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At first it shocked me, but tis' a beautiful story

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 4:50 pm
by andivegito
Well... I must say, when I first played Katawa Shoujo I was a bit apprehensive. The reason being that I know exactly
what its like to be in a school for physically disabled people. Not only but I myself have cerebral Palsy (Which was
referenced in the game) but as I got further in the story I didn't feel as bad.

It just hits so close to home. But I loved every minute of the story(I haven't finished all paths yet, but I most certainly
will do so) Has anyone one else felt that way when they first played Katawa Shoujo? Did it hit you close to home?
I am just simply curious as to who else might have felt as I did and why? But yeah. It was all good in the end.

Re: At first it shocked me, but tis' a beautiful story

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 5:08 pm
by Loonie
As a non-disabled person myself, I can say it did hit close to home.

I could give you the most standard answer (that it hits close to home because it describes disabled people in a humane way), but what really made it stand out for me is that for all the physical disabilities people might face, it's the self-inflicted mental 'disabilities' that really mess a person up. It's never a matter of how a disability defines the girls, and even Hisao, in KS and it's always a matter of how they chose to react to it...and how through that reaction they sowed the seeds for problems that you come to uncover in each route.

In a way that is what makes KS stand out for me the most. Because wether you've got a physical disability or not (and even though they're treated well in the story too), ultimately it's the mental 'disabilities', the shit we do to each other and most of all ourselves, that all human beings share and which are, I feel at least, the real subject matter of KS.

Re: At first it shocked me, but tis' a beautiful story

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 8:27 pm
by Zezin
I know a slightly similar problem.
I was in something that was a bit of a flip side of Yamaku I went to a school for mentally disabled children but they didn't accept physically disabled children.
It kinda felt like I lost three years of my life there.
I am diagnosed with Autism. (please don't ask for details, I don't like talking about it)

But anyway I felt the same way when starting the game it hit me like a brick.

Re: At first it shocked me, but tis' a beautiful story

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 11:50 pm
by yummines
nothing hit me too close to home cause i dont really share anything with the girls.

except what did affect me was the character's personalities. i can understand the alienation Rin gets from other people, or Hanako's timid nature (i played that damn tile game myself before).

i think thats party why Katawa Shoujo is such a great game. it hits you at all levels

Re: At first it shocked me, but tis' a beautiful story

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 1:10 pm
by ojamamask
I couldn't relate to any of it.
Sucks to not have a horrible life. ;~;

The story still touched me nevertheless.

Re: At first it shocked me, but tis' a beautiful story

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 2:23 pm
by Pyramid Head
While not physically disabled, people have accused me of being insane, some of them had medical degrees even. Though maybe that's why i really liked the Hanako and Rin arcs. I'm a misanthrope who has experience with friends selling you out for stupid reasons who is horrifically disfigured by a beard that grows back in a week if i shave it off, and i actually can understand Rin.
Yeah, just let that one sink in. I liked Katawa Shoujo a lot, didn't like the Shizune or Lilly arc (Mind you i still liked Lilly) but still, i rate it way higher than any other anime-style drama i've seen, ESPECIALLY Clannad which despite the high praise it receives can be summed up with the words "Snow falls, everyone dies."

Re: At first it shocked me, but tis' a beautiful story

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:43 pm
by Tomate
Pyramid Head wrote: ESPECIALLY Clannad which despite the high praise it receives can be summed up with the words "Snow falls, everyone dies."
Kinda like Game of Thrones, eh?

Re: At first it shocked me, but tis' a beautiful story

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 6:22 pm
by Zezin
ojamamask wrote:Sucks to not have a horrible life. ;~;
You deserve to die for saying this. Do you know. How many people would swap lives with you without even thinking twice. Back when I was at the special school I saw kids who are in such terrible condition they will need people to stand next to them their entire lives.
You make me sick beyond belief.

Re: At first it shocked me, but tis' a beautiful story

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 12:32 am
by Dream
Zezin wrote:
ojamamask wrote:Sucks to not have a horrible life. ;~;
You deserve to die for saying this. Do you know. How many people would swap lives with you without even thinking twice. Back when I was at the special school I saw kids who are in such terrible condition they will need people to stand next to them their entire lives.
You make me sick beyond belief.
While i perfectly understand why you had such a strong reaction, please keep in mind he was joking. The joke might have been rather tasteless and lacking in foresight, but i don't know if it was deserving of such a backlash.

And on topic: I am an extremely deppresive and bitter person, abused and insulted by my parents, i have attempted suicide multiple times in my past, been deppressed my whole and bullied for a good chunk of it. Due to that and other reasons, i used to hold a very dark and pessimist outlook of the world, only hoping to someday have the courage to die.

Katawa Shoujo is one of the three things that saved from it. I think what hitted closest to home (And what makes it stand out) Is the general theme of hope, of surviving traumas and scars (the disabilities i mean) to reach some sort of happiness. And also of showing me that there was value and happiness in life and other people, i think that was what got to me the most: Showing me the value of life. And aside from that, the characters are very complex, relatable and interesting, the writing is very mature and moving, the art and music are perfect, etc. Aside from it's beautiful and engaging themes and strong pathos, It was a very well made game.