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Shizune and Rin should team up and do philosophical debating

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 1:36 pm
by SpunkySix
Bear with me here.

Rin is very much a thinker; this much is obvious. She's got a great mind for philosophy and some very unique perspectives. I'd love to have an hour with her to ask about her positions on things like the free will theodicy, the mind-body problem, and so on. Her line about wondering if snails know they are murderers is not only adorable but hints at a strong ability to question the "obvious", which is a key skill in philosophy.

Shizune is a no funny business, cut-to-the-chase kind of thinker who can move her thoughts quickly and she has a competitive flare like nobody else. She's intelligent and likes to have people thinking like her. Even in her Act 1 argument scene with Lilly, as mean as it is, she does demonstrate the kind of cut-throat attitude needed for that sort of thing- you can't exactly win a debate if you feel bad for the competition.

If they could figure out how to communicate effectively and work out some little quirks, either through Misha or Hisao or whatever, something tells me Rin's stances and Shizune's arguments for them would be nigh unstoppable.

Re: Shizune and Rin should team up and do philosophical deba

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 2:11 pm
by Guest Poster
You really ought take some time to play through Rin's route before saying things like "If they could figure out how to communicate effectively and work out some little quirks, either through Misha or Hisao or whatever". :roll:

Through the same logic, Hanako should become a swimsuit model...if she could figure out how to get over a minor little thing like her shyness.

Re: Shizune and Rin should team up and do philosophical deba

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 2:14 pm
by Oddball
Rin has extremely trouble putting her thoughts into words and Shizune has little patience for anyone that she doesn't feel is pulling their weight (and also has problems putting her thoughts into words.)

I'm not sure if you could come up with a worse duo. ... Maybe Jigoro and Hanako?

Re: Shizune and Rin should team up and do philosophical deba

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 2:25 pm
by Potato
SpunkySix wrote:Her line about wondering if snails know they are murderers...
...Shows that she asks questions with really obvious answers. In this case, the reality that snails are not murderers.

But yeah...If these two could communicate, they would immediately proceed to never communicate. Shizune wouldn't have the patience for any of it, at least. :lol:

Re: Shizune and Rin should team up and do philosophical deba

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 2:44 pm
by SpunkySix
Hey, I think we're underestimating a human's ability to overcome obstacles here. Even without playing either route, it's immediately apparent that there'd be some major rough spots, (perhaps "little quirks" was the wrong wording) especially at the beginning, that'd strongly threaten to break up the duo before they even began working together. That being said, if they could get over those issues, and with effort they could, as people have done much stranger things in the interest of a common goal, there's definitely potential there for a debating machine.

And I wouldn't undersell that sort of questioning, Potato. People thought it was pretty obvious that the Earth was flat, that we have minds AND physical bodies, that we have free will to choose anything we want, that the Sun revolves around the Earth and so on, and a ton of these things have either been largely discredited or outright proven false. The snail question might have a clear answer, but:

1. Many times the "clear and apparent" answer is laughably wrong and
2. That sort of questioning is still vital to the process of seeking truth, regardless of whether or not that one specific example turns out to matter in the long run

Re: Shizune and Rin should team up and do philosophical deba

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 3:08 pm
by Guest Poster
Hey, I think we're underestimating a human's ability to overcome obstacles here.
Or maybe you're overestimating something you haven't personally witnessed yet.
That being said, if they could get over those issues, and with effort they could
But should they?

I know I'm beating a dead horse here, but the line quoted above kinda shows why it's a bad idea to start discussions about things you haven't personally read about yet. I could point out the faulty logic behind several of your statements here, but I kinda feel bad about spoiling all those things to someone who has yet to play the respective routes.

Re: Shizune and Rin should team up and do philosophical deba

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 3:21 pm
by metalangel
Guest Poster wrote:
Hey, I think we're underestimating a human's ability to overcome obstacles here.
Or maybe you're overestimating something you haven't personally witnessed yet.
That'll mean no more Spunky threads, ever.

