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Fanfic Kenjis backstory

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 3:17 pm
by Zanthos
Katawa Shoujo Kenji's back story part 1
Kenji was originally Hisao but when he found out he was being used by the
secret government know as E.D.E.N. to recreate the hypothetical "Adam and Eve"
phenomenon when done correctly will hasten Eve's mistake of being deceived
by the snake known as "Lucifer"(who is a female traveler like Kenji, but traveled
back to create an all female world). Though seeing as Kenji was the original Hisao,
he succeeded in recreated the fore-mentioned phenomenon therefore he is the last
man on earth surviving until he was captured and was set adrift in the time
vortex: how "Lucifer" travel to up-heave Eve and send the world in a path that lead
to the creation of E.D.E.N. which when they attempt the phenomenon they'll fail
and create "Lucifer's" all female world.Kenji then finds himself at his old school
at this point he decides to thwart E.D.E.N.'s plan so he plants the thoughts of love
into Iwanako who then gave a love letter to Hisao and caused his heart condition
to appear and nearly kill him but unfortunately for Kenji was his first failure
to stop E.D.E.N. and then posing as a doctor he suggests to the doctor to transfer
Hisao to Yamaku Academy where he set himself as a student as well.

End of Part 1
tell me what you think if people like it ill keep righting them.

Re: Fanfic Kenjis backstory

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 3:48 pm
by Guest

Re: Fanfic Kenjis backstory

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 7:00 pm
by Mirage_GSM
I understood less than half of it, but even in the bit that I did understand there is a serious logical fault:
If Kenji is Hisao and he later travelled back in time to give himself a heart attack (why he did that is one of the things I did not understand) he would never have gone to Yamaku in the original timeline.
Not sure if this "story" even needs serious feedback, but whatever...

Re: Fanfic Kenjis backstory

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 9:40 pm
by Zanthos
no I'm sorry didn't include this but i thought everyone knew due to a common time travel law if you are of great importance to the timeline and you travel back to the point of you importance is created the timeline just injects another person in this case Hisao into your place at the point in the time to cancel any paradox inducing events, its not that Kenji is Hisao its that the timeline created Hisao to replace past Kenji from destroying the timeline.

Re: Fanfic Kenjis backstory

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 2:27 am
by DanjaDoom
Zanthos wrote:no I'm sorry didn't include this but i thought everyone knew due to a common time travel law if you are of great importance to the timeline and you travel back to the point of you importance is created the timeline just injects another person in this case Hisao into your place at the point in the time to cancel any paradox inducing events, its not that Kenji is Hisao its that the timeline created Hisao to replace past Kenji from destroying the timeline.

Re: Fanfic Kenjis backstory

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:00 am
by FishyBroski
The first reply to this piece of writing sums up my reaction perfectly.

Re: Fanfic Kenjis backstory

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 2:15 pm
by Episcia
I..I haven't seen fanfics of this quality ever since I stopped visiting


I can try to read the sticky, firstly, and all..right?