My view on Katawa Shoujo...

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My view on Katawa Shoujo...

Post by Vukadin »

I apologize if this looks too much like a blog post of some kind. Bear with me, I'm just sharing my opinion on the game. This is more of a "mini-review" if you will.

Katawa Shoujo has changed me. In a good way. No longer do I stare at the disabilities of other people. No longer do I disrespect disabled people. And I like this. Because it makes me a better person.
All the girls are wonderfully done, sure some routes could have been done better (Hanako's,Emi's and Shizune's come to mind) but the end result is satisfying.
You have 5 girls with different, and somewhat fresh, personalities.
My favourite gir(s) would be in this order: Lilly, Hanako, Emi, Rin, Shizune.
My favourite route(s) would be in this order: Lilly, Rin, Emi, Hanako, Shizune.
My favourite minor character is Miki. (dem breasts with tomboy-like personality... *drools*)

I like Lilly the most because she's kind, well-mannered and her route made me slightly sad at one point. (Not cry, crying over a video game or shall I say visual novel is over exaggerating to God-like heights.)

Hanako was... A good character, her shyness kind of annoyed me but it was also kind of cute. I felt her route was weak because it showed NOTHING until the actual end, and after that you're left wanting more... But isn't it like that with every other route I wonder...? Where you just want to find out what happened after the credits...

Emi was actually the first girl I did. I was so happy when I got the good ending... Like I accomplished something... But me, a 22 year old kissless virgin, actually just sat there behind the monitor all that time. Doing nothing for his own life. She has that sort of energetic, burning personality which seems to always attract me when it comes to Anime and Manga and such (HINT: Haruhi). Her route can basically be summed up like this: Happy Happy Happy DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA Happy.
And yet you wonder why I didn't like her route. I HATE Drama.

I really didn't like Rin overall. I guess I just don't like oddball characters. In fact, I always seem to avoid oddball people in real life. Perhaps this is for the better. Countering her personality, her route was arguably THE BEST route in the game (Some prefer Lilly, others prefer Rin...). So much emotion... THE FEELS.

Shizune. God I hated that little deafourer muteant bitc*. SHE WAS SO BORING. HER CHARACTER, HER ROUTE. AND TO TOP IT OFF, SHE PICKED ON OTHER GIRLS. THE FUC*ING LITTLE WH*RE. Other than having sex with her, her relationship with you is no different than a friend. You could say that she's the kind of "we had sex but let's just stay friends" girls.

Miki needs no explanation as to why I loved her. (Scroll above for more details)

Overall, the game had some pretty FANTASTIC emotional moments and always left me wondering what happened after the credits rolled... Even now, I feel anxious that there won't be a sequel. Mental disability girls maybe...? Nope, pretty sure 4LS stated that they won't be making new games. WHY THE HELL DID THEY EVEN FORM A TEAM THEN I WONDER...

The game changed me. I feel like a better person. I feel like I can understand people better. Ah, if only life was easy like that... Move into new school and score a girl...

Score: 9/10
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Re: My view on Katawa Shoujo...

Post by Xanatos »

Vukadin wrote:No longer do I disrespect disabled people.

crying over a video game or shall I say visual novel is over exaggerating to God-like heights.

I HATE Drama.

I guess I just don't like oddball characters.

God I hated that little deafourer muteant bitc*. SHE WAS SO BORING. HER CHARACTER, HER ROUTE. AND TO TOP IT OFF, SHE PICKED ON OTHER GIRLS. THE FUC*ING LITTLE WH*RE. Other than having sex with her, her relationship with you is no different than a friend. You could say that she's the kind of "we had sex but let's just stay friends" girls.

Mental disability girls maybe...? Nope, pretty sure 4LS stated that they won't be making new games. WHY THE HELL DID THEY EVEN FORM A TEAM THEN I WONDER...
1) That you ever disrespected people for being disabled makes you a disgusting human being. What possible excuse could you have?

2) You clearly do not know what "exaggerating" means. There are those who have cried over movies, TV episodes, video games, and novels. These people are not exaggerating by doing this. It is their natural emotional response.

3) So...You hate a large portion of both entertainment options and life itself? That's just silly.

4) Rin isn't an "oddball character". That is merely a faulty perception on the part of external parties. Play her route and you learn as much.

5) You can swear on the internet. Your mommy won't ground you, ya know. She doesn't even read your posts. Seriously. Man up. Goddamn. And yeah, Shizune's route isn't all about "LET'S DATE AND BE A COUPLE KTHNX"...So? Welcome to realism. (Also, she doesn't pick on anyone. She argues with Lilly a bit which is not the same. Not to mention Lilly argues as well...)

6) A "mental disability" version of KS is in development but not by 4LS. It was called Mentaru Shoujo and has since been retitled Missing Stars. It is being done by Somnova Studios. The forum is here: and you can find character preview threads in the News section detailing the girls. Enjoy.

