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[SPOILERS] Disappointed by Hanako's Bad End

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 2:41 am
by Suedars
Is it just me or does the trigger for Hanako's bad end just sort of come out of nowhere? What does deciding to just stay back at Yamaku after seeing Lilly off to the airport rather than heading into the city (where not much happens) have to do with Hisao smothering her with protectiveness? It seems like all the other girls' bad ends are triggered by something central to the theme of their path (not accepting the help of others for Emi, misunderstanding the reasons for Rin's art, not communicating with Lilly, destroying the Misha/Shizune friendship), whereas Hanako's just sort of happens for some mysterious reason.

Am I missing something here?

Re: [SPOILERS] Disappointed by Hanako's Bad End

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 2:59 am
by Mahorfeus
The difference with Hanako's path is that he was being overprotective of her throughout the whole route, with his declaration at the jazz club being the epitome of that. Choosing to call it quits rather than ask her out is denies Hisao the chance to get to know her better, and to realize that he does have feelings for her. His interaction with her during that moment gives him enough confidence in Hanako to accept Lilly's advice rather than underestimating her. At least, that's the way I see it.

Re: [SPOILERS] Disappointed by Hanako's Bad End

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 3:13 am
by Oddball
Going into the city on a busy day in broad daylight is one of the hardest most uncomfortable things Hanako could be asked to do.

Your choice means either you don't think she can handle it and he just wants to protect her or it shows Hisao that he might be wrong about how weak and fragile she actually is.

So, if you don't take Hanako into the city, Hisao has no evidence to show him that Hanako can handle herself and no reason he should trust Lilly's advice over his own opinion. Basically, he's not giving her a chance to be strong and prove herself.

Re: [SPOILERS] Disappointed by Hanako's Bad End

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 3:38 am
by Brogurt
I think a better question is why he suddenly has a headache when you call it a day. Psionic forces at work, maybe?

Re: [SPOILERS] Disappointed by Hanako's Bad End

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 10:25 am
by Snow_Storm
That's what you get for white knighting. There were clues and hints (while subtle) that Hanako drops telling the player not to white knight her.

Re: [SPOILERS] Disappointed by Hanako's Bad End

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 11:47 am
by themocaw
Remember, the night before, you guys stayed out late playing pool together.

Remember, Hanako told you that she wanted to be there for you as much as you are there for her.

Remember, she's wearing her "outdoor" clothes, and not her school uniform.

Re: [SPOILERS] Disappointed by Hanako's Bad End

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 11:51 am
by random
I would rather it would give Hisao a heart attack and he dies rather than him just cowardly slither away and accepting that 'welp, I screwed up, can't do anything to salvage this' THE END

Re: [SPOILERS] Disappointed by Hanako's Bad End

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 12:21 pm
by Tomate
random wrote:I would rather it would give Hisao a heart attack and he dies rather than him just cowardly slither away and accepting that 'welp, I screwed up, can't do anything to salvage this' THE END
But Hanako's Route Hisao is a weepy whelp.

Re: [SPOILERS] Disappointed by Hanako's Bad End

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 2:20 pm
by Tiercelet
Well, remember Hisao is not the only character in the game, here. Obviously the trip out into the city gives him a chance to treat Hanako more as a person and acknowledge that she's not made of spun glass...

...but the more important thing that happens is that while you're in the city with her, she learns a few things about you. For one, she learns that Hisao is not embarrassed to be seen in public with her. (She's insecure about her appearance not so much because of the stares, but because she likes him and worries he'd never find her attractive; what did you think that "do you think she's pretty?" stuff was about?) But far more importantly, she learns that Hisao and Lilly both put a lot of thought into the gifts they bought for her; she finds out that they went around and around the city all day long, and Hisao tells her that they did all this because they wanted to find exactly the right thing for her. Remember, she hates her birthday because she she hates people pretending to like her. If you don't go into the city, she doesn't learn how much effort you put into the gift -- so when you inevitably visit her on her birthday, in her bitterness she's able to assume that you and Lilly, who she thought were her friends, are just like everyone else. If you do go in the city, she gets to retrace your steps and see evidence that you really cared for reals, so she won't believe you're lying to her--that's why it leads to the neutral/good ends. So if you still insist on pestering Hanako on her birthday (neutral end), she won't blow up and throw you out; she accepts that you're not just humoring her. (But you're both too afraid to get out of the comfort zone -- and too convinced that Hisao will always treat Hanako with kid gloves -- that you friendzone each other.)

