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The signing in Shizune's cinematic

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 4:15 am
by RecoiL
Hey guys, I was wondering if any of you can shed some light on a topic here...

The only signing we actually see in the novel is Hisao signing to Misha in Shizune's cinematic. Any idea what he's signing/trying to sign,
and in what sign language?

For quick reference, Shizune Cinematc 0:04 - 0:11

Re: The signing in Shizune's cinematic

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 3:54 pm
by Pseudogenesis
I've only been signing for a short while, but it doesn't look like ASL to me. JSL, maybe?

Re: The signing in Shizune's cinematic

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 9:14 pm
by misterprinny
I'm pretty sure this has been asked before, and it's been confirmed either by the devs or Mike Inel who made the cinematic (or both) that it doesn't mean anything in particular. I might be misinformed, however.

Re: The signing in Shizune's cinematic

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 5:28 am
by metalangel
misterprinny wrote:I'm pretty sure this has been asked before, and it's been confirmed either by the devs or Mike Inel who made the cinematic (or both) that it doesn't mean anything in particular. I might be misinformed, however.
It might be why Misha laughs (as if she needs an excuse) that he's nearly said something coherent but gotten just wrong enough to be funny.

Re: The signing in Shizune's cinematic

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 1:50 pm
by RecoiL
misterprinny wrote:I'm pretty sure this has been asked before, and it's been confirmed either by the devs or Mike Inel who made the cinematic (or both) that it doesn't mean anything in particular. I might be misinformed, however.
I've got no idea, but from what little research I did before starting a new topic, seems to me this hasn't been answered in the recent few forum pages, in the few topics that have something to do with signing or in the first and last few pages of the Ask topic...
metalangel wrote:It might be why Misha laughs (as if she needs an excuse) that he's nearly said something coherent but gotten just wrong enough to be funny.
Yeah, so much I figured. Still if this is the case, I wanna laugh my drills of at it too...

So yeah, would be pretty cool if anybody fluent in ASL/JSL could at least tell for sure if it is/isn't either of the two...

Re: The signing in Shizune's cinematic

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 4:07 pm
by misterprinny
RecoiL wrote:I've got no idea, but from what little research I did before starting a new topic, seems to me this hasn't been answered in the recent few forum pages, in the few topics that have something to do with signing or in the first and last few pages of the Ask topic...
Yeah, I read through the entire Ask! thread (what can you say, I was obsessed at the time) and I may have gotten my answer from there.

Re: The signing in Shizune's cinematic

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 12:54 pm
by RecoiL
misterprinny wrote:Yeah, I read through the entire Ask! thread (what can you say, I was obsessed at the time) and I may have gotten my answer from there.
Well, ain't no way I'm digging through 200 pages of questions, having in mind I'll actually read most of them out of interest... I'll keep this thread up for a couple more days, then just post in the Ask! thread, then post the info here for easy reference.

Re: The signing in Shizune's cinematic

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 1:02 pm
by Pyramid Head
I don't think it means anything, it was just an animation to establish Hisao does try to learn sign language, but i could always make shit up. Hisao was trying to guess Shizune's measurements but Misha thought he was using centimeters as the unit of measurement and laughed at how far off he was. As for why Misha would know what Shizune's measurements really are...
...they're posted on the main sight. She probably just looked them up.

Re: The signing in Shizune's cinematic

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 3:39 pm
by RecoiL
Pyramid Head wrote:I don't think it means anything, it was just an animation to establish Hisao does try to learn sign language, but i could always make shit up. Hisao was trying to guess Shizune's measurements but Misha thought he was using centimeters as the unit of measurement and laughed at how far off he was. As for why Misha would know what Shizune's measurements really are...
...they're posted on the main sight. She probably just looked them up.
Pyramid Head
I'm not sure wether I should be scared sh*tless by the fact you're talking to me, find it sweet that Pyramid Head is a fan of KS or laugh my drills off at your comment. I think I'll do the latter.

Hope that's not the case though. Everything else is relatively polished out in terms of details like this...