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Kenji's Story

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 3:34 pm
by LordDarknus
"Cloudy day...",

The words escape my lips before my brain catches myself knowingly say.

I stare up at the beautiful softness of the greying darkness in the sky,

Memorising it and mesmerising myself with the easing calmness in my mind's eye.

My parents' car pulls away into the distance,

Freeing my nerves to walk into Yamaku's western-styled entrance.

It seems everyone here is disabled, I hear click-clack of wooden canes and the mousy squirl of a wheelchair.

Is that a word? "Squirl"? I don't know. I don't much care.

The air is softly wet, not actually though, but the mood makes me feel alive somehow.

I hear people say rainy days are sad and sunny days make you feel happy, but the opposite holds true to me now.

It always has. I let myself linger in the garden, catching myself enjoying myself for once.

This is a new life for me now. I feel alive, for once I know what the nectar of joy tastes like, even if it's only an ounce.

My smile brings about a clap in the thunders, heralding rain. Cool, pure and refresing. I am reborn as the sky falls down.

Wings of angels from clouds above meet my relieved soul, for once I will no longer be a special case, for once I am the norm, not the exception. For once I've forgotten all reason to frown.

So I smile...

-Kenji's Story
by LordDarknus

The room that is to be my room feels not at all welcoming, hardly warming up to me as I lay on the bed in clean clothes.

Maybe running around in the rain wasn't such a good idea after all. But yeah, it was totally worth it, being caught up in euphoria's throws.

A sweet rising feeling overwhelms me, and while I can't identify the exact emotion, my hands move in automated motion;

Carefully taking off my glasses and setting them aside the bedside, and I succumb to it; this indescribable urge that steals all my attention.

In my dream that I can't tell is a dream, the entire past that has barked and bitten me flips through like a picture book,

No more mom yelling at everything I do, no more dad not much caring about anything I say, no more stupid dogs chasing me, no more classmates who throws pencils and paperballs at me, no more sad pathetic... me. Just a whole new book. A brand new outlook. A new life gained as the old one forsook.

Fading into blackness that falls away into bright morning light, I tell myself I needs some goddamn curtains, to keep out the ugly view of the girls' dorm building if not the sun., on second thought, I think I'll get a pair of binoculars; Apparently some of the girls here are blind enough that they don't realise even I can see them putting on their uniforms at this distance. God I hope my retitnis pigmendoza doesn't worsen too rapidly. Waking up everyday like this could actually be fun.

With so many incentives to start the day with, who the hell needs an alarm clock?

I try to keep my urges in check, less my burlesque entertainment should stiffen so much my c*ck, that I can't put on any pants. ...alright, that's really painful, this has to stop.

After... "eliminating the stiffness", so I could actually put on my pants, I finally force myself out of the room and into class. Should be a blind class, where everyone's walking around with canes and stuff. Have to be blind to miss it.

But, alas, the f*cking architecture defeats me, and I end up one floor down from where I'm supposed to be. Who the hell thought this was a good idea? Designing every floor to look the exact goddamn same? For God's sake, put some variety in it!

"Or A Goddamn Floor Number!"

Someone I didn't know was beside me; "First time here? I take it?", and she asks with such sweetness in her voice... I blush and start to stutter;

"Y-yeah, I know, I shouldn't be using this .."wheelchair elevator", but it's the only way I can be sure which floor I'm on."

She smiles, ..I think, I can't tell unless I lean in closer, but I don't think I should. Someone beside her seems to be burrowing his face into her sleeve as he clings on.

"Friend of yours?", really, I need to think of better things to say when talking to a pretty long-haired girl. And a tall blonde at that.

"Ah yes, this is Hanako, and my name is Lilly, pleasure to be making your acquaintance, Student..", oh, TWO pretty long-haired girls. How the hell did I miss that?

"Setou. Kenji, Setou. Double-o-seven.", let me tell you; I've always, Always, wanted to introduce myself like that. So totally worth it man.

"A-hah, my my, I wasn't aware we were in the presence of a British Agent with such esteem, surely you're not here on a secret mission, are you?", wow, a girl who actually entertains me and is actually entertained by me! Oh Man!

"Why yes, I'm looking for a man with a scar on his face, and has a fondness for fluffy white cats. You wouldn't happen to have.. Seen someone like that?", I wonder how good this girl is with English? She sounds Japanese, but she could be foreign. If she's not dyeing her hair.

Her brilliant smile drops, noticeably, even more so than her posture shifting defensively; "No. I have not. It was nice talking to you.", what? That's it? I blew the conversation just like that? She gets out of the elevator and seems glad to have me out of her hair.

Well, okay. Hey, wait a minute, this is my floor too. Huh. Well anyway, my class shouldn't be hard to find now, I don't even think I should try talking to ..Hanako, was it? As a trail of her dark long hair takes off from Lilly and sprints into a classroom. Which isn't mine.

