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Re: I can't play this "game" anymore.

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:24 pm
by EmotionlessFatGuy
i understand you my good sire. welcome to the world of waifus and husbandos.

Re: I can't play this "game" anymore.

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:39 pm
by uwa
I couldn't decide whether to play Hanako or Rin (my demo favorites) first... so I gave up and decided to try Emi. I don't know if that was a mistake or not. She ended up having my favorite story, and yes, it was gut-wrenchingly hard to pick "Take it easy" on replay. I can laugh and merrily pick the raging asshole option in Knights of the Old Republic or Mass Effect, but that one mouse click was awful. When she showed up in other paths, I just wanted to ditch the other woman and go run with her.

Eventually Lilly hit my weak spot for massive damage and managed to displace Emi as my favorite character, but I still like Emi's story best, and I can't know if that was just because it was first.

I think I'm going to decide it's not.

Re: I can't play this "game" anymore.

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:42 pm
by megamanrulesall
Yeah, as was said earlier this game really is interesting and super well done. I think I chose Hanako first because I felt like she suffered the same, well being like a ghost of sorts where most people would barely pay attention to you. I got her good ending which was indeed good. There are indeed times where I thought or wished I could have said other things but were unable to.

Granted, now that I am thinking, Who knows how if this game were real and the player was in Hisao's place, they would have reacted at the age they were back then, versus the age they are now. For me, due to my issues of socialization skills being super low at the time, I think I would have probably made a bunch of mistakes. If say, "doing Hanako's route", maybe I would have been the overprotective type and and gotten the bad ending. Granted, who is to say whether or not that would happen even now. Granted, my personality is the type where I seem to not have negative emotions of my own (due to previously mentioned statments. I tell people it is like my negative energy batteries do not posses the ability to hold a charge anymore) so I seem to be a form of mirror of a less intense reflection of a person's negative emotions.

For example, there would be times where my mom would be upset with me. People who know me know I seem incapable of getting mad and have nearly limitless patiance. However, times when my mom would be upset with me for say, something I forgot to do (Be it truely forgetting or distracted by say, video games or whatnot) I seemed to take on a portion of her same angery ultra stubborn persona and in a sense, reflect her emotions back at her in my own words. So, it could be kinda like the Fight with link & that wizard in Link to the past where you have to keep kitting the energy ball back and forth to not get hit. Of course, I was always the one that lost, but that anger that did barely affect me would dissipate in maybe a 5 to 10 mins maximum. Now, it leaves like it was never there if such things happen.

I had decided to do Rin last as I liked her personality as there was something about her that I couldn't explain. It was like, some unseen force told me or made me do hers last. Maybe partly I though her story would be the most interesting due to her personality. I can't truely say who I liked the best or give a ranking, as all of them are good in their own minds.

I mean, if it were the real world, I know that back way back when, I wouldn't probably even think to try and learn a new "Language" to say, talk to Shizune. Though even now, I sometimes wonder if I would. Part of me might try, but the thing is, for me, my intelligence level seems high to those who talk to me, but the act of absorbing information and truely absorbing it is harder then heck, even now. Yes, I might try it, but I would know that the task would take me a long long time to truely know it and understand.

One time, thought a place that aids in people with disabilities to find work in the community (This guy who was the "Job Coach" was not a right fit for the position at all by the way), pretty much forced me into this position for "Training" at Quizno's I think. The thing is, each way to the place, it would be a good, maybe 2 hours to get there, a couple busses & the train (While driving maybe over a half hour or so). I did some work and then a day or two later, they hand me this menu and tell me "Take this home and have it memorized in the next couple days." I was blown away. Did the job coach not tell them that perhaps my capability of memorizing or remining things isn't the best? Eventually, I had to have my parents call his Supervisor to make it so I could get out of that stressful place. Didn't help that he apparently lied to his boss about "having placed me" when it was in fact a "week of training".

Sorry, went off topic there. For me, it seems I am suited to work that is repetitive and doesn't always have to change over & over. Sometimes maybe even if not having to deal with people. You wouldn't know it if you knew me in real life, you'd think I was one who would be, kinda an extrovert with how much I talk and try to hang out with my friends. BUT, the thing about it is, is that I can feel comfortable if it is say a few of us. If the number of people gets too high (Such as in family gatherings, sucky as it sounds), I tend to have my energy drained out of me, feeling ultra tired for unknown reasons. Doesn't make sense to me at all. But, I live with it knowing that hey, at least I may have made others happy by at least showing up and trying to interact. So for me, I guess I take the hits, knowing that I did good for others, even if I felt some negative instead.

