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"Adult Content" (Contains adult content. Duh. Also Meiko.)

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 5:05 am
by themocaw
Meiko Ibarazaki closes her eyes and lays back on the bed, biting her lower lip, her skin shining with sweat. A curl of her cafe-au-lait hair lies plastered to her forehead as she lets out a little gasp of pleasure. Her bosom heaves with each movement of our entwined bodies, each thrust of my hips.

I stop for a moment to catch my breath and wipe off my forehead. She reaches up and strokes my face, whispering to me desperately. "Don't stop. Please. Keep going. . ."

"Give me a moment," I gasp out, between deep breaths.

"All right," Meiko says. "Then let me do it."

I pull out and roll over onto my back with a warm, wet sound. Sex always sounds hilarious to me, for some reason. Maybe it's the fact that it sounds like someone is slapping a steak, or maybe it's just the wet noises or the gasps and moans that people let out. I've never really tried to analyze why that's so. Sex is just funny to me, for some reason.

I'm sure that my lover would roll her eyes and call me immature if she ever heard me say so, though.

Meiko pulls herself up from the bed, stretching her arms out and taking a deep breath. I take a moment to admire her body. She's not young, by any means. There are places where that shows: a bit of a sag here and there, some stretch marks, some crow's feet around the eyes, maybe. But her figure is full and lovely, and her thighs are warm and strong.

She raises herself up and guides me back into her, then lowers herself slowly, closing her eyes and letting out a small sigh as she does so. I reach up and take hold of her hands: our fingers interlace as she braces herself, then begins to move.

I love to watch this. Her hair, loosened from its usual braid, flowing free over her shoulders. Her ample breasts bouncing and heaving with every thrust of her hips. Her strong, practiced movements that rub me up against her most sensitive spots, grinding our hips together, pushing us closer and closer to release.

I once made a mental checklist of the steps that Meiko Ibarazaki takes when she's reaching orgasm. First, she will close her eyes. A little shudder that starts in the shoulders and runs down her spine. If she's the one moving, she'll start to speed up: fast, short movements of her hips that push me down into the bed, making the springs squeak and groan. Her fingers, intertwined with mine, clasp tightly: if her hands were wrapped around my back now, she'd be digging her fingernails into my back. Her teeth bite her lower lip so hard that I'm afraid she might draw blood.

Two more sudden moves, and then I feel her tighten down. I feel her body spasm. I hold her hands tightly as she rides out the waves of pleasure, then guide her back down to the bed as she sags against me.

"I think I'm ready to go again," I say.

A little nod is her only reply.

I turn her face down into the bedsheets. She gathers one of the pillows under her upper body and raises her hips into the air. Taking a firm grasp, I push in hard, bracing myself against her.

This always makes me laugh too. The position works, but it looks so silly. Some of the little jokes I've made in previous lovemaking sessions annoyed her, though, so I hold back this time, and concentrate, instead, on reaching my own fulfillment.

It doesn't take long. We men are so easy to please. Soon enough, I'm pulling back out of her again, release finally achieved.

I reach over for the box of tissues, and we take a moment to clean up the side effects of our little escapade. In sex, just as in life, it's best to clean up after yourself as soon as you can.


"Braid my hair for me?" Meiko asks.


I sit down behind her at her nightstand and take hold of her honey-brown hair. I carefully divide her silken tresses into three strands and begin to weave them together in her preferred loose braid.

"Tell me about Emi and Hisao again." Meiko says.

"He's a good kid," I tell her yet again. "I think he'll be good for Emi. I hope they work out."

"That's good," Meiko says. "I thought that maybe Daisuke would be good for her too. But. . ."

"Yeah. I know."

I finish braiding my lover's hair and fasten it with a small black rubber band, run my hands down her neck and let them rest on her bare shoulders.

(I shouldn't ask. I know I will.)

"Will you marry me?" I ask, as usual.

"Not yet," Meiko replies, as usual.

In more ways than one, Meiko Ibarazaki is Emi's mother.


I leave the Ibarazaki home in the early hours of the morning, before the sun comes up. I drive to Yamaku Academy and arrive just as the dawn finally breaks.

I head straight for my office and make the first of many pots of coffee. I take my first sip as I pick up and study my files.

I'm just finishing my first cup when Emi and Hisao come into my office after their morning run.

Re: "Adult Content" (Contains adult content. Duh. Also Meiko

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 5:13 am
by Mirage_GSM
Seems you found your way back for more than just discontinuing your Saki series.

Re: "Adult Content" (Contains adult content. Duh. Also Meiko

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 5:46 am
by Mahorfeus
Usually I disapprove of fake out fics, but then it kind of occurred to me that this isn't one. As in, I asked myself, "Who the hell else would be banging Emi's mom?" So it should have been obvious from the get-go.

I mean, asides from Hisao of course.

On a more serious note, I can't quite remember if you've written as Nurse from a first-person POV before. I think you did in one of the Saki route companion fics. It works quite well for his character for some reason.

Re: "Adult Content" (Contains adult content. Duh. Also Meiko

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 12:56 pm
by Mirage_GSM
You mean it wasn't obvious from the start?

Re: "Adult Content" (Contains adult content. Duh. Also Meiko

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 1:19 pm
by Comrade
well thats intresting to say the least

Re: "Adult Content" (Contains adult content. Duh. Also Meiko

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 9:41 pm
by Negativedarke
Honestly I half expected the Nurse and Meiko to be an item when I was playing Emi's route.

Re: "Adult Content" (Contains adult content. Duh. Also Meiko

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 4:20 am
by Fiandra
Ha, at first I thought the narrator is Hisao :| does that makes me a bad person ?

Re: "Adult Content" (Contains adult content. Duh. Also Meiko

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 9:22 pm
by Goyulgoyulgil
So will this be an ongoing story or is it a one-shot?

Re: "Adult Content" (Contains adult content. Duh. Also Meiko

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 12:31 am
by emmjay
themocaw wrote:"Will you marry me?" I ask, as usual.

"Not yet," Meiko replies, as usual.
There's gotta be a story there.
Nicely done. I love the acknowledgement of how funny sex can be if you look at it the right way. (Especially like the "slapping a steak" line.) It fits the Nurse's character, too; he is the type to see humor where others don't.
I do have to wonder, though: Does Emi know? Heh, I can see it now: "Hey, come on. What have I told you about seducing my mother?"