I keep going on, I don't say anything else to Lilly and she refuses to turn to look at me. So much for all that. My class should be the one just ahead. ...or maybe not. I exhaust all possible classrooms there are on this floor, until I realise I must have missed one back there, the one the blonde girl entered. Lilly's class. That probably means.. she's blind.

I feel like an idiot. Not because I stupidly missed the fact that the classrooms are actually numbered by floor and in sequence, not because I sabatoged my own self-introduction to class by overly explaining how I'm not good with faces, but because my seat is right next to Lilly's. The class representative.

My chair groaning as I take my seat breaks the silence between us, but we don't go further than cursory embarassed greetings before the teacher continues the lesson. I listen. But I'm well aware that Lilly isn't. She works herself up to something of an apology, but I say something comforting that just comes out too assertive.

This isn't working, there's still a whole morning of lessons before lunch time. And I'm not going to spend it being an idiot. I whisper; "Lilly, I'm sorry, I didn't realise you were blind too, you weren't using a cane so I thought you could see-"

"No no, I wasn't offended by that, I had assumed that you were.. being cruelly insensitive to Hanako. When in fact, you couldn't see it.", huh? I ask what she means by that, but I think the answer's made plain to see.

"Hanako is..", Lilly hesitates with a practised pause, either out of politeness, or because she herself can't be too sure about Hanako. But she continues anyway without doubt;

"Hanako has a noticeable scar?" I ask before she could answer, and she almost silently says "yes". She explains about this and that, obviously uncomfortable doing so, while we both slowly let the topic die. The morning goes by as we work on a math quiz while the teacher goes around desks and helps about.

Lunch time comes around when I least expected it, ending the lesson just when I was getting interested in layman's algebra. Everyone else packs up even more quickly than I could have expected them to. Obviously numbers aren't a favourite in this class, it's just lunch time and they've all gotten out of hand.

Lilly asks me something just when I started to keep up with the local packing speed, "If you don't mind Kenji, would you accompany me for a moment?", I say sure, not knowing what Lilly intends, she extends a cane and never knew I offered her my hand.

The handrails along the hall made it unnecessary for Lilly's cane prior, and she had Hanako to guide her. So.. yeah, that explains a little. Lilly stops right outside the door, adjusting her clothing slightly here and there, making sure she's proper and decent before entering Hanako's classroom. ..I would've loudly cleared my throat and sharply knocked if I had gone through all that trouble, but that's just me.

Someone runs up to Lilly almost immediately, but takes a very noticable step back when she sees me. Well, hello to you to Hanako. Oh wait, no, ahem, "I'm sorry Hanako. I may have said something that offended both you and Lilly just now, and.. errm", Hanako starts to squirm away, but Lilly stops her, "Hanako, Kenji can't see."

"Yeah, I was designated as legally-blind, so... I can't learn to drive. Ever.", way to go for myself to try and help the conversation. Lilly saves it though, by pretending I never said anything and walking us somewhere. Explaining and filling the gaps as we go along.

Well, things aren't so bad. Considering how I thought the day would have gone by. The warm whistle of tea pouring into a cup wakes me up, the steam fogs up my glasses when I leaned in too close to confirm that it actually Is English tea. Hanako laughs a little as I fumble to clean my glasses, I chuckle a small smile myself, so carelessly in the relaxing aroma of good tea so strong.

Re: Kenji's Story

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 7:17 am
by LordDarknus
We don't talk much though, as we enjoy lunch time in a quiet room that no one ever walks by, as if we've slipped a world away from Yamaku and found ourselves a little Eden of Earl Grey and ..nothing else. My grumbling stomach makes a mental note to get at least a sandwich next time. Or as soon as possible. Or maybe pick and eat a kumquat.

I can't help but notice that Hanako does indeed have a scar, but I can't tell what it actually looks like without pushing my face into hers, so I just smile when she catches me staring at her. Not that my smile seems to have the intended effect of dismissing any less-than-honourable intentions on my part to her eyes, so I end up shrugging and gently asking her "What?".

"N-N-nothing.", her stuttering is starting to endear itself to me, I can't tell what she really looks like, but that little rasp in her voice and the way she talks, I can't describe her as anything less than cute.

"You're cute.", this is getting to be a bad habit, before long I'm going to start spouting nonsense before I can stop my mouth from running itself- "T-thank you", Hanako replies and saves me a very embarassing apology, well, she's.. umm, this is the first time a girl isn't thinking of punching me for being rude.

"Thanks for not trying to punch me.", yeah, I have a bad habit with letting my mouth shoot itself off. I think Hanako is the one deeply embarrased from it all, I don't even how to answer when she asks what the hell I mean with the things I say.

"No, nothing. It's just.. people don't really like me. Because I have a ..big mouth.", and it's getting bigger. I guess making friends never was and never will be my forte.

And the bells sound, signalling the end of lunch time. Time to go back to class. Hanako seems the most eager and runs off before Lilly realises it. "Oh my..", but she says it with such sullen regret, that I think Hanako's not actually running to class at all.

