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League of Katawas

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 5:14 pm
by Steinherz
So I've recently been playing a lot of League of Legends and a thought came to mind:

If the characters in Katawa Shoujo were to play this game, who do you think they'd choose and avoid? Give reasons as well.
Also, here's a handy dandy list of all of the Champions in the game.
And by extension, what other games can you see them playing?

For me who'd they play-
Kenji: Any of the "manly" champions (which is a lot). Specifically though- Darius, Draven, Gangplank, Garen, Jarvan VI, Pantheon, etc.
Hisao: With his heart, he'd likely be the "avoids direct action" or "quick and clean" so likely- Heimerdinger, Zed, Malzahar, Kassadin.
Emi: Likes running, so- Hecarim (gotta go fast!), Singed (because he can lead people on a merry chase), Nidalee (because Emi is the oldest of the girls. Look up Nidallee, you'll get the joke)
Lilly: Aside from the fact that she'd likely have issues with playing a game like this :lol: - Lee Sin (I'm not apologizing for that one), Lux (blond, blue-eyed and not as happy as they appear), Sona (because they're both elegant and busty XD)
Hanako: Amumu (well.... Emo XD), Ashe (Hanako strikes me as the archer-type anyway), and Riven (look at Riven's first skill and listen to her quotes, you'll understand).
Shizune: Katarina, Lissandra, Sona (both mute, both busty, both are very cute :lol: ), Vel'Koz (EYE BEAMS)
Misha: Jinx (loud, obviously a lesbian and can get irritating), Lulu (can be very annoying and loud), Vi (both have pink hair and again, loud).
Rin: I genuinely can't think of any for her :lol:

And now for the avoids-
Hanako: Brand, Any of the "Scorched Earth" skins :lol:
Kenji: Any and all of the female champions XD

Re: League of Katawas

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 5:44 pm
by Potato
For reasons unknown, I kept re-reading the thread title with various speech patterns and now I pronounce "katawas" as "cat wazz".

Also, nobody will play LoL with me and it makes me a sad sad panda. Speaking of which, Hanako would plainly be Amumu. I base this on zero LoL experience and entirely on the fact of Amumu being a sad mummy.



Re: League of Katawas

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 5:51 pm
by Steinherz
Potato wrote:Also, nobody will play LoL with me and it makes me a sad sad panda.
Well message me your summoner name (if you're on NA) and I'll play with you :lol:

Re: League of Katawas

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 7:27 pm
by Xaredian
As a fellow League player.

Are you serious? No, really, are you serious? Japan's main gaming platform is handheld. Computer gaming isn't really on their radar.

But... whatever.

Lilly wouldn't play the game, for clearly obvious reasons, but if she did... somehow, she'd play Lee Sin. o3o
Same with Rin (Though, i've seen armless guys play League, before. Using special mice and keyboards) (She'd play Rammus. OK?).
And League, can, rise your heart rate. So, Hisao's out.

So, that leaves everyone else we know.

Shizune, I don't know who she'd play, but she'd be very competitive in the game. I wouldn't be surprised if she were, at least, reach Platinum without much of a problem. Maybe even Diamond. (As a joke, she'd play Sona. o3o Though, Sona's mute, not Deaf) She might play Garen or Jarvan IV. She'd, probably, avoid any blondes and/or Lee Sin.
Hanako would/wouldn't probably play Annie. Maybe. If not Brand. She'd play Amumu, like someone said, for sure.
Emi would play Yi, Quinn, or Rammus. Because, gotta go fast! Would avoid Morde?
Misha would play Taric, using Armor of the Fifth age. (Fun fact, Riot actually planned on giving Taric a pink purse in that skin, but it never happened) I think she'd actually avoid Vi.
Miki would have problems playing it, for obvious reasons. Though, she'd probably play Jinx or Blitzcrank. I don't think there'd be anyone she'd avoid playing.
Mutou would play Heimerdinger, Viktor, and/or Jayce. Because Science! Would avoid Vi, Jinx, anyone that destroys things for the hell of it.
Kenji wouldn't play any female champion. He'd probably think the community is being serious about Ezreal being female...
Jigoro wouldn't see it as manly. But, if he saw Yasuo, he'd probably play nothing but Yasuo (and he'd hate Yi, because he uses a Chinese sword).
Akira would play Vi, Gragas (hue!), or Diana (?).
Hideaki wouldn't get it. And I have no idea who he'd play.

