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[spoilers] Hanako X Emi, eroge X anti-eroge?

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 9:57 pm
by xperroni
I finished Emi's path a couple days ago, and Hanako's just now, and I wanted to share what my impressions were. Though you probably got plenty of the same by now... Anyway.

(By the way, this is going to be pretty spoilerific, so don't read on if this kind of thing bothers you.)

I got into Emi's path purely by accident, I really wasn't aiming at her my first time around. At first I thought it was nice that the story didn't end immediately after she and Hisao started dating, but then... I don't know. I have skimmed through other posts, and I've read her path described as "lighthearted", but for me it was kind of disturbing. I take it the idea was to give Emi depth and go beyond the rather saccharine conventions of eroge romance, as it certainly worked that way. But I must confess I was taken completely off-guard when the loli runner showed her fangs; even as things took a turn for the better at the end, I was left with a somewhat bitter emotional aftertaste.

So on my second run I went for Hanako, which was my favorite ever since the release of the "Act I" version. Hadn't this game arrived a good 15 years and two marriages too late, you could say she was "my waifu"... But I digress. Other than Hisao's slightly obsessive attitude towards "protecting" Hanako, I thought the path was rather pleasant, but it also was a pretty standard eroge tale. Hisao's words about depending on Hanako as much as she depended on him, and his concessions on being quite messed up himself, may deviate from the norm, but this is still the story of a mostly-ordinary guy coming into the life of an extraordinary girl and setting things right, getting her love in the process - a "prince charming" story, if you will. Even they having sex before their confession wasn't really that outlandish, and the fact that it ended right then was a bit frustrating - I kind of hoped to see Lily returning to hear the good news.

So to sum it up: Emi's path was different but kind of unsettling, while Hanako's was less original, but more enjoyable overall. I should note however that I haven't actually played more than a couple eroge in all these years, so I'm still a ways from getting bored with the genre's cliches; the escapist tone and simplistic view of romance that permeate many of its works are actually a change from the gritty scifi and historical accounts I use to read. Perhaps a more seasoned player would prefer the new twists over the more conventional approach? I wonder.

Looking forward, I'll probably won't be getting back for more anytime soon. Hanako Syndrome and all that, but also some real-world stuff requiring my attention. However I get the distinct feeling that Rin would be my next choice. Beyond that... We'll see.

Re: [spoilers] Hanako X Emi, eroge X anti-eroge?

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 10:59 pm
by russianspy1234
The thing is, while each path in katawa shoujo has hints of cliche conventions, with the exception of lily, it ends up subverting the hell out of (lily isnt pure cliche, but a little moreso than the rest) For example, if you play Hanako's path with the attitude you describe, of setting right something wrong, you are heading for the bad end.

Re: [spoilers] Hanako X Emi, eroge X anti-eroge?

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 5:06 am
by xperroni
russianspy1234 wrote:The thing is, while each path in katawa shoujo has hints of cliche conventions, with the exception of lily, it ends up subverting the hell out of (lily isnt pure cliche, but a little moreso than the rest)
Of course Hanako's path has its own unique twists, but I feel its approach to genre conventions is one of incremental changes, while Emi's is more subversive. It's one thing to have Hisao wake to his own issues, realize this "helping" thing goes both ways, and come to regard Hanako as an equal rather than a thing to protect; it's another matter entirely to have Emi keep a safe emotional distance even after they had sex, and scorn at Hisao's attempts to close the gap between them.

Re: [spoilers] Hanako X Emi, eroge X anti-eroge?

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 6:58 am
by Guest Poster
Emi's conflict of fear of emotional intimacy is a very real and rather common problem in real-life relationships. Is it possible that you felt a bitter aftertaste because you know or knew someone who had difficulty letting others in and tried to compensate for it/distract from it by being overly physical? Most people who were taken off-guard by Emi's hidden demons mentioned having run into this issue in real life.

Re: [spoilers] Hanako X Emi, eroge X anti-eroge?

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 9:48 am
by Nicendeth
Guest Poster wrote:Emi's conflict of fear of emotional intimacy is a very real and rather common problem in real-life relationships. Is it possible that you felt a bitter aftertaste because you know or knew someone who had difficulty letting others in and tried to compensate for it/distract from it by being overly physical? Most people who were taken off-guard by Emi's hidden demons mentioned having run into this issue in real life.
I can't speak for the OP but for myself, that's true. Probably due to the mentality of our society and expectations/burdens people commonly set for themselves for impressing others.

On another note I've also run into my share of Rins and Hanakos, and my family are a bunch of Hakamichi/Kenjis. As in, the problems they had were the same.

