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Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 9:39 pm
by KeiichiO
So I've been wondering a lot lately how it is like for a blind person to go about their everyday life. Katawa Shoujo has peaked my curiosity on blindness with the character Lilly. She seems to be able to do most things on her own. But since KS isn't animated, (Besides the little animations we get after entering act 2) we don't really see how she does things.

I found this youtube channel with videos about this blind man and how he goes about his life. He's very funny and often makes jokes about his blindness. I think his videos are a great way for people to grasp the aspect of blindness. Being able to see my entire life, I'm not sure how one would even live without sight. But this guy seems to get along quite well.

Here's a video of him attempting to cook.

Here's a video of him showing his useless eyes. (A blind persons eye is very interesting looking.)

Re: Blindness

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 11:38 pm
by Umber
I really want to meet a blind person, sit down with them for a talk, and see how they go through their life. Just imagining scenarios, being able to survive as a blind person would be extremely difficult for me, considering I'm so used to being able to see everything. I get where you're coming from.

He didn't seem at all nervous doing things that most would be scared of doing blind (I can't even toast a piece of bread without burning part of the house down). Practice makes perfect, I guess.

One of those comments got me thinking, something along the lines of being deprived of a sense, so the other senses must be heightened to make up for it.
Explains a lot about Lilly.

Re: Blindness

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 11:52 pm
by YZQ
Heightened senses for someone who is deprived of one sense is pretty much par of the course. It's a compensating mechanism the body uses.

There is a difference between blind from birth and blindness which happened later in life.

Re: Blindness

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 12:16 am
by Umber
YZQ wrote:Heightened senses for someone who is deprived of one sense is pretty much par of the course. It's a compensating mechanism the body uses.

There is a difference between blind from birth and blindness which happened later in life.
Blind from birth, yeah, that's the Lilly we know and love. I was thinking about what would happen if, I don't know, someone pointed a laser into my eyes and I had to deal with being blind for the rest of my life. I just find it fascinating how differently they have to approach common tasks (common for us, at least).

I should blindfold myself for a week and see how things play out. Camp in a friend's house so I won't know my surroundings. Of course, it won't be that legitimate a way of living if I compare myself to how Lilly had done things for the past how many years, but it would be fun. Or painful.

Also, I'm trying to imagine Lilly with those murky eyes of Thomas'. Or me with those eyes.

Re: Blindness

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 12:23 am
by Tsu
From what I've read, blind people don't so much have heightened senses as the knowledge of how to use them better, picked up via living while blind.
Like the difference between physical strength versus knowing a martial art.
Though I'm not an expert by any means; I just googled the question a few times.

In terms of how blind people would manage things, I've tried some minor stuff myself with my eyes shut (I may or may not end up completely blind in the future, and I'm nearsighted and have mildly damaged eyes currently) and I managed it well enough. Though it was only not very dangerous stuff, like walking around the house, browsing the internet with a screenreader and bath-related things.

I imagine you could still cook via a timer on a laptop with a voiceover to announce when it hit certain times (or, heck, regular alarm) and some really heat-resistant gloves to avoid burning yourself when you felt around for things, and there's always seeing-eye dogs, braille and that kind of thing to let you entertain yourself, so the only thing I really would mind about going blind(er) would be that I couldn't play video games.
And most TV or movies probably wouldn't have audio descriptions of what was going on as an option.

Re: Blindness

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 12:25 am
by KeiichiO
Umber wrote:
YZQ wrote:Heightened senses for someone who is deprived of one sense is pretty much par of the course. It's a compensating mechanism the body uses.

There is a difference between blind from birth and blindness which happened later in life.
Blind from birth, yeah, that's the Lilly we know and love. I was thinking about what would happen if, I don't know, someone pointed a laser into my eyes and I had to deal with being blind for the rest of my life. I just find it fascinating how differently they have to approach common tasks (common for us, at least).

I should blindfold myself for a week and see how things play out. Camp in a friend's house so I won't know my surroundings. Of course, it won't be that legitimate a way of living if I compare myself to how Lilly had done things for the past how many years, but it would be fun. Or painful.

Also, I'm trying to imagine Lilly with those murky eyes of Thomas'. Or me with those eyes.
I've been thinking I kind of want to experience what it's like to be blind as well. I think there should be some sort of special contact lens that simulates blindness. Kinda pointless, but I think it'd be the easiest way for a person with vision to experience what it's like to be blind.