Re: Shizune and Rin should team up and do philosophical deba

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 3:50 pm
by SpunkySix
metalangel wrote:
Guest Poster wrote:
Hey, I think we're underestimating a human's ability to overcome obstacles here.
Or maybe you're overestimating something you haven't personally witnessed yet.
That'll mean no more Spunky threads, ever.
Listen, I promise to every one on this forum to start doing the other routes during the Summer. I might have to read them less personally than I did my original run, most likely by considering them "what if" AUs*, but I'll do it so I can keep up. And until then, I actually will stop with the threads because clearly I'm missing something vital.

*I really hope I'm actually able to do that

Re: Shizune and Rin should team up and do philosophical deba

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 4:15 pm
by AaronIsCrunchy
SpunkySix wrote: Listen, I promise to every one on this forum to start doing the other routes during the Summer. I might have to read them less personally than I did my original run, most likely by considering them "what if" AUs*, but I'll do it so I can keep up. And until then, I actually will stop with the threads because clearly I'm missing something vital.
*I really hope I'm actually able to do that
I really would recommend doing so, you seem to add more new topics to this forum than anyone at the moment, and for this community as a whole when you do read them (you WILL read them :lol: ) it'll be good to see what topics you can start up then. For yourself, although I appreciate the effect Emi's route had on you (the effect it had on me was startling, and for you it was something else entirely), the rest of them will only add to the story surrounding the goings on at Yamaku, obviously improving your knowledge of the characters and hopefully enriching your own life.

Re: Shizune and Rin should team up and do philosophical deba

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 4:26 pm
by SpunkySix
AaronIsCrunchy wrote:
SpunkySix wrote: Listen, I promise to every one on this forum to start doing the other routes during the Summer. I might have to read them less personally than I did my original run, most likely by considering them "what if" AUs*, but I'll do it so I can keep up. And until then, I actually will stop with the threads because clearly I'm missing something vital.
*I really hope I'm actually able to do that
I really would recommend doing so, you seem to add more new topics to this forum than anyone at the moment, and for this community as a whole when you do read them (you WILL read them :lol: ) it'll be good to see what topics you can start up then. For yourself, although I appreciate the effect Emi's route had on you (the effect it had on me was startling, and for you it was something else entirely), the rest of them will only add to the story surrounding the goings on at Yamaku, obviously improving your knowledge of the characters and hopefully enriching your own life.
Yeah, this should be a positive all around. I've really needed to do this for some time, and I'm kind of glad that this topic flailed because I think it's the kick in the ass I need to actually get on it.

Potato is gonna be so proud.

Re: Shizune and Rin should team up and do philosophical deba

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 4:31 pm
by HarvestmanMan
Not sure how well that'd go. If even Lilly, of all people, gets frustrated with Rin, then Shizune would probably get incredibly flustered with her. I doubt she'd even give her the time of day, really.

Rin's thoughts are considerably less linear and coherent than Shizune's.

Re: Shizune and Rin should team up and do philosophical deba

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 12:59 am
by Potato
SpunkySix wrote:Potato is gonna be so proud.
You got five endings to get. Enjoy dem feels.

Re: Shizune and Rin should team up and do philosophical deba

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 3:37 am
by Megumeru
Huh...this is interesting.

Almost could work, very possible IF:

1. Rin can get her thoughts through
2. Shizune can communicate to Rin directly n vice-versa

If both of the two requirements can be fulfilled, then you have yourself a strong debate team (assuming they fully understand what is going on and what needs to be done). That, or a very-very capable business partnership.

But if not, then you have a very confused dead-mute with an armless-artist who has no idea how to communicate with each other and instead unintentionally became a silent tsukkomi and boke duo.

Re: Shizune and Rin should team up and do philosophical deba

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 2:51 pm
by bhtooefr
Dead-mute? Did Jigoro get a little too feisty with the sword?

Re: Shizune and Rin should team up and do philosophical deba

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 4:40 pm
by Munchenhausen
bhtooefr wrote:Dead-mute? Did Jigoro get a little too feisty with the sword?
i've got SO MANY mental images going through my head and most of them feature sexual lube.