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Had a "Hisao moment" over the weekend

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 7:09 pm
by Atario
Context: I'm diabetic, and for the last five months, have been on a prescribed diet that brought me down from 255lbs. to 180lbs. Also, my wife is trained as a doctor.

So my wife and I go biking on some local recreational trails, as we usually do. At one point, I climb a moderate slope riding, and she walks her bike up after me. I get to the top and wait for her. As I'm standing there, things begin to look...washed out. Bright. Like an overexposed video. I start breathing harder than I expect. She arrives and starts to say something, but I don't really hear, I just say "I feel dizzy.". Next thing I know, I feel the gravel trail against my back, the back of my head and one elbow kinda hurt, and I'm seeing nothing but sky and her freaked-out face looking down at me asking if I'm ok. First words out of my mouth are "—the fuck??". She tells me later I was out for maybe a bit less than 10 seconds, during which time she pulled the bike(s) from my legs — I had more or less fallen on her when I fainted. We think it was low blood sugar plus low blood pressure (from the effort). It took some time of attempting to stand and getting that washed-out-video effect, then sitting/lying back down, before we were able to get out of there and go home.

Of course, resting on the ground, my thoughts went immediately to Hisao and his many episodes. I always had a sneaking suspicion that his episodes came as a bit of a deus ex machina — Hisao has some serious problem that needs solving, here comes a heart episode and he gets right out of the problem. But trust me, you don't want none o' dat. You get sympathy and other problems take a back seat and/or evaporate, sure, but then you have to deal with the fallout.

In my case, ironically, later that night I noticed some residual pain in/around my ribs, right around my heart area. Going for EKG and x-ray tomorrow. Wish me luck.

Anyone else have any tales of scary spontaneous collapses they'd like to share with the group?

Re: Had a "Hisao moment" over the weekend

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 7:33 pm
by YZQ
Aye, good luck with the checks.

Hisao's attacks usually come when he forgets his medication or over exerts himself. The very first one was a test of character. As some fan fics point out, he also pushed his old friends away during his stay at the hospital.

Re: Had a "Hisao moment" over the weekend

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 7:42 pm
by pandaphil
Best of luck Atario. I hope everything turns out okay.

Re: Had a "Hisao moment" over the weekend

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 8:08 pm
by sennit
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Make it through this and you're more badass than before.

Re: Had a "Hisao moment" over the weekend

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 12:38 am
by Auratus
Having spontaneous collapse? Er, Nope....Not yet.

OK. I wish you luck too, But i guess the world would be either better or worse if the world can be bend to one's wish. I suggest you should prepare yourself and everyone around you for the worst.

@sennit. That's true in most case. As long as you aren't get killed or handicapped. :D

Re: Had a "Hisao moment" over the weekend

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 12:55 am
by pandaphil
I think I fainted in the lunch like in 6th grade once. But that's about it.

And the way I found out about my bad heart was while walking home from work, I started having trouble breathing. Came home, laid down awhile, then called a clinic to have myself checked out. An hour later I was in a bed at the local hospital.

Re: Had a "Hisao moment" over the weekend

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 12:59 am
by KeiichiO
I've blacked out a few times before. Don't really remember much, but I was told it was due to a seizure. Not sure if epileptic, or thermal, but I've had several seizures when I was a kid.

I've also blacked for other reasons, but I'm not so sure of these reasons...

Oh yeah, good luck with your procedures!

Re: Had a "Hisao moment" over the weekend

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 11:07 am
by Loonie
I've had this thing happen to me a few times now and I'm still not certain what it is.