"I'll meet up with you back in class, Student Kenji.", "err, sure. See you then.", dammit dammit dammit, stop using that word man, what are you? Blind? And in utter haste, Lilly takes off without acknowledging me. Truly I'm a real sorry loser to continually socially fumble and actively drop the ball.

It's one of those times when you think.. "this is going to haunt me for the rest of the year", but it doesn't, my first day at school goes by uneventfully enough, as did my first week, not counting that I've since grown a little distant from Lilly since we first met. We never again walked down together the exact same hallway.

I'm probably the only one who can manage something like that; alienating myself from the most forgiving girl in the school, even when I'm sitting beside her everyday, ..well okay, it's actually pretty easy for her to not bother much with me, since I'm practically invisible to her anyway.

Keeping to myself as I've always done, I manage to pull through that period everyone goes through when transferring. Only now I wish it would never end, since it's becoming clearer and clearer that I'm not going to make many acquaintances here. Hell, just the other day, the teacher said she was going to move me to another seat in class, my place next to Lilly was only meant to be temporary as Lilly helps me adjust to the school.

The original occupant of the seat next to Lilly is a tiny girl with huge goofy glasses, the one who usually helps Lilly with class duties or whatever. So yeah. While it's not as bad as my old unruly "school", it's not like the girls here are planning to gag me up and tie me naked to a chair in my bath. Which.. was actually a dream that woke me up in a humiliating drool.

Hmm, woe is me. I thought this was going to be an exciting new world. But it's just the boring old thing, only a lot less painful. Which is good, I won't complain. But still.. would it kill someone to have a girl fly into a guy's arms?

The thought manifests itself somehow, when a small and fast little terrier of a girl plows me into the ground with a flying tackle. Not the best of things to have happen to me, but I was more shocked and aroused than angry at the twin-tails girl suddenly all over my charms.

Thankfully, she gets off, and we both get up as she submissively plies me with apologies, then disappears around the corner. Was that it? "Oh-And-My-Name-Is-Emi-Ibarazaki-And-I'm-Sorry-Again-I-Ran-Into-You-Maybe-I'll-Make-It-Up-To-You-Sometime-But-Not-Now-Because-I-Gotta-Run!"

Well.. okay. That was it. 'Emi Ibarazaki' huh? Smiling Beauty of the Kawasaki? I pretend I was offended and turn around, ready to move on my way, but someone else was standing in front of me, looking lost and confused under the sun.

"Hello.", we both say the exact same thing in the exact same tone of voice. At the same time. "Hello.", but she says it again, and I'm really confused. "Err, I'm Setou.", she looks at me from top to toe, her eyes lingering at my pants for a while before answering; "I'm human. You need bigger pants."

I look down to where she's looking, oh yeah, the whole Emi thing still hasn't rubbed off of me. I look back at her, and she looks back at me. I turn aside to hide my manliness while telling her; "Don't judge me. In it's my DNA.". She nods, seemingly accepting my answer, and muttering something that doesn't make sense.

"So.. who are you?", surprisingly, it's not very hard to casually ask her that, considering my boner. But err.. she doesn't quite answer me, and instead; "Do you know what it's like to try and catch up to Emi? And when you do, you find her getting it on with some other guy without taking her clothes off first? Then running off just when the guy was getting it up?"

"I think I have an idea, why?", I can now completely turn and face her, since my boner suddenly died. Must be something in the air. Or something she said. And keeps saying; "It's like chasing after tomorrow, just when you finally get to it and it's twelve in the morning, it becomes today, and you realise yesterday you've been staring at the clock all night while staying up."

"Wow.", that makes no sense at all. "That's profoundly deep.", deeply nonsensical. She nods again. And asks me; "Who are you though?"

"Does it matter who I am? I'm Kenji.", ...she doesn't say anything. She just stares at me, then suddenly snaps her head back a little in mock surprise and very calmly declares; "You're Kenji Setou."

"Yes. ....., I'm famous.", her jaw drops slightly. Or maybe a lot, I can't tell. "You're famous? Really? That's nice. I have to go.", huh? I ask her why, but she just runs right by me. Okay.. I'll... just keep going on my way then, maybe I'll pretend I just had a bad trip from a poisonous mushroom.

"I Have To Pee!" She screams her reply back to me, and I thank God no one else is around right now, I slowly turn to face her with all manner of dread dangling on my mind. Hesitantly, or rather, confusedly, I offered to help. And she thankfully declines me immediately, asking me to take her to a female teacher. All the while I have no idea why she needs help going to the bathroom.

I'll really pretend all of that didn't happen, as I don't need to imagine what is transpiring in there, what with the teacher pulling up her skirt and rolling down her black stockings.. No! Stop! Brain! Don't Ever Think That! I Don't Need To Know!

The whole ordeal of just waiting outside, for no reason, hits me as silly. And I'm going to leave, but, she comes out just as I'm about to go. "I'm done.", "That is not something anyone wants to hear about.", "I know, I'm sorry. Maybe I should wear a boy's uniform from now on. With an elastic belt. But would I be confused as a boy? Maybe one of those rainbow-coloured belts? I wonder what they really mean..", and she just keeps going on and on, talking in a continuous flow.

