be the most interesting?

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 11:42 am
by RandomPerson
I think it would probably be more like something to do with the health system in Japan being better or something

Re: Which side would be the most interesting?

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 4:02 pm
by SpunkySix
brythain wrote:
SpunkySix wrote:Main girl as in canon? Emi, but I'm horribly biased.
I'm genuinely curious. Why do you find Emi interesting? I do too, but a fair number of people see her as 'plain vanilla'. You might call it 'bias', but you're entitled to express your preference, surely… :)
Well... I definitely would not say vanilla. Here goes:

I think she's interesting because to me, she's a very well-written character in the sense that I can see her being a person. All of the struggles she goes through are very real, and relatable as well. I don't have PTSD, but I've dealt with similarly difficult anxieties. Because the challenges she faces are so real, she's in a very unique spot of being one of the few love interests whose conflict I can truly relate to. To me, it never feels contrived when her and Hisao argue, or when she acts irrationally. It didn't feel like they argued just because the writer needed them to. Even as I became frustrated in Hisao's role with her stubbornness, I couldn't help but feel sympathy for her position and understand why she was doing what she was doing.

In addition to this, she has a number of admirable traits that come together smoothly. She hates quitting, and I love that. Her stubbornness is a double edged sword, but the positive side of it is great. She's a fighter. The conversations with her were extremely entertaining because she had a very nice sense of humor, and it flowed well. Her and Hisao trying to match wits and act fake offended and all that made for some funny dialogue, and I liked that she wasn't afraid of making a dirty joke every now and then. She wasn't offended easily either, and actually had a bit of a sailor's mouth on her at times. She was passionate too. She didn't just like running, she became running, and she was good at it. She can't even stop running in the halls. She loved being healthy, and that's attractive more than a lot of people realize, to me at least. I'm really glad they included the racing scene, because getting to see her competitive edge combined with her will, her confidence and her focus was a real treat. Emi at her Emiest is a sight to behold. Lastly, she's a really sweet girl on top of all of this. She doesn't quite understand Rin, but she's best friends with her. She's not embarrassed by her mother, she shows her to you willingly and you can tell they get along and have a loving relationship. Most of all though, the way she so obviously cares for Hisao despite wanting to push him away is touching. She only pesters him so much about his health because she worries about him and wants to be with him longer. That's awesome.

Finally, just the random tidbits that make her more interesting, or in layman's terms "bestgirl" to me in addition to what I said before. I'm a runner in real life, so not only is her competitive spirit and no-quitting attitude relatable, I can understand the stuff she's saying on a technical level. It's a shared interest, and one that she obviously has a vast knowledge of that only comes with experience. I got a kick out of her explaining warming up and runner's high because of this, and seeing her keep running in the rain was cool because that's a common thing that non-runners are usually surprised by. She's the most physically attractive of the bunch to me, as I generally like a shorter athletic body with smaller breasts, she has killer green eyes, and she has nice hair. Plus, her "I want" face is totally sexy. Not the most important thing, but it's a part of it. It helps that she was my first, not only in KS, but for VNs with routes in general. And she has some really cute mannerisms.

I could go on, but I'd be gushing, so there you have it... crash course on why I like Emi so much.

Re: Which side would be the most interesting?

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 4:38 pm
by RandomPerson
Mine FYI is natsume because she's got heterochromia ( I think since she has different eye colours ) like me. It's also I think why I have a soft spot for Simon Pegg and Milan kumiss ( but Milan kunis may just be the fact that she is like one of the hottest people ever)

Re: Which side would be the most interesting?

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 5:16 pm
by Munchenhausen
Heterochromia in never a bad thing ;)
unless it actually has some genuine downsides in which case it is a bad thing

I quite like her scruffy hair. I dunno why, but I likey.

Re: Which side would be the most interesting?

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 5:21 pm
by RandomPerson
Munchenhausen wrote:Heterochromia in never a bad thing ;)
unless it actually has some genuine downsides in which case it is a bad thing

I quite like her scruffy hair. I dunno why, but I likey.
Well for me it's not a problem because mines congenial ( genetic). But some can be from some pretty bad stuff like
Tumors, inflammation and injury which I guess is why she's at yamaku

Re: Which side would be the most interesting?

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 5:34 pm
by dewelar
RandomPerson wrote:
Munchenhausen wrote:Heterochromia in never a bad thing ;)
unless it actually has some genuine downsides in which case it is a bad thing

I quite like her scruffy hair. I dunno why, but I likey.
Well for me it's not a problem because mines congenial ( genetic). But some can be from some pretty bad stuff like
Tumors, inflammation and injury which I guess is why she's at yamaku
I did some research on this for Developments, and it turns out that JRA can cause iridocyclitis. Don't know if the devs thought of that, but it was a neat enough explanation for me to use :) .

To answer the topic...coming into the game, I had no idea who the cameos were supposed to be, but I always thought Ritsu looked like an interesting girl, so probably her.

Re: Which side would be the most interesting?

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 5:50 pm
by Munchenhausen
dewelar wrote:
RandomPerson wrote: Well for me it's not a problem because mines congenial ( genetic). But some can be from some pretty bad stuff like
Tumors, inflammation and injury which I guess is why she's at yamaku
I did some research on this for Developments, and it turns out that JRA can cause iridocyclitis. Don't know if the devs thought of that, but it was a neat enough explanation for me to use :) .
I once got decked in the face and didn't close my eye fast enough it was 3am and I was drunk and my eye really hurt for the following few days.
After going to Dr. Google, I had convinced myself I had gotten a case of Traumatic Iritis, that can apparently result in Heterochromia.
No, just turns out I had a burst vein on the top of my eyeball. No interesting eyes for me.

Although that could be what happened to Nat. Possibly due to her Arthritis she may have lost her balance and landed eyeball-first on a table corner, or something. Damage to the eye resulted in her discolouration and the alleged low vision in one eye.

I'm a fucking detective.

Re: Which side would be the most interesting?

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 5:58 pm
by RandomPerson
Munchenhausen wrote: I'm a fucking detective.
If I find a girl in a disabled school and want to find out what's wrong with her, you'll be my first choice

Re: Which side would be the most interesting?

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 6:12 pm
by Munchenhausen
RandomPerson wrote:
Munchenhausen wrote: I'm a fucking detective.
If I find a girl in a disabled school and want to find out what's wrong with her, you'll be my first choice
You're in good hands, I can find out anything with my keen intuition, people skills and my trusty knuckle dusters

Re: Which side would be the most interesting?

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 6:17 pm
by d2r
Munchenhausen wrote:I'm a fucking detective.
Poorly photoshop (or draw) a fedora onto your avatar and go full hard-boiled :p