Re: [spoilers] Hanako X Emi, eroge X anti-eroge?

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 11:00 am
by xperroni
Guest Poster wrote:Emi's conflict of fear of emotional intimacy is a very real and rather common problem in real-life relationships. Is it possible that you felt a bitter aftertaste because you know or knew someone who had difficulty letting others in and tried to compensate for it/distract from it by being overly physical? Most people who were taken off-guard by Emi's hidden demons mentioned having run into this issue in real life.
Not the particular situation, but the way it played out – brooding conflict shrouded by a facade of normality – surely rang a bell. It's a bit too easy for me to get into these kind of stories, so it always wrecks me up when there's not-quite-happy moments I can relate to.

Re: [spoilers] Hanako X Emi, eroge X anti-eroge?

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 7:14 pm
by Xanatos
xperroni wrote:loli runner

I should note however that I haven't actually played more than a couple eroge in all these years, so I'm still a ways from getting bored with the genre's cliches; the escapist tone and simplistic view of romance that permeate many of its works are actually a change from the gritty scifi and historical accounts I use to read.
There is no loli runner. And what cliches are you talking about? Simplistic views? Did you even play KS? A large part of its appeal is avoiding the simplistic view.

Re: [spoilers] Hanako X Emi, eroge X anti-eroge?

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 7:35 pm
by xperroni
Xanatos wrote:And what cliches are you talking about? Simplistic views?
When I referred to "genre's cliches" and a "simplistic view" I was talking about eroge works in general. I did write several times that KS "deviates from the norm", gives "depth" to its characters and is even "subversive" at times, but I guess you were too worked up about me calling Emi a "loli" to have noticed.

Re: [spoilers] Hanako X Emi, eroge X anti-eroge?

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 8:20 pm
by Xanatos
xperroni wrote:
Xanatos wrote:And what cliches are you talking about? Simplistic views?
When I referred to "genre's cliches" and a "simplistic view" I was talking about eroge works in general. I did write several times that KS "deviates from the norm", gives "depth" to its characters and is even "subversive" at times, but I guess you were too worked up about me calling Emi a "loli" to have noticed.
Nobody was worked up about that. Try again, maybe with a less incorrect implication. :roll:

Re: [spoilers] Hanako X Emi, eroge X anti-eroge?

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 5:57 am
by Mirage_GSM
I don't notice any "incorret implications" in his posts.
I loved the realistic way Emi's path played out. He found it unsettling... I guess it can be that as well, especially the bad end.

Re: [spoilers] Hanako X Emi, eroge X anti-eroge?

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 7:56 am
by inquisitivenegro
Dude uses way to many quotation marks for me to read this seriously
In fact, this is how I'm reading his post in my head right now

Re: [spoilers] Hanako X Emi, eroge X anti-eroge?

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 1:19 pm
by xperroni
inquisitivenegro wrote:Dude uses way to many quotation marks for me to read this seriously
Then again, I didn't come here for seriousness...

Re: [spoilers] Hanako X Emi, eroge X anti-eroge?

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 3:45 pm
by xperroni
Mirage_GSM wrote:I loved the realistic way Emi's path played out. He found it unsettling...
I guess that part of what bothered me, besides how her path stirred memories of real arguments, is that at first contact Emi looks cute and vaguely childish; combined with her short stature and ponytails, it all gives her a very loli* feel. In hindsight, there were hints all along – the way she bossed Hisao around from the very beginning was definitely off-character for a loli – but it was quite a shock when this cute little girl, which I assumed could do little more than pout when distressed, started getting back at Hisao's misguided attempts at support with such viciousness. It really brought home the point of how little Hisao – and by extension myself – knew about her true nature.

* I know some people disagree to calling Emi a loli, and for a moment I thought this was a strongly held objection – but since then I've been assured nobody gets worked up the least by her being described like that, and so I'm quite happy to stick to my own opinion.

Re: [spoilers] Hanako X Emi, eroge X anti-eroge?

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 3:52 pm
by Oddball
You know, even Hisao picks up on her height being a sorespot for her very early on.

Also, while giving somebody sad puppydog eyes so they'll do what you say is a typical cliche of that kind of character, Emi always seems to draw attention to it and treat it like a joke.

You really should have picked up pretty quickly that she wasn't just some standard pedophile-bait character.

Re: [spoilers] Hanako X Emi, eroge X anti-eroge?

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 4:03 pm
by xperroni
Oddball wrote:You really should have picked up pretty quickly that she wasn't just some standard pedophile-bait character.
Sorry for being slow?