"Would you like to have coffee with me?", I know I'm the one who asked that sentence, but it's so random I could have sworn it came from Her mouth. Usually, using that line will make a girl want to throw a mug with hot coffee at me and leave, but.. "Alright. Follow me."

"Huh?", I have no real reason not to... and the sun is going to set soon, I might as well see where this will go. Why not? I might even get a free meal out of it. Yeah sure, I'll follow this strange girl, even when I just realised I followed her in circling around a tree.

Ahh, so we have trekked outside the school, journeyed down into some old folks' town, and plowed straight into an antiquated restraunt. What is it all for? A surprise party of some sort. Some modest decorations are hung up and about, and I think there are even one or two balloons over there. Hmm, some food and a cake. So it's a Birthday celebration, alright!

"Rin? Is that you?", What? Is that Lilly? It is. Huh. "And.. Kenji?". Apparently, this is Hanako's Birthday party, Emi is bringing Hanako to this "Shanghai" establishment as we speak, and I'm not invited. But they'll endure me if I choose to stay. Well, I suppose I will, at least until Hanako blows out the little candlelight.

The only surprise here for me is Yuuko. I've been frequenting the library a lot but I barely know Yamaku's librarian, and it completely throws me off guard to suddenly see her in a Chinese-esque waitress clothing. Which is kind of cute actually. Like Chun-Li. Only.. pink.

Wait, I did come here for coffee didn't I? I was going to ask Rin about what brand or flavour she wants but she's already babbling something to Lilly, and Lilly is doing her best to not look annoyed. Well, ..I 'll just help myself to one or two of those bite-sized snacks and have my coffee to go. If Hanako should find a relative stranger at her private party, ...but, am I that much of a stranger to her? ...I don't know what to think.

Yuuko finally gets my order done, and I make my hasty exit. I could have sworn I heard Lilly say something. Must have been a goodbye / good riddance. Yeah, that's fine. It's getting late, and I have an appointment with my bed about resting enough for my plans tomorrow, in the early early morning.

Not sure how healthy it is to drink and walk-jog at the same time, but I'm not going to hold on to this cardboard cup all the way back like it's the Olympic torch. ...come to think about it, why the hell did I want coffee? I could have ordered refreshing juice or calming tea, not something that's going to keep me up in bed moaning.

But, what's done is done, and I end up taking a long long shower and sitting up for an hour, doing nothing but complaining to no one, not being able to peacefully sleep for tomorrow's secret mission of soul searching.

Do I want to call it soul-searching? Whatever, I want to see what's in the city here and what's worth getting, it'll be a price-comparison-only thing, the actual buying of stuff for my room comes after a few bowling matches and a lot of betting.

But it is, in a sense, good for my soul, as I can't help but get this feel-good feeling, to wake up so early in the morning and to be doing something I want. If I dare say, it makes me peacefully happy.

I put on my school uniform and blazer for this mission, since I have nothing else thick enough to keep out the daggering chill of a cool sunless morning. Not that I don't enjoy my freezing mornings, as the sharpness of the cold wakes me up fully.

Should I take the bus? They don't exactly come around here this early in the day. Yeah, I suppose the train will do. Taxi will cost too much. The road map whips in the wind and tries to escape my hands, threatening me with a few slaps every now and again.

It doesn't help that the dim street lamps are all I have for illumination, and everything's printed so goddamn tiny that I have to shove my face in it to read it proper. It really is like trying to read off of a poor malnourished bit of grain.

As if sensing me cursing it, it jumps out and catches at the wind, my one and only map flying off to parts unknown, great. Well, I have to chase after it now. Thank you God, for the morning exercise.

Running may not be the most advisable thing for me to do, but no one's really out so early morning- Oof! I bumped into someone, what-the, Hanako? "What are you doing out here so early? Exercise?"

Wow, I can see what Lilly meant about the scars, but it's not really something either of us seem to care too much about, as I stop myself and her from profusely apologising and try and catch that goddamn map!

This is kind of ridiculous actually, Hanako can run way faster than me on her own, but she's pulling me along by my sleeve so I'm guided and don't run into a wall or something, but all our effort amounts to is inevitably getting lost somewhere not even charted on the map. Aww, snap.

Failing to catch anything but a slight cold, we just give up and rest ourselves against a wall. Hanako doesn't look nearly as exhausted as me though, in fact managing to speak quite assertively; "N-Now what?". What's with that? The government has maps and signs all over the place right? That's what I hear they do with taxpayers' money.

Unfortunately, we have no idea where the next map or sign is, so some searching is in order then. How nice. I get to spend some time with a cute girl. On a happy early morning. Alone together. Yeah, some 'soul-searching' it is then. God, Yo; you're my homie.

Re: Kenji's Story

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 7:17 am
by LordDarknus
I'm not sure how to start talking suddenly, when I think back on how badly my conversations always end. It doesn't help either that Hanako is pretty silent herself. ..well, we have an entire early morning and all the empty streets to ourselves, I refuse to let it go to waste.