It happens whenever I overexert my muscles usually, like say lifting VERY heavy things. For some context - I'm fine with lifting something like a chair or table and carrying such things several times around. But if I overdo it and really push myself (or worse, if I try to lift something really heavy like an old-style kitchen appliance in my last case), then my muscles get exhausted and after about 1 minute or so I start getting really dizzy and sick. The last time it happened 2 years ago when I was helping my brother haul a old piece of kitchenware that was made of actual lead I think. We tried to lift it several times and I really gave it my all, but I just couldn't do it (not physically strong enough I guess), so we went on moving other lighter stuff for a minute or two more and then all of my previous exertions with that leaden piece-of-shit finally caught up, I got sick and dizzy. The best solution for it is just to lie down horizontally and breathe calmly for a minute or so. After that I regain my strength and things go back to normal. But I have to do it, because if not then it's pretty much guaranteed that I will faint.

I'm guessing it has to do something with my respiratory system or basically with how much air I can get to my muscles. If they strain themselves too much, my lungs can't get enough air to them (or not enough to the brain) and I start feeling dizzy and sick due to a lack of oxygen. I also find it hard to breathe until I do so calmly in a horizontal position, like I said. Alas, this also meant I couldn't stop my brother from dialling his wife and saying that I was quote: "dying over here" - I swear, he did it just to provoke a reaction. :P But he succeeded, she came over and was all worried on my behalf, bringing me stuff to eat,...and she was really sweet...

...but yeah - it doesn't 'solve' anything. If anything I felt stupid for not remembering that this shit did happen to me before and that if I just take it slow and steady with the heavy lifting it doesn't even need to happen. So in the end all that attention you get just seems moreso like pity - makes one embarassed a lot sooner than making you feel like it's a chance to get closer to someone or shit like that.

Re: Had a "Hisao moment" over the weekend

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 12:34 pm
by Warwise
Ive fainted four times.

Two due to heat, one due to low pressure (I was lying down and got up too quickly), one due to fatigue.

Three of them hapened when I was a kid. The fourth when I was about 20. I was doing Kung-fu in mid summer, with about 30° celsius. After a 90 minute training session I got away from the training area, grabed a cup of water and sited down.
I just fell asleep. Everything became black and I started to think I was at my home in a saturdary morning. I started to think about what I was going to do that day, and that I should wake up. After a bit I realized I was not at home, but had just finished training and was had actually fainted. Then I woke up and I was just lying in the chair, holding the cup in my lap and with water all over the floor.

I was not the first. Eventually someone would pass out during training or during the streching by the end of the session.

Re: Had a "Hisao moment" over the weekend

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 1:07 pm
by ReCodes
hope u r well :D whoever u r
i never fainted but i had been in some really painful stomach problem
the worst one was few years back, and i ran out of medication too @_@

Re: Had a "Hisao moment" over the weekend

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 9:19 pm
by Atario
Following up.

Just got back and the EKG looks ok, and the doctor said an x-ray would not tell us anything we don't already know by palpation. The working theory is that I took a handlebar to the sternum/rib-ish area as I went down and it's just some kind of weird internal bruise. No surface marks at all, though. Strange.

But now I'm coming down with a cold. Can't win for losing.

Re: Had a "Hisao moment" over the weekend

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 10:45 pm
by Xanatos
Well, it could be worse. You could have a "I got pushed off the roof" Hisao moment...

Worst I've done is nearly blacked out in line for a roller coaster.

Re: Had a "Hisao moment" over the weekend

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 10:53 pm
by pandaphil
As long as it doesn't happen again. Glad your okay though.

And yeah, colds suck. Got one myself right now. :(

Re: Had a "Hisao moment" over the weekend

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 4:19 pm
by simmr001
got a minor chemical burn from my nose down to my collarbone that took months to heal thanks to collapsing in a chemistry experiment. also managed to partially dissolve my female classmate's skirt, with a different chemical, in the resulting collapse, which the school kindly replaced. apparently lucky i didn't lose an eye in a bunsen burner :( .

like i said. suspected epilepsy, they don't know whether it was that or a bad reaction to the chemicals being used

btw man. good to hear it wasnt life threatening on your part.

Re: Had a "Hisao moment" over the weekend

Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 12:44 pm
by Ultima01
sennit wrote:What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Make it through this and you're more badass than before.
I like the sound of that,but then why does every cold/seasonal allergy breakout hit me harder than the last?