6b) They formed a team to make games. I'm truly sorry if that troubles or offends you in any way, really. And you're wrong anyway. 4LS will be doing new things. There are already hints of new projects taking shape. The exact group that worked on KS, however, may not be reuniting. Same studio, different staff.
<KeiichiO>: "I wonder what Misha's WAHAHA's sound like with a cock stuffed down her throat..."
<Ascension>: "I laughed, cried, vomited in my mouth a little, and even had time for marshmallows afterwards. Well played, Xanatos. Well played."
<KeiichiO>: "That's a beautiful response to chocolate."
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Re: My view on Katawa Shoujo...

Post by Shadowstalk »

Xanatos wrote:
1) That you ever disrespected people for being disabled makes you a disgusting human being. What possible excuse could you have?

2) You clearly do not know what "exaggerating" means. There are those who have cried over movies, TV episodes, video games, and novels. These people are not exaggerating by doing this. It is their natural emotional response.

3) So...You hate a large portion of both entertainment options and life itself? That's just silly.

4) Rin isn't an "oddball character". That is merely a faulty perception on the part of external parties. Play her route and you learn as much.

5) You can swear on the internet. Your mommy won't ground you, ya know. She doesn't even read your posts. Seriously. Man up. Goddamn. And yeah, Shizune's route isn't all about "LET'S DATE AND BE A COUPLE KTHNX"...So? Welcome to realism. (Also, she doesn't pick on anyone. She argues with Lilly a bit which is not the same. Not to mention Lilly argues as well...)

6) A "mental disability" version of KS is in development but not by 4LS. It was called Mentaru Shoujo and has since been retitled Missing Stars. It is being done by Somnova Studios. The forum is here: and you can find character preview threads in the News section detailing the girls. Enjoy.

6b) They formed a team to make games. I'm truly sorry if that troubles or offends you in any way, really. And you're wrong anyway. 4LS will be doing new things. There are already hints of new projects taking shape. The exact group that worked on KS, however, may not be reuniting. Same studio, different staff.
I couldn't have said it better myself. I don't get why people feel so bottled with their emotions. I wasn't ashamed nor did I feel any less of a man when I shed a few tears during Lilly's route. That being said, moving onto my next point, I can understand part of what he said about hating drama, but it is a large portion of entertainment and life, like you said. You must appreciate what scenes and emotion it creates or you most likely won't enjoy the game. I can also respect the point you make about Rin. Although she doesn't appeal to me as one of my favorite characters, I appreciate the content of her character and to say that she's an oddball is incredibly wrong. After that, my mom monitors my internet usage and I've been ground 72 times for using the "FORBIDDEN WORD" on the internet /sarcasm. And finally, thank you for giving me that information and Mentaru Shoujo and about 4LS recent plans :D
Here's my Twitter
Hardrockman911: I'm sorry. I know I'm not pretty, like Lilly.
Shadowstalk931: It's okay. Nobody's pretty like Lilly
Hardrockman911: ....
Hardrockman911: I hate being friends with you. I hope you know that.
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Re: My view on Katawa Shoujo...

Post by Vukadin »

Xanatos wrote:
1) That you ever disrespected people for being disabled makes you a disgusting human being. What possible excuse could you have?

2) You clearly do not know what "exaggerating" means. There are those who have cried over movies, TV episodes, video games, and novels. These people are not exaggerating by doing this. It is their natural emotional response.

3) So...You hate a large portion of both entertainment options and life itself? That's just silly.

4) Rin isn't an "oddball character". That is merely a faulty perception on the part of external parties. Play her route and you learn as much.

5) You can swear on the internet. Your mommy won't ground you, ya know. She doesn't even read your posts. Seriously. Man up. Goddamn. And yeah, Shizune's route isn't all about "LET'S DATE AND BE A COUPLE KTHNX"...So? Welcome to realism. (Also, she doesn't pick on anyone. She argues with Lilly a bit which is not the same. Not to mention Lilly argues as well...)

6) A "mental disability" version of KS is in development but not by 4LS. It was called Mentaru Shoujo and has since been retitled Missing Stars. It is being done by Somnova Studios. The forum is here: and you can find character preview threads in the News section detailing the girls. Enjoy.

6b) They formed a team to make games. I'm truly sorry if that troubles or offends you in any way, really. And you're wrong anyway. 4LS will be doing new things. There are already hints of new projects taking shape. The exact group that worked on KS, however, may not be reuniting. Same studio, different staff.
1: I have no excuse. Back then I had no morals. So what, can you judge me just like that?

2: Crying over something that is not real life is in my eyes "over exaggerating". But that is my opinion. An opinion isn't a fact.

3: Large portions of real life Drama? Damn, I guess I have a pretty peaceful life then.

4: She fits the definition of "oddball", so logically wouldn't one call her that? And yes I did play her route. Scroll above for more information.

5: I can swear on the internet, yes, but you do realize that there are sensitive fangirls on here that watch Hetalia and protest over anything H-related right? And that is not realism. Realism is being a dedicated couple. Shizune did pick on other girls in fact, she picked on Hanako and Emi the former causing a scene filled with extreme panic. Did you not play the other routes or something?