Of course, I will tell you all also, is that someone did indeed take advantage of my situation and personality and etc. Itt was stupid on my part, but my brain was thinking "This person does sound like he is suffering so one time may not be bad." This guy was an employee of the same place I worked at. Basically, he told me some sob story (Which looking back was a lie, but I didn't know back then) and told me to scan and void the items for him to have as money was almost nonexistant for him due to divorce or blablabla. I feel for it once. The thing is, basicallly picture if Snoop Dogg were to work in a retail place in the Garden Section. This guy would say all these nice things, but also things that were clearly indirect threats also. I had never been in such a situation so had no idea what to do. I was unable to process a solution to how to deal with it as he kept doing it more, end even bringing his kid with him as though to guilt trip me more. Let's just say I got fired from that job and that even the interrogaation may not have been 100% by the book of the law. They sure as heck did get a f*ck ton of money out of me due to their "tactics" what with me never having been in any form of trouble before. >_<

Still, that is how my personality is. It just seems like I help others without thinking of the negatives it has on me that much. Of course, this lesson did teach me that no "friend" would ever as you to do something unlawful, and if they do, they aren't your friend then. And, I tend to overthink how my actions affect others and maybe overly worry if I am causing them some negative feelings of their own. That is why I wonder if there would have or would be the possibility of me perhaps getting the bad end for Hanako. I do hope to think I would be able to tell if someone wanted to be alone or to not push an issue. I kinda question it really and what my present levels of that is. Sometimes, my brain way over analyzes things. I mean, people have told me I am good at thinking of positive and negative potential ideas to things they are dealing with, but I have no idea how well I would do with myself. And even if I were to look at Potential Solution A and that it has Positive potential outcome B or negative outcome C, or whether Solution B with D & E for example would be better. I mean, is it good, is it bad that my brain analyzes situations to try and make it so maybe everyone can try to be happy?

Switching gears a bit. When playing Shizune's route, I kinda thought it would be interesting if somehow there was a way where you could have made it where Hisao basically becomes to be the one that mends the friendship of Shizune and Misha to where say, the two of them "Hook up" or something, while Hisao takes a type of "I am glad I could be there to help them out and find happiness in each other" type of thing. Not really needing to technically be with either one or the other, but it could have been interesting and the minor flipside of, because of the help and the affection for perhaps both of them, or maybe they both cared for him in the same was, maybe it could have been a form of"Threesome" ending where the three of them are happy with each other.

I even wondred whether there would be endings that could be possible with say the Pairings of others. I thought of this when I first played Hanako's story and then went to Lilly's, as though somehow the actions you chose could impact both their lives to where they both care super deeply for you and like, both wish to stay with you kinda thing. That may be where the other idea came from.

I don't know, my brain though the potential for such thing happening could be possible. Or, even somehow an ending where everyone could have been happy (Optimistic I know), maybe to the point where you help Shizune & Lilly make up and be friends as well. I guess for me, I just wish that everyone could be happy and get along with each other and not suffer in ways I did and not have to be lonely or "hide away" so to speak being a form of "Ghost", just coasting though with minimal interaction be it by self choice, or the choice of others.

Sorry again if my posts are a bit long. Just got back from Visiting Parents with birthday related events. Not to mention the my stomach must not have been prepared for the awesomeness of the food I ate not even an hour before my stomach went goofy on me. -_-

Like I said, if any of you wish to ask me anything, please do not hesitate or whatever. I am the type that pretty much is open to talking about anything about myself no matter what. So, if you wish to ask me something but worry if I will be offended or disgusted or whatever. You don't have to worry and there is pretty much zero chance I would be disgusted, get upset or angry or anything. Remember the whole barely feel negative emotions thing.

Anywho, take care everyone ok? ^_^ Have a good evening/afternoon/morning/etc and take care. Also, are my posts making sense at all? I do sometimes wonder if I sometimes don't make sense.

I forgot to mention that Rin's endings were pretty "Potent" I guess you could say. Of course the thing that got me was part where Hisao decides to visit her in that painting place above the gallery and she looks almost like she is almost on the verge of like, barely alive. Where she is doing the rocking back & forth with only a shirt on part. That scene seemed to hit me the hardest. Maybe indeed because if how horribly sad she looked, almost to the point where is is like, what if Hisao hadn't bothered to go up there. Would he, the next day gone or gotten a message where maybe something happened and she died or something? Especially due to what the art teacher talks about just before depending if you have him talk about it or not. Part of me would have told Rin that, this probably isn't healthy for you, but maybe it would be best to leave here and forget about all of this due to the toll it is taking on you.

I probably would have been like, you can even hate me if you want, but I want to get you away from this so you can be back to your old self. Because this is not the true you.

It makes me wonder. Would someone like Rin have been thankful if being removed from the situation where she seemed to be barely alive so to speak after a bit of recovery? Maybe like taking her away from the place somehow and getting her to the nurse for example? (Don't ask me how it would work out like that, just something my brain thought of. Maybe he has the Nurse's phone/cell number incase something odd happens to him, who knows?) Would she hold it against the person if they did something like that? I honestly don't know. With Rin, it seems like a big mystery to me.