"Hey, Hani,", okay, I should definitely shut my trap from now on. "H-H-Hani?", she asks with indignation ringing subtly in her lowly tone. "Y-yeah, sorry, I was thinking of those honey muffin cakes yesterday, sorry.", my half-hearted lie gives her visible reason to frown, enough so that I feel sad for her too. We slow our pace.

I'm responsible for that, whatever it is, so I'll own up to it; "You don't.. like parties?", try as I might, she doesn't look at my attempts at comforting her, but I'll keep trying; "Yeah, I don't like parties too." Not even for my own birthday.

"I thought coming to Yamaku would be a grand change for the better in my life, but things still go wrong somehow. Hmm, lately, I've been getting the hint that maybe it's my personality that really gets to people. I wonder if I'll end up changing who I am someday."

"T-T-Things ch-change, people d-don't.", her reply comes from years of harsh experience with people in general, I know enough to share the same thoughts, but I'm not going to leave it like that; "People change enough, not entirely, but small things. It's the little things that people always notices. It's imperfections that give us our character."

"I-I-I'm.. I can't change, m-my, imperfection.", now I feel bad, really bad about not thinking ahead of what I say. But there is hope in her voice that she's not troubled by her scars, it's other people being trouble by them that is her problem. "Hell, I can't change mine either. But that doesn't mean I'm forever the same loser."

Where the hell am I going with this? I can't believe I trust myself enough to not screw this up; "I could be a different person the next day for all anyone knows. I mean, think on the endless possibilities that come from the smallest choices!", oh boy, my mind starts to wander to places I've been on the Internet and around the block.

"I could end up with.. err, umm, Yuuko! In a Romeo-and-Juliet-esque romance that can never hope to last!", that actually made Hanako scoff a little, heh, good! "Or.. I could.., I was with this crazy girl yesterday, and we really talked a lot,"

"Y-you mean Rin?", I suppose that's her. "Yeah, I could practice bowling in the hallways with her, and we'll get really good and very close.", Hanako's smile comes and goes bittersweetly, err, "Or, you know, maybe Lilly harbours some feelings for me. Or at least; some slight stirrings in her heart."

"D-does she?", "Well no, I don't... maybe. A man can hope.", this time, Hanako's smile stays. Out of amusement probably, but I feel just as happy as she does. A feeling of lightness that rises in harmony with the brightening horizon. "Y-y-you know, y-you and.. and Lilly, have the s-same, a-al-almost, the same last names. Only one character apart."

"No we don't.. do we?", I pretend to be flustered, no wait, we do? My blush blooms sincere. "L-L-Lilly's is Satou.", what really? That's.. very fitting of her relationship to Hanako I suppose.

"K-K-kenji?", "Hmm?", something about her voice lifts me wholly out of my folly thoughts; "Don't change.", "Aheh, don't worry, I'm not going to go mad over women.". This time, her smiling eyes meets mine, and a little bit of friendship lights up in our eyes, warming the sky above us as red as a rose.

Whatever happens, at least,

At the very least;

This happened. This went right.

And I find my cloudy day finally turning bright.

This is Kenji.

This was my story.

The End.

Author's Notes:

It's actually 'Retinitis Pigmentosa', but for some reason, I have to imagine Kenji misspelling it. It's the only way he's so cool about being socially awkward. He doesn't know or care enough about his own shortcomings, some would say he is "Short-Sighted", and yet, he manages to give some actual friendly advice on relationships in the game.

Technically, this is Kenji's "Act 1", what happens next somewhat depends on the players path in Hisao's "Act 1", because some of the events don't coincide too well.

For example, it's probable that Kenji may end up with Rin and that explains why he prefers to do text, rather than the borders of the festival sign, and how he describes the art class with such disdain and heartbreak.

Rin's route, 'Don't Panic' - "Club of Dark Arts", "Club full of cute angsty girls who eat your heart out raw",

Shizune's route, ..somewhere - "I had to keep talking to her before she made sense, she wanted to paint my portrait, she wore sandals"

Yeah, Kenji never realises Rin has no arms, and once she started wearing his uniform, he completely fails to recognise her anymore.

(I've always preferred Rin wearing girls' uniform, as per the original RAITA pic, she just looks much better for some reason. Fashion over function in my mind there, but hey, it's a fantasy to begin with.)

Or, if Kenji actually does go with Yuuko, as per popular fan speculation, then.. well, that explains some other things with him.

The whole library book stealing thing. Since he doesn't want to have to face her again after a horrible break-up.

A break-up that Emi may have a hand in, it could be that some rumours went around that Emi was cheating on Kenji, and was the final nail in the coffin of Emi's previous relationship with her boyfriend. And Emi assumed that Kenji was responsible, so Emi starts to sabotage Kenji's relationship out of pure spite.

But Emi never really intends to hurt Kenji, not unless of course, if it means separating Kenji from Yuuko, since the relationship is obviously very wrong.

