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How are you spreading the word?

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 1:01 pm
by pandaphil
I'm wondering how many of you are being good "Katawa Shoujo Ambassadors" and promoting the game to your friends. Anyone having any luck getting others addicted?

So far I've had the most luck on Second Life.

One friends is starting their second arc.

One is starting their second and has d/l'ed the soundtrack.

One downloaded it last night while we were chatting.

Another will get it soon once shes recovered from a bad sinus infection (I'll keep working on her).

I'm also going to burn a copy to disk, and give it to a friend when I hopefully see them for lunch this week.

I'll continuing to pimp it out with my group, and will be posting regular messages on my Facebook page.

How about you guys?

Re: How are you spreading the word?

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 1:43 pm
by Nobody in Particular
I tried getting two of my friends to play it, which failed miserably. One of them had a close-minded approach the reading, so no surprises he rejected, and the other was only mildly interested once I mentioned 4chan. The latter never bothered to check it out.

I have managed to get another friend curious about the VN medium however, seems he's going to play Muv-Luv first though if he gets into it.

Re: How are you spreading the word?

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 3:20 pm
by Dream
One friend i don't really talk with anymore decided to try it out after i talked about it with her a bit. I think she played it up to 100%, it seems her favorite route was Shizune's and Hanako disgusted her at the ending of her route (because of her actions in the sex scene), it seems she enjoyed the story.

Re: How are you spreading the word?

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 5:02 pm
by Gandara
I've mentioned it to several friends, but similar to these other users, a lot of times the friends just don't take to it for one reason or another.

It's a difficult pitch, because you know it's a great game but it's blocked by a barrier of stigma - you are playing an H-game involving girls with disabilities. If you're not up-front about this and your friend plays it, what will they think of you once they come to this realization on their own? What if they're a person who might get really offended by such a thing? It's a difficult one to tip-toe around, but spreading the word about it is still good.

I had one success so far - an old friend from high school who is really into anime gave it a shot. He's a graduate Film student and does his own writing, so he's a pretty harsh critic. He's played the Rin and Hanako arcs so far, and so far he seems to like the story decently. He wasn't impressed with Rin's arc, and liked Hanako's arc quite a bit more, but he didn't like the inclusion of H-scenes - he felt they were artificially injected into the story where they would not have otherwise been necessary.

Our discussions prompted me to also tell him about this message board. I don't think he's made an account yet, but he should - he's certainly vocal enough about his opinions on the game. :3

Re: How are you spreading the word?

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 5:08 pm
by Xanatos
Dream wrote:One friend i don't really talk with anymore decided to try it out after i talked about it with her a bit. I think she played it up to 100%, it seems her favorite route was Shizune's and Hanako disgusted her at the ending of her route (because of her actions in the sex scene), it seems she enjoyed the story.
So consenting to sex is disgusting now? :lol:

I can't say I'm spreading it to friends because I really don't believe I have any...And the people I occasionally talk to online generally know it already. Dunno their opinions on it...

Re: How are you spreading the word?

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 5:14 pm
by Xybaro
It's an anime cripple fucking simulator!

With words words words!

If that pitch doesn't get them to play it, nothing will.


Re: How are you spreading the word?

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 5:18 pm
by Brisingr
I got a few guys into it so far. I got one of my friends into KS just by playing the game at a local coffee shop and he asked me what I was playing. I let him play up until the fireworks and he asked me do download it on his laptop.

Re: How are you spreading the word?

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 5:20 pm
by Xanatos
Xybaro wrote:It's an anime cripple fucking simulator!

With words words words!

If that pitch doesn't get them to play it, nothing will.

Honestly, I first decided to play it because cripples. :lol: As one myself (though not as severe as an amputee), I was curious how they'd pull it off. :lol:

Re: How are you spreading the word?

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 8:26 pm
by YZQ
I got in via Tv Tropes., and since I'm pretty much the loner, you guys have to spread the word.

My best pal is more into WoW. I'm in as well, but didn't jump into this expansion on day one like he did.

Re: How are you spreading the word?

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 8:29 pm
by Xanatos
YZQ wrote:I got in via Tv Tropes., and since I'm pretty much the loner, you guys have to spread the word.

My best pal is more into WoW. I'm in as well, but didn't jump into this expansion on day one like he did.
Oh, expansion fanboys..."What's that? More of the same repetition the rest of the game has already provided in spades? AWESOME!"

Re: How are you spreading the word?

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 8:41 pm
by YZQ
Xanatos wrote:
YZQ wrote:I got in via Tv Tropes., and since I'm pretty much the loner, you guys have to spread the word.

My best pal is more into WoW. I'm in as well, but didn't jump into this expansion on day one like he did.
Oh, expansion fanboys..."What's that? More of the same repetition the rest of the game has already provided in spades? AWESOME!"
Well, for WoW, if you're talking about raiding for gear, yeah, more of the same. My pal and I do WoW more for the storyline. He goes back to WC1 & 2, I started with 3 (Wrath still has the most awesome story). He went "Holy shi.." when I asked him to join my group in Icecrown Citadel against the Lich King. My group previously burnt down the other bosses because of overleveled gear, but Arthas wiped us because we don't know the mechanics.

On a more serious tone, he's a doc, and he IS that type of doc Hisao talks about: being detached to be sane and all that.

Re: How are you spreading the word?

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 11:29 pm
by Katase
I somehow got one of my friends into it and he proceeded to convince a bunch of other people to play. Not sure if I should take credit for that.

Re: How are you spreading the word?

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 5:36 am
by pandaphil
Okay, I've got at least one new person hooked after starting a thread over on Trek BBS, a Sci-fi message board.

Hmmm, as for the sex, as I've mentioned on other threads, nearly every love story these days has a sex scene. So I don't even bring up the sexual angle unless the other person makes a big deal out of it. All that usually accomplishes is to give the wrong idea.

Katase wrote:I somehow got one of my friends into it and he proceeded to convince a bunch of other people to play. Not sure if I should take credit for that.

Sure you should. You're the one who got that snowball rolling. So you get the points. :)

Re: How are you spreading the word?

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 5:47 am
by Xanatos
pandaphil wrote:All that usually accomplishes is to give the other person the wrong idea.
See, that's exactly why I would bring up the sex scenes. The people who aren't idiots will understand that "sex scene" and "porn" are two different things. The people who get worked up over it are people who shouldn't get to enjoy this in the first place.

Re: How are you spreading the word?

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 7:53 am
by gRaViJa
I helped starting the Katawa Shoujo craze over at Funnyjunk, during the last weeks over 50% of the frontpage posts are about KS and dozens of new fans pop up everyday there.