For me, when things of fiction/fantasy have affected me to the core, I sometimes lay awake at night because my brain is buzzing with a thousand different ideas and scenarios and whatnot. Elfen Lied and Kodomo no Jikaan were ones that also made me feel like that.

For example, what if someone had been able to say, tell Lucy that the reason (The main character whose name escapes me) told her the cousin was male, was because he could tell how upset she was and didn't want to hurt her feelings, would she then, maybe not have listened to that voice in her head telling her to kill & as such, maybe a completly different future unfold for her? Or even during other areas of the story as well.

I can't really remember any off the top of my head with Kodomo no Jikaan, but I am sure some have to do with Rin (Not from this game), and even that pink haired girl who is a bit "Mature" for her age. I honestly don't know. All I know is my brain seems to love tormenting me with sleepless nights due to all the potential scenarios and multitude of possibilities, trying to analyze and draw all of them to some conclusion of sorts. I don't know. Anywho, thanks again everyone for listening to me and what must sound like random ramblings. ^_^;

For me, when doing Shizune's route I got what I think was a bad ending from when you comfort Misha. I can't remember the exact details of the ending of that route (Brain seems all stuffy like filled with pillow fluff, or maybe that is just my neck near the base of my skull in the back of my head, affecting the rest of my head which it does sometimes). It felt odd. I mean, I do wonder if I would have done the action in the spoiler part in real life myself. Also, the part where Misha is near the fence and it sounded like she was thinking of suicide which it sounded like to me at least, that was one hell of a jolt my body felt.

I have never been one that likes the idea of suicide at all. I mean, there may be things where people THINK it to be nessisary, but in reality, it is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. People when in that mindset do not realize this fact, nor do they think of how that selfish action (I consider it to be the most negative action one can do I think as it is usually always over something that could ahve been solved in a different way if given help) nor do they think of how others around them would feel.

There have been a few times where people/friends I have talked to online who mentioned commiting suicide, I somehow managed to talk them out of it. Let me tell you, my brain sometimes wonders where the knoweledge to giv knoweldge to others comes from and two, how I was able to make the person not go though with their plans.

All I know, is that it is one hell of a drain on pretty much your entire being, physically, mentally and otherwise. But the thanks you get from the person after you help them realize that it is not the way to go helps lift your spirits a bit.

Granted, I am sure there may be overly overly extreme cases that are the equivilant of winning the lottery to have had something happen to you that you thought your only choice was wanting to not live, but I have no clue what those would be. Would one be if one were to end up paralyzed to whre, maybe they can only move their face and talk, but maybe not even move their head and whatnot, thinking they were a burden to others around them. Would that be one of the ultra astronomically rare chances that such thinking might be deemed "okay" to others? I don't know. I dont think I even have the ability to put myself in that situation, despite the fact that if my neck surgery had gone wrong, I could have been in that situation or even died then. I honestly have no idea what I would have done.

Another thing to ponder also is the aspects and strength of say one not being born with a disability and then getting one later in life, say due to an accident. Say be it, something happens and you say, lost your arms, or your sight or something. I am sure some people would think it to be the end of their world and life because of say, how dependant they were on that which they no longer have, that they do not posses to strength, or maybe don't even have to capability of enduring it or dealing with it. I ams ure some would think of suicide to be an answer. For me, even I don't know how I would react if say, I were to suddenly end up blind. Most of the things in my life do seem to have to deal with visual related things. So who can say how such a shattering event would affect me. Part of me would hope to have the strength knowing that while this is a pretty F8cked up thing to have happen to you suddenly, it doesn't have to be the end.

But the thing is, people can conjecture all they want, but only truely know once it happens.

Man, my brain seems to be going everywhere. >_<

Just one thing for you all, this is going to be odd and random, but have any of you ever noticed how loud and deafening the sound pure silence makes. I don;t know how to put it in words, but for example, say you are unable to sleep at night, and you don't have music or anything to help you sleep (I use my PSP to play music to help me sleep) try to lay still as much as you can and breathe to where you don't make a sound. Yeah, maybe your heartbeat will be heard, but if not, try seeing if you too can hear the deafening sound that silencxe can make. It blew my mind. It makes you want to make noise just to get the "Noise" that silence does make out of your head. Of course, maybe that is also why I try to listen to music while trying to sleep.

Of course, I do wonder if by my not having done that recently and getting a way way lot of sleep is what allowed me to even have a dream last night/this morning at all.

I don't know. @_@

Re: I can't play this "game" anymore.