Re: League of Katawas

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 10:32 pm
by Steinherz
Xaredian wrote:Are you serious? No, really, are you serious? Japan's main gaming platform is handheld. Computer gaming isn't really on their radar.
There are Japanese players of League.
However they seem to like all the "cute" champions, you know: Yordles, Fizz (AKA: all the annoying as fuck Champions to everyone else)

Re: League of Katawas

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 10:34 pm
by Xaredian
Steinherz wrote:
Xaredian wrote:Are you serious? No, really, are you serious? Japan's main gaming platform is handheld. Computer gaming isn't really on their radar.
There are Japanese players of League.
However they seem to like all the "cute" champions, you know: Yordles, Fizz (AKA: all the annoying as fuck Champions to everyone else)
How they'd class Fizz as cute, i'll never know...

Re: League of Katawas

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 11:55 pm
by Steinherz
Xaredian wrote:
Steinherz wrote:
Xaredian wrote:Are you serious? No, really, are you serious? Japan's main gaming platform is handheld. Computer gaming isn't really on their radar.
There are Japanese players of League.
However they seem to like all the "cute" champions, you know: Yordles, Fizz (AKA: all the annoying as fuck Champions to everyone else)
How they'd class Fizz as cute, i'll never know...
I don't know either man.

Also, I have a feeling Jigoro would change his tune about Master Yi after getting stomped on by one :lol:

Re: League of Katawas

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 12:20 am
by Kyler Thatch
I think Rin would play Lulu, just for the lulzy quotes. "Yup, that tasted purple!"

Re: League of Katawas

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 1:49 am
by forgetmenot
Aww. I popped into this thread thinking it would have something to do with the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. I am now summarily disappointed.

Also Hideaki would play Teemo

Re: League of Katawas

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 2:04 am
by AussieInquisitor
Hmm, Lilly playing as Kayle, anyone? I mean, barring the fact that Lilly's in a bit of a bind while playing LoL, the play-style would suit her fine - able to hold back and support her team, yet (at the right time) capable of jumping in to finish off an opponent or shield an ally from certain death.

All I could think of, at this rate. Might return to this topic at a later date when I have a new idea.

Re: League of Katawas

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 2:11 am
by Xaredian
Steinherz wrote:
Xaredian wrote:
Steinherz wrote: There are Japanese players of League.
However they seem to like all the "cute" champions, you know: Yordles, Fizz (AKA: all the annoying as fuck Champions to everyone else)
How they'd class Fizz as cute, i'll never know...
I don't know either man.

Also, I have a feeling Jigoro would change his tune about Master Yi after getting stomped on by one :lol:
Probably not. The man's too prideful.

On a unrelated note, it shouldn't be to hard to figure out I was a League player, before this thread. Especially if you played the game, and read the lore. Then notice my location. Also, I found more of those "my waifu" pictures of League and Katawa Shoujo characters. o.0
forgetmenot wrote:Aww. I popped into this thread thinking it would have something to do with the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. I am now summarily disappointed.

Also Hideaki would play Teemo
Hideaki be playing the devil, himself!

Re: League of Katawas

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 6:44 am
by wazuzu
Lee Sin for Lilly (obvious).
Brand for Hanako (obvious).
Kog'Maw for Rin (His perception is just like Rin's, and he got no arms).
Poppy for Emi (small, fast, twintails, and wrecks shit out of you).
Malphite for Schizu (not the talkative one, and loves to wreck in the middle of anything).
Aatrox for Hisao (he got NNNNNNGH with his passive).
Ryze for Jigoro (overconfident and toxic grumpy man, loves his book, although no one else does).

Also League sucks. I sold my old account and quit that shit.

Re: League of Katawas

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 3:11 pm
by Xaredian
wazuzu wrote:Lee Sin for Lilly (obvious).
Brand for Hanako (obvious).
Kog'Maw for Rin (His perception is just like Rin's, and he got no arms).
Poppy for Emi (small, fast, twintails, and wrecks shit out of you).
Malphite for Schizu (not the talkative one, and loves to wreck in the middle of anything).
Aatrox for Hisao (he got NNNNNNGH with his passive).
Ryze for Jigoro (overconfident and toxic grumpy man, loves his book, although no one else does).

Also League sucks. I sold my old account and quit that shit.
Kog has T-Rex arms. They're very, very short.

Lol at the Atrox one.

I swear I had a Lee one, but I can't seem to find it. ._.

Re: League of Katawas

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 6:51 pm
by Steinherz
Xaredian wrote:I swear I had a Lee one, but I can't seem to find it. ._.
Question: Why Kassadin?

Re: League of Katawas

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 7:06 pm
by Sea
I'ma just cry over here because I've got nobody to play DOTA 2 with, everyone seems to prefer league (I entirely understand why, but it's lonely)