I also tried imagining Lilly with eyes like Thomas', and it was kinda creepy. Especially since her eyes are so much bigger due to the anime style :P

Re: Blindness

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 1:37 am
by Xanatos
Umber wrote:I should blindfold myself for a week and see how things play out.
Try a day. :lol:

And Lilly's eyes are like Thomas. Look at them compared to the other characters, it's pretty clear the artist was going for that murkiness. It's what tipped me off to her blindness before I ever read a thing about her. :lol:

Re: Blindness

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 1:43 am
by KeiichiO
Xanatos wrote:
Umber wrote:I should blindfold myself for a week and see how things play out.
Try a day. :lol:

And Lilly's eyes are like Thomas. Look at them compared to the other characters, it's pretty clear the artist was going for that murkiness. It's what tipped me off to her blindness before I ever read a thing about her. :lol:
It was quite clear that that's what the artists' intentions were. But I was trying to picture her eyes with a more realistic look. Those were not pleasant sense.

Re: Blindness

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 1:51 am
by Umber
KeiichiO wrote:
Xanatos wrote:
Umber wrote:I should blindfold myself for a week and see how things play out.
Try a day. :lol:

And Lilly's eyes are like Thomas. Look at them compared to the other characters, it's pretty clear the artist was going for that murkiness. It's what tipped me off to her blindness before I ever read a thing about her. :lol:
It was quite clear that that's what the artists' intentions were. But I was trying to picture her eyes with a more realistic look. Those were not pleasant sense.
Lilly's reaction to Akira's eyes if she could see for the first time.

I think a realistic, murky gray Lilly look would be a sight for sore eyes. Time to start some fan art!

Re: Blindness

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 1:58 am
by Xanatos
KeiichiO wrote:
Xanatos wrote:
Umber wrote:I should blindfold myself for a week and see how things play out.
Try a day. :lol:

And Lilly's eyes are like Thomas. Look at them compared to the other characters, it's pretty clear the artist was going for that murkiness. It's what tipped me off to her blindness before I ever read a thing about her. :lol:
It was quite clear that that's what the artists' intentions were. But I was trying to picture her eyes with a more realistic look. Those were not pleasant sense.
I don't see any unpleasantness. It's a bit jarring at first sight, and this guy's no Lilly, but I don't think I'd mind. :lol:

Also, I call them "Raiden eyes" after the Mortal Kombat guy. xD

Re: Blindness

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 2:20 am
by FoxtrotZero
Umber wrote:One of those comments got me thinking, something along the lines of being deprived of a sense, so the other senses must be heightened to make up for it.
Explains a lot about Lilly.
Well, yeah. When your attention is given to fewer senses, it makes sense that you'd give more attention to each of them, particularly the most useful ones. Hence why Lilly had such amazing hearing.

And OP, if you're interested, you might try blindfolding yourself for a while. I read one poster who did that and they said they ended up with quite an understanding of Lilly's position, just being forced to do simple things like pour juice or make a cup-o-ramen without any sight.

Re: Blindness

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 2:57 am
by pandaphil
What's always struck me as odd was how in movies, tv shows, and even VN's, blind women as always portrayed as these ethereal, almost angellic creatures. Never quite understood that. Lilly's a prime example.

Re: Blindness

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 3:04 am
by YZQ
pandaphil wrote:What's always struck me as odd was how in movies, tv shows, and even VN's, blind women as always portrayed as these ethereal, almost angellic creatures. Never quite understood that. Lilly's a prime example.
Well, in Lily's case, she wanted to prove that she would not be the burden of the family just because of her condition.

Re: Blindness

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 3:05 am
by Xanatos
pandaphil wrote:What's always struck me as odd was how in movies, tv shows, and even VN's, blind women as always portrayed as these ethereal, almost angellic creatures. Never quite understood that. Lilly's a prime example.
Lilly is neither ethereal or angelic... O.o

Re: Blindness

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 3:08 am
by YZQ
Xanatos wrote:
pandaphil wrote:What's always struck me as odd was how in movies, tv shows, and even VN's, blind women as always portrayed as these ethereal, almost angellic creatures. Never quite understood that. Lilly's a prime example.
Lilly is neither ethereal or angelic... O.o
I agree on the non-ethereal part. Man, if she did some exercise, her swing of the cane will floor a guy. She's quite angelic, still.