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:51 pm
by sleepingfox
glad there are many who feel so intensly about the game like me :P after i did hanako's (which, i got the game yesterday, and spend all the two days doing it) i loved it so much, i found myself walking and pacing around, thinking about the plot before continueing with scenes (not the choices, though). since i have a tendency when i see a good story with good characters to constantly think and absorb every last bit of it into me

unfortunetly, i wanted to 100% her area in it...and saw the other two endings, i hated it. for the last hour it has been bugging me :/ i cant even play any other story lines lol, even though i already had emi's act two on start before i want to hanako's act 3...nope not playing it. had to watch the good hanako ending multiple times to fell better about the bad one

never the less, a really amazing game, should win an award. though tbh i havent played any other visual novels

and, i love how it says on the top, "dont panic, its just a game", something that is very needed :p

Re: I can't play this "game" anymore.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 12:29 am
by Druqkz
EmotionlessFatGuy wrote:i understand you my good sire. welcome to the world of waifus and husbandos.
I had other waifus in the past, but Hanako seems to be a little different.

It's like she's more than a waifu.

Re: I can't play this "game" anymore.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 12:33 am
by Snelx
Druqkz wrote:
EmotionlessFatGuy wrote:i understand you my good sire. welcome to the world of waifus and husbandos.
I had other waifus in the past, but Hanako seems to be a little different.

It's like she's more than a waifu.

yup. i feel like i am two-timing now.
i didn't intend to. :?

Re: I can't play this "game" anymore.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 12:43 am
by Guest
I can sympathize with you, I tried getting into her route first but ended up getting into Emi's (finished hers first, didn't do the bad end)

Went on to do the Hanako route and I loved it.
Looks like my waifu has competition ;w;

Re: I can't play this "game" anymore.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 12:47 am
by Snelx
Guest wrote:I can sympathize with you, I tried getting into her route first but ended up getting into Emi's (finished hers first, didn't do the bad end)

Went on to do the Hanako route and I loved it.
Looks like my waifu has competition ;w;
a lot, in fact 8)
one of the more popular girl

Re: I can't play this "game" anymore.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 10:12 am
by kao
I stopped playing rin's route halfway fearing i wont be able to complete the game if i finished rin's route, so i just play another route while saving the best for last :D

Re: I can't play this "game" anymore.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 12:12 pm
by xiety
KS Shoujo Forum Subtitle
Don't Panic, it's just a game
Well depends on the player how emotionally attached to the game or not
Im a player that I will push through until I finally understand the game / story every character

And its fun when you finally complete it all
This is the part that you can make your own fictional conclusion everyone's route merging into one ending

Re: I can't play this "game" anymore.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 1:47 pm
by sirdakz03
I cannot stop panicking... Really... ^_^

The attachment... Well thought VN...

Re: I can't play this "game" anymore.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 1:52 pm
by Guest
The game hit me like a cannonball on my first playthrough, because I was trying to play more naturally and ended up with Emi and her bad ending. After it was over, I guess that I started to compare what happened there to what happened in my last relationship and they were eerily similar; even my ex-girlfriend and Emi's names are too close for comfort, being one letter off. I guess it just roused bad memories and the feelings associated with them. I felt a lot better after playing Hanako's and getting the good ending. It was heart warming and adorable, and I would love to know someone like that.

Re: I can't play this "game" anymore.

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 12:45 am
by shin0bi272
I just finished Shizune's ending... got the good one if you can call it that. At least with Hanako I got the girl in the end... With Shizune its almost as sad as her bad ending (which I ran through the entire game again using skip mode till the point where I could take the option to get her bad ending). It turns out I AM Shizune! Well not exactly... Im a guy and Im not deaf and Im much older but ostensibly Im just like her. I have to be first, or right, or best, and as such Ive basically driven everyone away from me. Hell I cant even mix my food either just like her! LOL! As a result I feel like Ive kind of reached the same conclusions and mental state that she reached in her bad ending... Ive taken responsibility for what Ive done and its made me sad, lonely, and depressed.

Re: I can't play this "game" anymore.

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 1:52 am
by Azrad
I can understand that. After finishing Rin's path, I feel that I'm just seeking the other endings for the sake of completion. Rin has been the character I liked since I played the demo long ago. I'm attached to her, I suppose. Went to finish her path in one sitting, and so I did so.

As for the other characters, I'll play the game for an hour or so, when I have the time. I'll be a little tempted to see some spoilers, whereas I completely avoided getting spoiler'd with Rin's path.

Re: I can't play this "game" anymore.

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 2:09 am
by alabaster
sirdakz03 wrote:I cannot stop panicking... Really... ^_^

The attachment... Well thought VN...
It's got me completely out of sorts as well; not sure I'd call it panicking, though. I'm staying up super late, hardly eating, can't really interact with actual human beings because I'm so distracted... doesn't sound healthy, I guess, but I'm not complaining. It's such a wonderful experience to have that I'm willing to go through some weird times. At least I don't have classes starting up again until January 20-something, so I'll have time to recover.