--a wild slight digression appears!--
Hanako's route isn't what people think it is, because Hanako has a LOT more agency and developing thought processes/emotional process than people give her credit for. Hisao's White Knighting has to stop because he's being obnoxiously, selfishly selfless, so Hanako feels guilty and useless. But it's not like "don't White Knight" is a formula that makes Hanako go for him. She likes you from much earlier than that. The good ending happens not so much because he wised up and left her alone and yay now she's happy with him, but because he stopped being so clingy, which was sort of an ultimatum in her mind -- the space provided enough insecurity, made the comfort zone sufficiently unstable, that she felt she had to show him she had agency and feelings too and wasn't a broken doll to be mended then put on a shelf.

Basically she likes Hisao so much that she's scared to lose him by confessing. And she's so convinced of her own unattractiveness that she just knows a confession would end in failure. (Do we still wonder why this character resonates with so many people...?), another lesson from KS: sometimes it's not about you, and sometimes things are important or effective for entirely different reasons than the ones you think/planned.

Re: [SPOILERS] Disappointed by Hanako's Bad End

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 2:24 pm
by Pyramid Head
The trigger kind of makes sense to me. One of the important details about Hanako is whether or not Hisao is treating her as a friend or just some damsel to protect, and avoiding spending time with her is a good way to convince her Hisao doesn't really give two shits about her.

Re: [SPOILERS] Disappointed by Hanako's Bad End

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 2:48 pm
by yummines
i was only disappointed because of all the hype people give it for being really feels inducing

it didnt give me that many feels other than anger due to the fact that i had to restart the whole path because i saved after the point of no return

she should have gone all yandere and shanked Hisao or something. that would have been interesting

Re: [SPOILERS] Disappointed by Hanako's Bad End

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 4:12 pm
by Oddball
she should have gone all yandere and shanked Hisao or something. that would have been interesting
I've read some of the earlier ideas for the game and heard about others that involved the deaths or Rin, Hanako, Hisao,Shizune, or Misha and frankly, I'm really glad that they didn't go that route (well, other than Kenji's, but that was pretty much black humor anyway). Having a body count in the game would have taken away from the more realistic down to earth feel that the game had. ESPECIALLY if it's because one of the cast suddenly goes psychotic out of nowhere and starts offing people.

Re: [SPOILERS] Disappointed by Hanako's Bad End

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 5:00 pm
by random
you can put a lot of blame in hisao, but the truth is, hanako never tells her friends how she really feels about being coddled like a toddler, and instead just lash out at hisao like satan's bride during her time of the month

Re: [SPOILERS] Disappointed by Hanako's Bad End

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:32 pm
by WorldlyWiseman
random wrote:you can put a lot of blame in hisao, but the truth is, hanako never tells her friends how she really feels about being coddled like a toddler, and instead just lash out at hisao like satan's bride during her time of the month
Remember that she is thoroughly convinced that Lilly and Hisao will leave her if they realize that she's improving. Yay codependency!
random wrote:I would rather it would give Hisao a heart attack and he dies rather than him just cowardly slither away and accepting that 'welp, I screwed up, can't do anything to salvage this' THE END
Having this Hisao die would be an improvement. If he survives, he can be sure to learn nothing from this and repeat the process with some other girl.
Oddball wrote:
she should have gone all yandere and shanked Hisao or something. that would have been interesting
I've read some of the earlier ideas for the game and heard about others that involved the deaths or Rin, Hanako, Hisao,Shizune, or Misha and frankly, I'm really glad that they didn't go that route (well, other than Kenji's, but that was pretty much black humor anyway). Having a body count in the game would have taken away from the more realistic down to earth feel that the game had. ESPECIALLY if it's because one of the cast suddenly goes psychotic out of nowhere and starts offing people.
Hanako punch!

Re: [SPOILERS] Disappointed by Hanako's Bad End

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 10:36 pm
by Snow_Storm
Yandere Hanako is the worse fucking idea I've ever read for a character. The fuck was 4LS thinking at the time?

Anyway, can somebody tell me why people blame Hisao for Hanako's bad ending despite the fact you decide the outcome? Am I missing out or something or am I just retarded for thinking like that?