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Transfer from Windows 7 to 8

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 1:33 am
by SpiritAnimalRin
So, I love this game and I got through Emi and Hanako's routes. I got a new laptop today, and I tried transferring the save files. I transfered all the proper files from my old computer (the persistent, the LT1 saves, all to the RenPy file areas) When I open Katawa shoujo, you can see the save files and the unlocked bits on the home screen of Emi and Hanako and some of Rin (working on her route now) but whenever I try to select a save file, it comes up with an error message saying that they can't locate some file named traceback.txt I can't find this anywhere in the files from my old computer. My time and date are correct. What am I doing wrong?

Re: Transfer from Windows 7 to 8

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 4:37 pm
by demonix
The save files aren't compatible with version 1.1, so you'll have to start from scratch.