(Kenji describes Emi as "the Devil", in Emi's route, "Don't Panic"-scene. But doesn't actually bash her much)

In any case, Kenji makes love, and finally loses his mind when he feels nothing but despair and pain. All the agony that happened to him comes back to haunt him and rather than let them go, he just keeps fighting them. Driving himself crazier every day he tries to defeat an imaginary war.

It's mostly exaggerated when he rants to Hisao, everyone needs a hobby and a new guy to pick on, but he seriously has mommy-issues that he just can't let go.

So.. that's some of the background work that went on ever since I started Re-Take. Only none of it was actually used until now.

Hell I have some things from 'Who Goes There' I want to use here but it didn't work out, like how Kenji takes Hanako out at night every now and again to an arcade or bowling or billiards, as per in the game when the player encounters him at night or in the early morning.

No one knows if Hanako is actually in her room right? Hanako has to know how to play pool that well somehow right? Hanako isn't above sneaking out on her own when no one's watching, I like to imagine so.

One of the things that I wanted to do was have Kenji and Hanako playing a shoot-em-up arcade game, and Hanako ends up using both player-1 and player-2 guns herself and setting a high score. Maybe their hands briefly touched when they both reached for a game controller, or Kenji not knowing Hanako likes to dual-wield.

Kenji comments on how Hanako would make an awesome zombie slayer, since she's that in 'Who Goes There', and when she puts on the Proton Pack 2.0, she looks like a Medic-Pyro from TF2.

(Kore wa zombie desu ka?)
(Could this be a Zombie?)

Also, Hisao mentioned somewhere in the game to Hanako about learning to drive, that's one of the first things I have Kenji mention to Hanako here.

And Another thing, it doesn't fit anywhere here, but Lilly was comforting Misha when she first met Hanako, Misha had just confessed her love to Shizune and had been terribly rejected, so she turned to Lilly who is her next best friend.

It's only later that Kenji begins to unintentionally "corrupt" Misha with "American culture" and stuff, and Misha's mean or callous enough that in the game she mentions "Come on Hisao, you don't want to be one of those people who spends their entire day paranoid and locked in his own dorm room right?"

(Kenji doesn't hang out much with Shizune or Misha, so he never quite meets them here, or later either. Instead he meets either Miki and Suzu, or Rika and Saki, or some other pair of romance options.. I mean pair of girls. They always come in two in Yamaku. You can't have one shoe without the other.)

I'm very sure an elevator for the physically-challenged is mentioned somewhere in Shizune's route, but I can't find it again. But I'm sure it's in there somewhere, and Hanako has been using them to avoid people, until Lilly starts to break her out of that habit later. But if I am misremembering, and there is no such elevator, then you can put the blame on me.

Also Also; I really really wanted to use Wanting Qu's song 'Everything in the World' here, but since Kenji doesn't actually end up with Rin here, it doesn't mean much. But I'm saying, if they did, that song would be here right now.

This was 12 hours of my life.

And I'm.. doing Kenji.

God help me.

Writing fan-fiction while sleep-deprived and trying to study and keep your job, it's like.. it's like Playing Visual Novels as Kenji! You fought and Fought to avoid this, you try to convince the other guy; "Hey, Kenji's cool! Super Hisao Bros wouldn't be half as good without him!", but he didn't believe you, and so you played as Kenji. You did it! For the game. For the Love! But you sacrificed your FEELS for this! NO! I WON'T BE A KENJI ANYMOAR!

Re: Kenji's Story

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 11:13 pm
by Oddball
Interesting. Some of the dialogue between Kenji and Hanako seems rather forced and there were a few moments where it was hard to tell which character was talking or whether Kenji was just thinking things, but it's a rather interesting read.

The big problem I have with it is the time frame. Having all this take place right before Hisao shows up seems to be cramming too much into too small a time frame and not giving the characters a chance to recover from it.

Having it be Kenji's first time meeting and interacting with everyone suggests more of a first year of Highschool to me, but then you run into the problem that Hanako and Lily didn't know each other the first year and the second year Lilly mentions that Hanako spent her birthday locked in her room.

Still, it's an interesting take on Kenji and given some ad developments and a year or so to grow into them, I can see him turning into the type of guy you meet during the game.

Re: Kenji's Story

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 7:13 am
by LordDarknus
Oddball wrote:Interesting. Some of the dialogue between Kenji and Hanako seems rather forced and there were a few moments where it was hard to tell which character was talking or whether Kenji was just thinking things, but it's a rather interesting read.
Ah, right. I think I do have a problem / difficulty with character dialogue. Thanks.

Oddball wrote:The big problem I have with it is the time frame. Having all this take place right before Hisao shows up seems to be cramming too much into too small a time frame and not giving the characters a chance to recover from it.

Having it be Kenji's first time meeting and interacting with everyone suggests more of a first year of Highschool to me, but then you run into the problem that Hanako and Lily didn't know each other the first year and the second year Lilly mentions that Hanako spent her birthday locked in her room.
This is technically at the start of the previous year before Hisao, or rather; "One Year Earlier" (a lame one-man joke about DC Comic's "One Year Later" story-jump), as in the first Tea Room "Jam Session" with Both Lilly and Hanako, Lilly said she and Hanako met "one year ago" (...or something like that), at the time when Lilly first moved into the dorms.