6: Ah. Just what I wanted to see. Thank you.
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Re: My view on Katawa Shoujo...

Post by Vukadin »

Sorry for double-posting, but why was this moved to feedback...?

Wasn't that supposed to be for translations and such?

EDIT: Nevermind, it was put there because that's where "reviews" are supposed to be.
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Re: My view on Katawa Shoujo...

Post by Xanatos »

Vukadin wrote:1: I have no excuse. Back then I had no morals. So what, can you judge me just like that?

2: Crying over something that is not real life is in my eyes "over exaggerating". But that is my opinion. An opinion isn't a fact.

3: Large portions of real life Drama? Damn, I guess I have a pretty peaceful life then.

4: She fits the definition of "oddball", so logically wouldn't one call her that? And yes I did play her route. Scroll above for more information.

5: I can swear on the internet, yes, but you do realize that there are sensitive fangirls on here that watch Hetalia and protest over anything H-related right? And that is not realism. Realism is being a dedicated couple. Shizune did pick on other girls in fact, she picked on Hanako and Emi the former causing a scene filled with extreme panic. Did you not play the other routes or something?

6: Ah. Just what I wanted to see. Thank you.
1) Yes. Yes I can.

2) "Over exaggerating" is redundant. "Exaggerating" already denotes overreaction. You cannot "over exaggerate". :P

3) Lucky you.

4) "Oddball" isn't really a concretely defined term. If you played her route, you'd see the flaw in viewing her as such.

5) People who protest over hentai material...Don't frequent this forum, surprisingly enough. So your weird tiptoeing around the sensibilities of people who aren't here still makes little sense. Realism is being a dedicated couple IF that is their desire and intent. For them, it wasn't. They tried it and it didn't work out. Incidentally, that's realism. Please point out where Shizune picked on either Emi or Hanako. A scene of extreme panic was caused by picking on Hanako? No, no it wasn't. Her panic was brought on by Misha pressing a subject that (unknown to her) triggered severe panic and depression in Hanako. Shizune helped Hanako out of the situation by silencing Misha and escorting Hanako from the room. Yeah, she's a real bully.

6) Enjoy.
<KeiichiO>: "I wonder what Misha's WAHAHA's sound like with a cock stuffed down her throat..."
<Ascension>: "I laughed, cried, vomited in my mouth a little, and even had time for marshmallows afterwards. Well played, Xanatos. Well played."
<KeiichiO>: "That's a beautiful response to chocolate."
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Re: My view on Katawa Shoujo...

Post by Vukadin »

Took you long enough to post a reply.

Not gonna argue because "HURR DURR OPINION FACT"
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Re: My view on Katawa Shoujo...

Post by OtakuNinja »

Vukadin wrote: 5: I can swear on the internet, yes, but you do realize that there are sensitive fangirls on here that watch Hetalia and protest over anything H-related right?
... Que? :?
Emibro, Hanabro, [Lilly Lover], Rin Kin, Feminist, Two-timer
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Re: My view on Katawa Shoujo...

Post by Vukadin »

OtakuNinja wrote:
Vukadin wrote: 5: I can swear on the internet, yes, but you do realize that there are sensitive fangirls on here that watch Hetalia and protest over anything H-related right?
... Que? :?
Fangirl detected?
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Re: My view on Katawa Shoujo...

Post by OtakuNinja »

Vukadin wrote:
OtakuNinja wrote:
Vukadin wrote: 5: I can swear on the internet, yes, but you do realize that there are sensitive fangirls on here that watch Hetalia and protest over anything H-related right?
... Que? :?
Fangirl detected?
I dislike Hetalia, but I still feel the need to watch every single episode. Does that make me a fangirl?
Emibro, Hanabro, [Lilly Lover], Rin Kin, Feminist, Two-timer
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Re: My view on Katawa Shoujo...

Post by Vukadin »

OtakuNinja wrote: I dislike Hetalia, but I still feel the need to watch every single episode. Does that make me a fangirl?
... I'll save you from the "Why Hetalia is horrible" novel that I was going to write.
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Re: My view on Katawa Shoujo...

Post by OtakuNinja »

Anyways, what I meant was; why did you even bring Hetalia into this. :?

Don't bother answering, I'll just put you on my ignore list and be done with it.
Emibro, Hanabro, [Lilly Lover], Rin Kin, Feminist, Two-timer
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Re: My view on Katawa Shoujo...

Post by Vukadin »

OtakuNinja wrote:Anyways, what I meant was; why did you even bring Hetalia into this. :?

Don't bother answering, I'll just put you on my ignore list and be done with it.
Have fun.
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Re: My view on Katawa Shoujo...

Post by pandaphil »

Oh dear.
Last edited by pandaphil on Fri Feb 15, 2013 3:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don't always soften the bad things. But vice versa, the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant." ~ The Doctor.
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Re: My view on Katawa Shoujo...

Post by Vukadin »

pandaphil wrote:Oh dear.
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