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This game does more than give the feels...

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 1:09 pm
by Bathunter07
I remember a conversation I had with a friend of my long ago.
For some reason, we were talking about sadistic choices. And I was asked this question.
For some arbitrary reasons, you have a choice. You can be either drive irreversibly blind, or be killed.
I remember back then, my answer was, to be killed. I couldn't comprehend the idea of being blind, never being able to see the things I wanted to see or thinking about how I would have extreme problems trying to write something.

Then I played this game.

The question just kinda of popped into my mind again.

The answer is now: To be driven blind.

After seeing characters like Lily being able to still do things despite physical disabilities, I realize now that should something that even happened to my eye-sight (which is an actual possibly for me. I already have vision worse than Kenji, through my glasses work...for now. Every time I go to the eye doctor, I'm told that my vision keeps degrading.) I could still go on. Granted, it won't be easy. But has life even been 'easy'?

For you, were a question like that asked to you, how would you respond? And did this game had an effect on that response?

Re: This game does more than give the feels...

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 1:45 pm
by yummines
I would still rather die

Cant play video games, cant draw, cant play sports, can only read books translated in braile or audiobooks, need constant help (either a person or seeing eye dog).

I might get used to it. Doesnt mean id want to though

Re: This game does more than give the feels...

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 1:50 pm
by Brogurt
Not being able to look at porn would be pretty bad though.
At least you'll have Gilbert Gottfried's audio reading of Shades of Gray.

Re: This game does more than give the feels...

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 2:40 pm
by Megumeru
The gift of life is the greatest thing one could have.

So I'd rather end up disabled (blind/deaf/amputee/etc.) rather than dead.

Re: This game does more than give the feels...

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 3:02 pm
by Helbereth
Let's see...

Losing my arms would be trying. I'm rather attached to them, you see. I'd especially miss having hands since I use them so much, but I think I'd be able to cope. I'm not sure how exactly since virtually all my hobbies - and most everything else I do, really - include the dexterous use of my hands and fingers, but there are other ways to do most of them - and technology is crazy these days.

Losing my legs would be equally trying. However, I'm not an athlete at all (far from it), so I wouldn't really miss them in that respect. I would hate being somewhat limited in mobility, but I do a lot more with my hands than I do my feet.

Being horribly burned over half my body would be painful, no doubt, and likely traumatic due to whatever circumstance resulted in such a freak accident, but I'm used to being stared at, feared and, generally, mocked for my appearance. One more layer of ugly wouldn't bother me.

I do enjoy music quite a bit, and I'd have to adjust to losing quite a lot of aural awareness I've developed through careful listening, but I'd deal with losing my hearing rather well. If I lost my voice completely, on the other hand (I've lost my voice temporarily because of respiratory issues before), I'd probably go a little nuts for a while until I settled into a new way to communicate. I abhor the 'text message' probably as much as Shizune, though I'm fond of writing in general.

As for eyesight, losing that would probably kill me. As much as I might need my hands for writing or drawing or playing video games, I need my eyes to see any of those things. Most everything in my life revolves around sight. If I suddenly lost the ability to see the world, I don't know that I'd want to be a part of it anymore. That may sound selfish and downcast, but if I'm to be completely honest, I'd rather be dead than blind.

Sorry if that sounds harsh...

Re: This game does more than give the feels...

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 7:08 pm
by Guest
Helbereth wrote: Being horribly burned over half my body would be painful, no doubt, and likely traumatic due to whatever circumstance resulted in such a freak accident, but I'm used to being stared at, feared and, generally, mocked for my appearance. One more layer of ugly wouldn't bother me.
Fuck, that's depressing.
...I know that feel.

Re: This game does more than give the feels...

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 8:25 pm
by Kouryuu
I would definitely pick being blind. It would take a lot away from me but it would be the start of a new beginning. I would be able to find another reason to live. ^^

Re: This game does more than give the feels...

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 9:15 pm
by ShadeHaven
I'd rather be blind than lose any of my limbs or their function. At least I would have music, and the ability to easily feed myself. Being deaf would just be too annoying and depressing.

Re: This game does more than give the feels...

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 12:50 am
by Other Self
I would choose blindness. It would be very hard because I don't really pay attention to detail. I need my eyes ):
I could live deaf, it would definitely be a shock because my major form of understanding is gone, but I'd adjust eventually.
I could live armless or legless. I love my arms and legs but I'd get over it. maybe try to get automail

But I'd rather die then go through the loneliness and mental anguish that Hanako went through. I can say this because I know what she's going through personally. still am. dont have the scars but i still was nobody. still got bullied. still lonely. still have paranoia. still have problems talking to people i dont know. not even that bad looking either. but ill keep moving forward

Re: This game does more than give the feels...

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 2:37 am
by DrNonookee
Blindness. Deafness. Loss of limbs. Horrible burns. Being struck blind and deaf by a fire that burns me horribly while melting off my limbs.

*Any* of these I would gladly take over the alternative. :shock:

For reasons I won't go into here due to a self-imposed ban on discussion of religious beliefs, I don't believe in the afterlife, or any semblance thereof. In my mind, there is only -one thing- after death - and it is so absolutely, teriffically, mind-numbingly terrfying that nothing in any philosophy that myself, Shakespeare, or anyone else could ever conceive of could possibly be a worse fate. Loss of senses, physical frailty, pain or inconvenience, being forced to give up the things one loves as a result of any of these - they're all preferable to that inconceivable permenant *stop*. At least I'd still be least I'd still be able to feel. :cry:

I live every day living my life to the fullest - while trying my hardest to avoid thinking about death at all. Because frankly, if I think about the inevitability of it for too long, I start to panic. :shock: A man could go insane thinking about that sort of thing...


Re: This game does more than give the feels...

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 9:11 am
by Tomate
I choose blindness over death, unless its a very amusing death.

Dying its too final you know, after you die you can't do much, i rather soldier on and try to live with whatever disabilities fate throws my way.

Re: This game does more than give the feels...

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 12:55 am
by Pseudogenesis
I still can't give the answer as to which I'd want, blindness or deafness.

Blindness would mean no more games, something which constitutes a very very large part of my interests.

Deafness would mean no music, something I don't feel like I could live without, although maybe I'm just overjudging my love of music. Take music out of the picture though, and I could easily handle going deaf.

It's still a damned tough question. I suppose I'd deal with whatever hit me as it went.

Re: This game does more than give the feels...

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 4:52 am
by ILoveSuits
This is really a tough one. I would have rather died than being blind.

But then something happened. Katawa Shoujo happened.

Now, I have different perceptions about being blind, or having no limbs. I am an artistic person, and I am really into books. Being blind would take everything I love away from me. I would rather die than have that. But Katawa Shoujo taught me, that I can adapt. Not only that, but I completely negligently forgotten about everybody around me. People love me, and I don't mean "myself". I mean everybody in general! Even though you might not enjoy life anymore, there will still be someone, at least 1 person, who truly cares for me. Who will help me throughout my times of anguish, and wouldn't abandon me, leaving me to languish in my self-pity. For Lilly, there are so many people who cared about her. How could she possibly let them down and give up on life?! Yes, now I feel the same way. But still, I am thankful for not being blind...