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Concept: KS X Ring of Red

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 12:30 pm
by SpcPotshot
I can't believe I'm actually doing this.... :oops:

Alright people, I just want to get a good read on the forums before deciding to post this here or elsewhere. I offer you this: Militia: A KS/ Ring of Red story, a side story to my main Ring of Red fic I'm going to be working on, and mostly an experiment for said main fic and practice to iron out kinks in my writing style.

If you have no idea what RoR was, here's the short version: Ring of Red is a turn based strategy game based in 1960's, politically divided Japan with really clanky, almost steampunk mecha. Bascially, the Korean War in Japan with giant, very real robots. Seriously, they make the VOTOMs look like Getter Robo. This story will take place in 2011, and as such, will have OCs on the RoR side, and they will be American, as they are the ones I think need work before I start on my main fic.

Crossovers? In my KS? Hersey! With American OCs!?! Extra hersey!

I know, I know, the makings of a bad fic. But, to be fair, they are military, and the US does have military bases in Korea and Japan. Anyway...

Changes to KS
*Yamaku is now at Kanazawa Castle in Ishikawa Prefcture, in (of course) Kanazawa. The canon location is now in North Japan, i.e. Commie territory, and as interesting as it would be, I had to move it. Also, there's a hospital right across the street. Logical spot.
* The KS crew will be in their second/starting their third year of college, based of canon of the main game taking place in 2007, they graduate in 2008, and do what any sane Japanese student does and takes a ronin year to study.
* Graduation also includes a 4 week training course for the military, even for those not eligible for regular service. This is similar to what happens in South Korea, and since RoR has both sexes in the military, everyone goes. In true Starship Troopers fashion (the book, not the movie) , they find something for everyone, if only to free up another soldier for the front line.

This will be a short fic, maybe 5 or 6 chapters, and I'm about a third of the way through the first. I want to do some prologue work, and I want to have the second chapter about half-way done before I post, so I give it until the end of Feb until then.

So, what say you?

Re: Concept: KS X Ring of Red

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 12:43 pm
by Oddball
I don't know what Ring of Red is but if you want to write it, do so. Don't worry about what we think.

Re: Concept: KS X Ring of Red

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 1:19 pm
by Silentcook
I do and I'm facepalming, but what the hey.

Re: Concept: KS X Ring of Red

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 4:11 pm
by AntonSlavik020
Sounds interesting enough. Don't know what Ring of Red is, but I'd read it.

Re: Concept: KS X Ring of Red

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 4:52 pm
by Steinherz
Ring of Red

Re: Concept: KS X Ring of Red

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 6:46 pm
by AntonSlavik020
Now what I know what it is, I'm even more interested. Kinda want to play that game now.

Re: Concept: KS X Ring of Red

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 6:58 pm
by Mirage_GSM
Never heard of that game before.
I don't really see much overlap between that scenario and KS, and I'm quite sceptical as to it making a good story.
If you want to try, feel free, though.

Re: Concept: KS X Ring of Red

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 12:36 pm
by SpcPotshot
I'm honestly not expecting it to be good, it's just an experiment. I need the practice.

Mainly, since there is an agreement for what the KS characters should act like, I can get feedback about them staying in character. Also, having established characters interact with OCs might help flesh them out more. Also, since I will be adding 50 some odd years to RoR history, I want to know if the setting seems plausible or thought out at the very least.

I studied the Cold War a lot when I was in college, and my graduating project was on post-war Japan, so I hope I can build a halfway believable world.