Lilly said that "Something Similar happened last year", when Hisao was asking Lilly about Hanako's Misha-induced Panic Attack during class, and in "Kenji's Story", I was deliberately being as ambiguous as Lilly was in describing that Same "occurrence".

So it's all assumed that Hanako ran away when she found out it's in fact her birthday party at the Shanghai, and that she didn't go back to the dorms and spent the entire night wandering until she finally bumped into Kenji.

And if you want to talk about Cramming, Hisao's route takes place in more-or-less One year as well, as he graduates in Shizune's route pretty quickly. (It really can't take Two years in Shizune's route, and Hisao has already missed some of the early periods of school due to his hospitalisation and transfer, so it could actually be Less than a year!) (The Seasons didn't change!)

And who's to say that Kenji didn't Transfer in just last year? No one said anything about it. No one talks the weird dude who doesn't come to class and hides in his room all day being paranoid about cute girls.

(Kenji: "The Student Council is just Two Girls? Are They Cute? No wait, dammit.. I mean.. are they.. ARE THEY CUTE?")

Oddball wrote:Still, it's an interesting take on Kenji and given some ad developments and a year or so to grow into them, I can see him turning into the type of guy you meet during the game.
err, What's an "ad development"?

Thank You for your Post Oddball, I'm sorry again for the late late reply, I was busy with ..stuff.


P.S. : I could be misremembering some things, but I don't think I am. But I could be. So if someone reading this is gracious / passionate enough to double-check / prove me wrong, it will be appreciated in kind.

P.P.S. : By the way, this has some "shout-outs" / "homages" to your works, Oddball.

There's a reference to "Shower Scenes" with the "Me Time" / "eliminating the stiffness" and then there's the whole rhyming thing with "Red Fish Blue Fish".

There's probably one or two more in there, I can't remember, but they're there. Somewhere.

It couldn't have been possible without you!

Re: Kenji's Story

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 1:58 am
by Oddball
I thought I noticed a few references there, but I didn't want to come off sounding too egotistical.

And if you want to talk about Cramming, Hisao's route takes place in more-or-less One year as well, as he graduates in Shizune's route pretty quickly. (It really can't take Two years in Shizune's route, and Hisao has already missed some of the early periods of school due to his hospitalisation and transfer, so it could actually be Less than a year!) (The Seasons didn't change!)
Yeah, All the routes are less than a year. Hisao missed the beginning of the school year by a month or two (I think. I don't feel like going back to check right now) but was there for the rest of his senior year. Shizune's route runs longest as it takes him all the way up to graduation. Most of the other routes cut off long before that.

As for the seasons not changing, ... well, that's probably more of an oversight in the graphics department than anything.

Re: Kenji's Story

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 2:43 am
by LordDarknus
Oddball wrote:I thought I noticed a few references there, but I didn't want to come off sounding too egotistical.

Nah, you're a Cool Awesome Dude, Oddball!


Oddball wrote:
And if you want to talk about Cramming, Hisao's route takes place in more-or-less One year as well, as he graduates in Shizune's route pretty quickly. (It really can't take Two years in Shizune's route, and Hisao has already missed some of the early periods of school due to his hospitalisation and transfer, so it could actually be Less than a year!) (The Seasons didn't change!)
Yeah, All the routes are less than a year. Hisao missed the beginning of the school year by a month or two (I think. I don't feel like going back to check right now) but was there for the rest of his senior year. Shizune's route runs longest as it takes him all the way up to graduation. Most of the other routes cut off long before that.
Oh hang on.. we may not have to go back and check, I found This old thing!

..or if someone doesn't want to open another tab / browser window;
Aura wrote:Hisao's first day at Yamaku is in June (remember all that green in the backgrounds, no snow and half the cast whining about the summer heat?). Tanabata is celebrated in July-August. Mystery solved.
Oddball wrote:As for the seasons not changing, ... well, that's probably more of an oversight in the graphics department than anything.
Daww, I would have loved to play with Hanako in the snow...

Or make a Snow Angel with Lilly...

Or build a snowman with Rin...

Or go skating with Emi,

Or go build a giant snow fortress and stage a real life game of Team Fortress 2 with Shizune and Misha. That would have been Awesome.

Also; This is very important Oddball;

This was your 888th Post!

That makes you Triple Lucky in Eastern Culture! That's a Jackpot! Or Something!

Either that, or you can have a three-way trip in Doc Brown's DeLorean. ... :_The_Game

Re: Kenji's Story

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 4:31 am
by Mirage_GSM
Daww, I would have loved to play with Hanako in the snow...
Where's the problem?
He comes to Yamaku in June, graduation is End of March.
Plenty of time to make snow angels in January and February. (Might be very close to the finals though...)

