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Songs for Disabled Girls

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 8:45 pm
by breremarer

Saw a couple of these floating around and figured I'd pitch in myself. Here's a short EP inspired by the game and its young women: Songs for Disabled Girls.

Three of the songs are directly K-S inspired, with a fourth one coming soon for Lilly. Miss Satou's song is one of my favorites, and it's just not coming together yet, so I don't want to prematurely post anything. BUT UNTIL THEN, here's three to chow down on, should you wish.

Jack Who Lives at Home is about Emi, or rather, is about a screenwriter trying to write an Emi movie, but getting strong-armed by a studio into making it something he doesn't want it to be. So... don't know quite how I got off track with that one, but it's still got a lot of Emi's blood pumping through its veins, and it comes with a super fun guitar solo.

Defy (Oh I Know) is Shizune's. I loved playing her path, but she also drove me up a wall. I mean, she’s a good person, but she’s stubborn and pigheaded to all hell. I feel like if I were to date her in real life, I would just constantly be exhausted by her seeming inability to... well... listen. I like flexible people, and Shizune is anything but, so for me dating her would be like dating a StairMaster. So anywho, I wrote an acoustic punk song and my friend Jesse lent me backup vocals. Heh, maybe he's my Misha.

Hanako's is the song that bears her name, and is the most straight-forward of the bunch. Some people might not dig the yell-i-ness of the second half, but there’s a hidden intensity to Hanako that’s hidden under all the meek. She’s got strong feelings, and the times she’s allowed to express them, she does so in spades. Remember that one bad ending? Yeah, I do too.

The last song has nothing to do with any of this, but was hanging around my harddrive, so I tagged it on the end. Anyway, if you happen to like them, please download!

They're free, after all. Hope you guys enjoy!

Re: Songs for Disabled Girls

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 4:42 pm
by Total Destruction
Meant to comment on this like yesterday, but whatever, better late than never. Killer stuff! I get kinda a Jesus Lizard vibe and that's a good thing. Gonna scope out the rest of your discog later this weekend.


Re: Songs for Disabled Girls

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 5:59 pm
by breremarer
Thanks so much, man! Hope you enjoy the rest of the stuff. I'd recommend starting at the album 'Asuka'. It's the most complete and probably best mixed. And like this record, no previous knowledge of the source material required. Some feels are universal. :)

Last song (for Lilly) is up, and it's called Dead Bands of the 90s. Sort of a 'what if she actually left for Scotland' scenario. Sad, but it came out pretty well, I think. Got a nice 90s alt rock feel to it, which I dig.

Which completes the EP. If a song for Rin ever materializes, I'll post that, too. She's just a tough nut to crack, and I don't want to force anything.

Re: Songs for Disabled Girls

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 6:21 pm
by Total Destruction
Success. Keep at it!

Re: Songs for Disabled Girls

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 10:40 pm
Please Excuse My Language.

Fucking Beautiful

If I even attempt to try and say something bad about these, I find a random gun in my mouth with the words printed on
Don't You Dare

Re: Songs for Disabled Girls

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 11:39 pm
by Hongu
This is great, amazing songs man! My favorite is probably Defy (Oh I Know), even though they're all awesome.
The only song I didn't like as much was Dead Bands of the 90s. I found the lyrics a tad bit cheesy, but it's still good.

EDIT: Because I like these so much, I've decided to buy the whole EP and upload it to YouTube. I have a decent amount of subscribers and my most viewed video has over 100,000 views. Hopefully I'll get you guys popular!


Re: Songs for Disabled Girls

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 2:28 am
Hongu wrote:This is great, amazing songs man! My favorite is probably Defy (Oh I Know), even though they're all awesome.
The only song I didn't like as much was Dead Bands of the 90s. I found the lyrics a tad bit cheesy, but it's still good.

EDIT: Because I like these so much, I've decided to buy the whole EP and upload it to YouTube. I have a decent amount of subscribers and my most viewed video has over 100,000 views. Hopefully I'll get you guys popular!

I was waiting for someone to do that so I can add it to my favorites.

Re: Songs for Disabled Girls

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 4:22 pm
by breremarer
Wow! Thanks so much, guys! :D

We're not in this to make any money, so comments like these are really sort of... well, what makes us upload music. It's appreciated more than you know.

And hits are already coming in from that YouTube link, Hongu. You rule, man. :)