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Kenji's Fantasy

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 10:58 pm
by Via
I was actually quite bored when writing this one. Just had the idea, and decided to put it into words. Not sure if you'll like it or not, but I do hope you at least enjoy it a bit.

I'm thinking of keeping this short. Maybe 4 or 5 more short chapters, and that's it. It depends on my free time how fast I write them (I DO have a lot of that by the way). I won't say anymore, except that I'll ask you to excuse me if there are some grammatical errors. English is not my fort.

Chapter 1


I don’t recall calling his name in this manner since we met for the first time, and even if I did, the absurdity of the situation wouldn’t have let me remember anyway.

“S’up, man. What’s the matter? You look pretty weird. I think.”

Fortunately I found him at the same time he walked out of his room. That would save me some time. I rushed at him and stopped just before making physical contact, much for Kenji’s amusement.

“I should be asking that. What the hell is wrong with you?”

Through those thick eyeglasses I wouldn’t normally be able to define the kind of look he was giving me, but I could more or less assume that his shady eyes were wide open, probably because he had never heard me speak to him in such a hostile way, though that was simply the effect of my tired voice after rushing through the stairs, not taking my heart into consideration at all.

“Man, calm down. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“How would you not know? I mean, just look at you!”

My indication was off in more than one way. Obviously Kenji wouldn’t be able to get a clear look on his appearance even if he had a mirror in front of him, and then came the fact that there was nothing visibly wrong with him. His uniform was in order and, as always, he wasn’t wearing any kind of accessories.

“What? Something wrong with my face or something?”

“No, not that. I mean…” It took me a bit of effort to place my thoughts in order. “I didn’t mean physically, but… psychologically, so to say.”

“I still don’t understand what you’re talking about.”

Kenji was an odd person, no matter how you looked at it. Well, no, “looked” is not the best word. Kenji looked like a normal glasses-wearing student. It was when you talked to him that you discovered his oddity. Any normal person would be thrown aback by his strange reasoning and apocalyptic views on the world’s future (a world conquered by females and such). It is actually quite impressive that I can stand being bothered by him in a daily basis. I can say I can stand his personality. I can stand his tastes. I can stand what he likes. I can stand what he hates. I could stand anything about him, as the good “friend” I am.

“Anyways, man, I also wanted to talk to you. Don’t you think girls are beautiful?”

The fact that his trail of thought gave a 180º turn was what made me react that way.

Kenji, who was always badmouthing girls. Kenji, who could declare in public his great hate towards the opposite sex. Kenji, who, and it’s not an exaggeration, had almost psychotic ideas about women and their plans to destroy the male population. That Kenji was now a clear example of a “girl lover”.

“That’s exactly what’s wrong with you.” I said, trying to sound as calm as possible.

“What is?”

“You still feign ignorance, traitor?” Shouldn’t have used that word. Makes me feel as if he had actually defected an anti-girl faction I was also part of.

“Traitor is a pretty harsh word. I’m not getting you, man.”

Well, enough with being subtle about things.

“Why are you suddenly a… non-woman-hater?” Even I admit how weird I phrased that.

“Oh, so you’re talking about that. Man, you scared me. I thought it was something more important.”

Well, truthfully speaking, it wasn’t anything that serious, but hearing that remark coming from Kenji, the feeling of uneasiness just grew inside my heart. Which, in turn, made the topic at hand much more serious in front of my eyes.

“I discovered the marvels of the female gender.” The way he said was off, somehow. “Now I see them as beings worth of my respect. Muses, angels… Divine creatures, made by the full grace of god.”

Ok… Now I was seriously worried. From one day to the other, Kanji changed the label from “scum” to “god”, which was an amazing way of leveling up.

“What happened to you, man?” I said, grabbing his shoulders. “You used to speak things like women being evil and wanting to take over the world or something.”

“Oh, don’t misinterpret me, man. I DO believe women are going to take over the world.”

“…You what?”

“As you heard, man. Women are going to rule this world. And it’s going to be awesome. It’s going to be a prosperous and wonderful world, filled with peace and beauty. Beauty I tell you. Beauty.”