Re: Kenji's Story

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 3:20 pm
by Oddball
Plenty of time to make snow angels in January and February. (Might be very close to the finals though...)
I don't see why finals would be a problem. I'm sure they'd need some kind of stress relief and break from studying.

Re: Kenji's Story

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 11:40 pm
by LordDarknus
Mirage_GSM wrote:
Daww, I would have loved to play with Hanako in the snow...
Where's the problem?
He comes to Yamaku in June, graduation is End of March.
Plenty of time to make snow angels in January and February. (Might be very close to the finals though...)
But it didn't happen in the game... :cry:
Oddball wrote:
Plenty of time to make snow angels in January and February. (Might be very close to the finals though...)
I don't see why finals would be a problem. I'm sure they'd need some kind of stress relief and break from studying.

By the way, Hisao came to Yamaku on Monday, the 4th of June, 2007.

So 'Transformers 1' happened The Very Next Week! Why didn't anyone say anything about it??

(Actually in Japan, it happened on August 4th, but still...)

Proof of Research / Source / Links: ... 60#p112027
(After returning at night from shopping in town, Lilly Did say it was 'Friday, 8th of June', when Rin was "majorly freaking out" about her unfinished mural.) (the scene was 'Mind Your Step') ... date&btnG= ... %E7%94%BB)
(valid link, just the closing parenthesis of the link isn't highlighted for clicking)

(Hanako is probably more likely turning 17 than she is turning 22, ...probably)

(This is of course, based on one of cpl_crud's writing, giving the year of Hanako's birth as 1990)

(Previously, I ignored all that so I could make the game take place in 2008, when 'The Dark Knight' happened, and Hanako went to see it for her birthday. sort of. (because Harvey Dent was in it))

So.. yeah, "Kenji's Story" takes place when Daniel Craig created an uproar among the 007 fans for being cast as James Bond! Hence the little 007 joke when Kenji introduced himself to Lilly there.

You didn't think I put that in there for no reason, did you?

Like the stupid "Waist Watch" joke in Re-Take, everything Tiny little thing I write has a purpose. (So Lilly could hear when Hisao was around, as the metallic watch makes a distinctive clicking sound when he moves) (and no one else would do such a thing anyway)
(valid link, just the closing parenthesis of the link isn't highlighted for clicking) ... 4%E3%83%AB

Re: Kenji's Story

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 9:27 pm
by Dr. Robotnik

Retinitis Pigmentosa would give you night blindness, but Kenji can see extremely well at night!

Re: Kenji's Story

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 1:52 pm
by LordDarknus
Dr. Robotnik wrote:OBJECTION!

Retinitis Pigmentosa would give you night blindness, but Kenji can see extremely well at night!

It's not a bug. It's a Feeeatureeee.....

Reasons for Kenji having Retninish pigmentosa (pardon spelling, very very tired, not weekend. why god why)

01 - Drama. He will only be able to see Rin (or wheichever girl she chooses) for a relatively short time. Similar to Hisao's heart condition killing him when he grows to about 30 years.

Hence Kenji will fixiate madly on his girl (or girls) (or whaetever haremn route) so when he snaps, the story will be more believable. Relatively.

Reasons No. 02-

Kenji actually meets Rin in the game. but at night. I can reason that Rin's voice deepened, and changede, and Kenji can't recognise her anymore. But it would be pretty impossible for Kenji to not see Rin wearing his old clothes.

So I made it Rentinit pigemntosa, because it was at night, and he can't see as well as in day, (or as he used to)

So it's more beliveable. And Kenji is so out-of0touch / full of himself he doesn't notice it's RIn via other nmore sublte methods anyway.

(this spell checker is trying to help me, but I keep rejetcing her.
(I'm so mean.)
(and tired)

Reasons No. 03 -

Lilly has sharp haring, and can act almost normally, albit with aid of her cane.

So in the same vein, Kenji's hearing must be sharp too, and can tell / behave almost normal as much as lily seems to in the game.

(I think in the same Kenji-meets-rin scene, he hears something the player doesn't)

(i think)

Reaons No, 04

He takes off his eyes once. it was shizune route. yeah it was.

The glasses look kind of shaded dark to a degree. so that helps support the retinis pigmentosa thing.

(something about a sinisther glint Hisao notices about them in the bathroom, when they were naked together.)
(wait, did that happen, or was that the gay-fic I read sometime ago?)
(whatever, either case works)

And when takes his eyes off, he squints. While generally people assume it's a lense problem, it could be that Kneji is squinting to keep out the light damagnig his eyes.

(damn, spell checker, why doyn't you just mock me then?)

Although squinthing could mean anything, actually...

But yeah, he squints.

What was this about again?

oh yeah.

hanako. wearing a pirate hat.

mkaing out with Emi.

no, no, no, she's waring the pirate hat, but kindly telling you...

Image ... 53n0dq.png ... c00008.jpg

"S-s-top.. b-b-blowing... smoke up my ass!"

(A fan art pic of Hanko wearing a pirate hat should be made)
(with hte sprite of her going all "waaa?")
(or soemthing.
