Quote from reddit about my article: You're kidding, right? John Walker wrote a review that was critical of a game you liked, and that means he's "bashing" it? Jesus Christ, he's a critic. He criticizes things. I like Katawa Shoujo, but that certainly doesn't mean that everyone else has to.
He's a shitty critic. It's got as much worth as someone saying "Twilight sucks because Meyer's vampires sparkle", except those people don't write an entire review based on that single point. Also, it's the internet, so I'm less than surprised that people continue to crawl under the bar.
Not to say that there aren't flaws with the series, but reading this article was like reading one for Twilight going on for multiple paragraphs about how it sucks because it's printed text and because Edward's skin glitters at one point. It's stupid monkey logic.
The guy goes on for paragraph after paragraph of the tedium of clicking through to read with few meaningful choices along the way, which makes me wonder if he ever played a Legend of Zelda or even (god forbid) Final Fantasy game in his childhood, because hoo-wee. And to see at one point "why should I care if Hisao joins the Student Council or not"... I don't know, because it's the story? Why should you ever care about what the main character does? Why did we care if Link got into the child vigilante squad in Majora's Mask? Oh, right, because the moon will crash into the planet and nuke it if he doesn't. Well, shit. I guess 4LS needed to put an exploding apocalyptic moon in the game. I vote Kenji to play the Skull Kid.
Honestly, no. It's just so much looking like a whiny six-year old complaining because it's too slow and doesn't involve a part where he can kill things.
He never criticizes the story itself, which is... almost all there is to criticize, really, as it's a visual
novel, not a comic book or video game. (Which is what he compares them to.) Aside from his questions on "why should I care about this event or that"?
Seriously, aside from four paragraphs in his whole post, he just whines about the tedium of clicking, in such a thinly-veiled manner it's obvious he's just mad it isn't a TV show or movie he can zone out and watch. And it leaves you wondering how much he actually read.
You can sum up his article on the game like this, if you cut out the "baww I has to click" paragraphs:
"I hate that it's closer to a novel than to a video game, movie, or comic book. I can't care about the characters (probably because, as I claim, I'm clicking endlessly while zoned out), and the sex scenes aren't enjoyable. My playthrough ended up with the youngest-looking of the girls so I feel slightly perverted."
That's not even close enough to be a review... there's more fluff in his couple dozen paragraphs than in anything in KS, including Kenji's rants.