“Yeah. When women take over the world, everything that might once have been bad will disappear. There’ll be no wars, no conflicts, and no sadness. Just the happiness of living in a place where you can accomplish everything and anything. I was born to wait for that moment, man, and I think you should accompany me in this journey, as a fellow girl-loving man.”

I liked girls, but that was beyond the point. Kenji talked nonsense before, but somehow, this was even more nonsensical.

“What made you change your point of view?”

“A sign from the heavens, that’s what it was.” He lost me there. “I woke up yesterday morning, and I simply knew that my whole philosophy was wrong, man. Simply wrong. Women weren’t that bad. They were the best this world had to offer. I knew it, man, that I had to correct my ways. So that’s why I went to that girl Lilly for calling her a devil behind her back, apologized and said she was truly beautiful, though I’m still not sure. Eyes, y’see.”

And so, Lilly came to me, confused. I told her that Kenji’s words had no deeper meaning, which calmed her down. Maybe the idea of Kenji thinking about her in a special way didn’t really appeal to her.

“And this morning I told this Ikezawa girl the same thing, and added that she was a blessing to this world. Though she ran away immediately.”

She went straight to me when walking into the classroom, which was unusual and discussed this matter to me. She didn’t even know how to think about it. After some minutes of trying, I finally calmed her down, stopped that shaking of hers, and decided to check on Kenji. Hence, here I am.

“Y’know, Kanako doesn’t handle that kind of thing very well.”

“Didn’t know. I’ll have it in mind next time I try it.”

“That’s not the point… Wait, you’ll try again?”

“Of course, man. I want every girl in this school to understand how beautiful they are; let them know their divine potential. How great their race is in comparison to every other living being in this planet.”

I was actually scared at that point.

“You need to get a grip of yourself there, Kenji.” That’s all I could say.

“I’m fine, man. I already told. I feel better than ever.”

Kenji walked past me and went to the stairs.

“Hey, wait.” I stopped him. “Where are you going now?”

“Isn’t it obvious? Now that I love girls, I need to do something to show their race my feelings.”

He kept referring to the female gender as a “race”, which was creepy on its own way.

“And how are you going to do that?”

“Not really sure, man. Maybe I’ll start dating someone again? I already have some people in mind… Oh, I should also apologize to my last girlfriend, though she was a bit crazy.”

Things were getting a bit out of control inside his head. Maybe it wouldn’t be that weird for any other person, but it was Kenji who we were talking about. I couldn’t be sure about anything.

There was actually something weird going on. As much as I believe of Kenji as a crazy person, he is not someone who would abandon his ideals just like that. There had to be a reasonable reason for his sudden change of heart. More reasonable than it being a “sign from the heavens”. But there wasn’t anything I could discover at the moment. Let’s just think about it. Would he respond anything that made actual sense if I made any more questions?

“Seeya, man. Gotta pay a visit to the Student Council.”

He disappeared. I was thinking on doing the same thing, actually. There was a bunch of people I could ask help from, but it didn’t mean it was actually “useful” help. Lilly would try her best, but she didn’t have enough resources, or so I think. Hanako is out of the question, for reasons that should be obvious considering her personality. Emi is probably too busy right now, with another track meet coming up, and Rin… well… just understanding what she was thinking was a hassle.

I needed a person who had the tools and disposition to help, even if she wanted to or not. In other words, I was going to make a visit to Shizune and Misha, for a change.

Re: Kenji's Fantasy

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 11:08 pm
by TheSongofRaven
whoa, from female haters become..... normal. This should be interesting story. keep it up

Re: Kenji's Fantasy

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 1:55 am
by Roamin12
Wait, Kenji, not spouting nonsense about a Feminist Agenda and generally being crazy? What have you done to Kenji! (On another note, this certainly looks promising.)

Re: Kenji's Fantasy

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 9:09 pm
by Via
Thanks! I'll try to post the next chapter tomorrow.

On a side note, though I wanted this to be a neutral route (that is, without revealing if Hisao is in a relationship with a girl here), the fact that I put Hanako talking openly with him already indicates that this is a Hanako or Lilly route related. I'll still keep it neutral...

Re: Kenji's Fantasy

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:15 am
by griffon8
TheSongofRaven wrote:whoa, from female haters become..... normal.
He hasn't become 'normal'. Just the opposite of what he was. It's still bizarre and unsettling.