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N-th Dimension (N's collection of stories)

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 4:06 pm
by Vindicator N
Okay, this will be a collection of some of my shorts in my head.
A Christmas Miracle (Pt.1)

A very merry christmas to everyone, and to non-christians, may you have a happy holiday season as well :wink:

Re: N-th Dimension (N's collection of stories)

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 4:07 pm
by Vindicator N
A Christmas Miracle (Part One)
A Christmas miracle: A Hisao-Misha Short

December 24th, the happiest holiday across the globe, where people stay home and enjoy their dinner at Christmas Eve, I wish I could find a way to enjoy this day, whereas I don’t think I will be blissful ever again.

Last year’s Christmas was one of the happiest moments of my entire life; I enjoyed giving gifts to my children Hiroshi and Kasumi, singing with my wife, dancing with the whole family, and most of all, having my parents for dinner, some of my former classmates even went to celebrate Christmas with us, Shizune and Lilly was there, heck, even Hanako went here to celebrate. It seems that everything that was there would be only a memory now.

“Dad, are we going to visit mom today?” Hiroshi asked, he surely wants to see her mother on this even.

Hiroshi is a great kid, he could speak English definitely better than me, while acquiring my scientific ability and athleticism, and I wish his mother can see him while he is growing to be one of the top students at Yamaku; even though he’s just a freshman. Hiroshi doesn’t have a disability, he just wanted to go to the same school her mother and I went to.

“Yes son, we will. Go wake your sister up; we might not get another chance to see your mother again. So we must go right away.” I state, his cheerful smile slowly changes to a lonely frown.

Hiroshi walks out of the room and climbs the stairs, calling her sister when he reached the front of her room. I continue taking a sip on my cup of coffee, I wish she was here today, heaven knows how I miss her so much right now.

I space out for a moment, thinking of how this holiday season would be much better with her at the house.

“Hey dad, Snap out of it! We need to get there fast! Aunt Shizune just texted and said we’re needed at the hospital quickly!” said Hiroshi.

I empty my cup of lukewarm coffee and pick up the car keys, reaching for my hat near the door.

“C’mon guys, we need to get going.” I state, Hiroshi and Kasumi hurries to the car as I lock the door to the house.
Hiroshi and Kasumi heads inside the car as I open it; Hiroshi sitting on the front seat and Kasumi at the back. I turn on the engine and steadily drive to the hospital in which my wife is at, Hiroo Metropolitan Hospital.


Well that was a kind of long trip, mainly because of the heavy traffic around the highway we took. It took us an hour and a half to get to the hospital; I spot Shizune with Lilly, Akira, and Hideaki waiting in front of the hospital.

I wave at them so they can see that we’ve arrived, apparently Akira was the only one that noticed, as she pointed at us and yelled “Finally, You guys made it at last!”

I park the car at the spot nearest to the entrance, and open the car door’s locks and head to the compartment, to take the gifts and to give them to the trio eagerly waiting for us.

“My my Hisao, you shouldn’t have.” stated Lilly with a contempt smile, as I hand her a gift.

“…” said Shizune. I wish I studied how to understand sign language, as she’s one of my close friends.

“My sister says thanks too.” said Hideaki.

It’s actually good to know that Hideaki studied sign language just to communicate with her sister; apparently the two of them are always together now, as part of their family’s business.

“Hisao, now is not the time for gifts, your wife is on the Intensive Care Unit right now, and apparently her disease is getting worse by the minute. Doctors say that another session of chemotherapy could kill her.” Akira states.

“Then there is no time to lose. Hiroshi, Kasumi, let’s go inside right away.” I say, facing the two.

Both of them nod and we head up inside the hospital, shuffling quickly towards the elevator to get to the room stated by Akira. By the time we got there, there was a doctor waiting at the door. He looks familiar, it’s like I’ve seen him before…

“Hisao, long time no see my man! What are you doing here?” the Doctor states, with a confident smirk while adjusting his glasses.

Wait a minute, her doctor is Kenji? Of all the people that could have been a doctor, Kenji became one?

“I was told that I am needed here as soon as possible.” I state.

“I see. Are these your children?” he says, as he faces Hiroshi and Kasumi.

I nod at Kenji as Hiroshi and Kasumi face Kenji and say “Pleasant meeting you, Dr. Setou.”

“My name is Hiroshi Nakai, and this is Kasumi.” Hiroshi states while pointing at her sister.

“Nice to meet you two; By the way, just call me Kenji, there’s no need to be formal as you’re my friend’s children.” Kenji states; extending his hand to shake with Hiroshi and Kasumi.

“So, how’s my wife, Kenji? Does she have a chance to live?” I say hopefully.

“Hisao, I’ll tell you the truth. Only a miracle can save her life right now.” Kenji says, with a serious look on his face as he continues. “The reason you were called here is because her body can’t take any more of this, the only thing keeping her alive right now are machines. It’s up to you if you want to remove life support from her body.”

I fall silent, so today is the day, huh?

Re: N-th Dimension (N's collection of stories)

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 4:11 pm
by AntonSlavik020
Aunt Shizune called?