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Inspiration from KS.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 6:54 am
by Axelownz
Well let me start and say i am trying to create my own unique storyline, and its a project i have been thinking about for a few years now. I have tons of characters, a world, and setting. None of it is written down, its all in my head and it still needs alot of work being fleshed out, but its come very far from when i created my first character, and i have added so much into it over the years.

Anyway getting back to KS, i had trouble with one of the characters recently, she was one of the first characters i had created but i never really knew just how i wanted her to look. I knew she had medium length red hair, but still was unsure how she would really look, and could never get her right in my head. Well i found this fanart of Rin and the moment i saw it, i knew it was exactly how i wanted my character to look. Seeing normal Rin didnt make the connection, but this one did. Even the picture gives a good feeling of a scene i imagined with another character i created.

anyway just thought i would share. Still have other characters i am unsure how i want them to look, but hopefully i will work that out. I guess if you guys want to share too, you could, if you were inspired or helped out by KS like that or something.

Re: Inspiration from KS.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 10:43 am
by Pickman's Model
Will your characters exist in a KS-like settings? Will they have disabilities, etc?

Re: Inspiration from KS.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 1:14 pm
by bronko
What's the setting? Can you sum up what your storyline is about? (in 1-3 sentences)

Keep that inspiration.

Re: Inspiration from KS.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 4:23 pm
by Axelownz
No it has nothing to do with KS, the only ispiration i drew so far is from that artwork to nail down how i wanted a character to look. I guess it could be more from that fanart than the character itself.

Anyway the setting is a fictional world, similar to earth except there is a naturally produced liquid substance within the planet that can effect peoples genetics. It usually poisons them and kills them, but in rare cases it gives people supernatural powers. This has led the to a dystopian future, where a pharmaceutical company turned weapons manufactuer has overthrown the government, and is waging war on the world. The main characters are tasked with creating a resistance for an oncoming war with the nations and the company.

There is quite a bit more, but i think thats the jist of it. I like the idea of the liquid substance since it lets me be creative with the abilities i can give. There are no disabilites, the closest thing i have is this character is a doctor, and have a disease which causes her to go crazy when she see's or gets blood on her, thus limiting her effectivness as the group of heroes doctor, and giving her some hangups as well, and gives me some other plot points later on that i though of.

Re: Inspiration from KS.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 3:12 am
by Moto 11
I really like the KS series as it was awesome to play every second of it if your game is to be like KS then you got my support id like to hear what its about in brief detail if possible