Another day in class


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Another day in class

Post by Oddball »

The class assignment was handed out for the day and the students were instructed to work in groups of threes. For Mutou's class, that was taken as more of a suggestion than a requirement. Students tended to pull their desks together in whatever numbers they felt most comfortable with.

"You got my picture?" Lezard asked Takashi as the both pulled their desks together facing Akio's.

"Are you going to give me a chance to sit down first?" Takashi snapped back. After aligning his seat properly, he sat down and produced a pen and ink picture from his folder. Lezard took it from him and glanced over it.

"Not bad, not bad," Lezard said more to himself than anyone listening.

"It's what you asked for, 'draw me in a badass suit of armor and a cape looking evil'. You owe me a homework assignment now." Takashi was already bored with the conversation. Lezard smiled a bit and tucked the picture away into a folder of is own, where it would stay until his next roleplaying session.

"Guys, don't look now but ... Look. Now. Behind you," Akio said, his eyes wide with disbelief. Lezard made an obvious move of dropping his pencil as an excuse to turn and see what was going on behind him.

Both Lezard and Takashi turned to look. Then, silently, they turned back to their work without muttering a word between them. It was finally Lezard who broke the silence. "Holy fucking fuck. Did you just not see what couldn't have possibly been happening behind me?"

"No and neither did anyone else," Takashi replied equally struck in disbelief.

"Hanako is working with people. Not just people, she's working with the class fuehrer, Uzumaki, and the new guy." Akio said flatly.

"I thought 'Shiichan' hated her." Lezard said.

"I thought she hated everybody," Takashi added.

"Yeah, well, I'm pretty sure she hated Hanako," Akio said. As he was the only one of the trio actually facing Hanako, Shizune, Misha, and Hisao, he was trying to keep a close eye on them. "They look to be getting along. She's actually talking with them."

"That in itself is nearly unbelievable. Scarface doesn't talk to anybody." Takashi glanced back down at his assignment, and taped his pencil against the desk a few times as if merely being annoyed with it would make the work finish itself.

Akio quickly jumped to Hanako's defense. "Hey, look, you can make fun of the new guy, Shizune, or Shiina all you want, but leave Hanako alone,"

"You're sweet on her?" Takashi interest peeked again.

"She is somewhat cute once you get past the scars and social outcast aspects," Lezard said not bothering to look up from his text book. At least one of them had to do this work That probably meant it was up to him. Again.

"If that's your thing," Takashi shrugged. "Last thing I need is to be getting passionate with somebody only to find out their twat looks like over cooked bacon."

Akio shook is head in a mixture of disgust and disbelief. Takashi wasn't a bad guy, but he had a very bad habit of seeing the worst in absolutely everything and when that didn't work, he'd make up the worst himself. "I'm not sweet on her. I just feel bad for her. Did I ever tell you the library story?"

Lezard stopped and looked back up. "Tell him the library story." Takashi raised a single eyebrow as if to say 'continue'.

"Okay. This was last year. I was in the library doing some research for … something. I forget. Doesn’t matter. Anyway, out of the blue, the lights clicked off and I heard the door lock."

"Yuuko, right?" Takashi interjected .

"Yeah, she'd forgot to check to see if anybody was in there before she locked up. I've head it's happened to a few people. Anyway, I walked around and saw Hanako sitting in the library. She seemed a bit freaked out so I tried to calm her down, cheer her up, tell her it was going to be alright, all that. Somebody was bound to come looking for us. At the very least we just had to wait until they opened the library back up the next morning." Akio paused in his story for a minute and glanced over at Hanako, Shizune, and the rest. It seemed they were still working. Nothing interesting had happened yet. "So, I'm being all nice to her, and all of a sudden she just flips out. She starts screaming at me that she doesn't need friends or want help or something like that. I really wasn't paying too close attention. I was too busy being afraid for my life. I honestly thought she was going to kill me for a minute there, and it really wouldn't be hard to kill me."

Takashi turned to look at Hanako again. He'd heard she'd gotten angry at people before a time or two, but he just couldn’t picture. "So then what happened? She obviously didn't kill you."

"After she flipped to crazy mode, she flipped back just as quickly. One minute she was screaming, the next she started crying and ran to the opposite side of the library. I didn't follow her and we really haven't talked since then, but like I was saying, I feel sorry for her. Whatever happened to her to give her those scars messed her up bad, and not just physically."

The story having been told, the three students went back to their work for the next few minutes.

"Think it's got something to do with the new guy?" Lezard finally spoke.

"Has to be," Akio answered without stopping from his assignment.

"I saw him walking with Rin, the girl with no arms who acts like she's always on drugs, and Lilly, that blind foreign girl the other day." Takashi turned around in his desk and glanced over at Hisao.

"I didn't think they got along either," Akio said. "What is it with that guy anyway?"

"Clearly we have to kill him before it's too late," Lezard said in a monotone voice. Akio slapped his hand over his mouth to hold back a laugh. Takashi just gave him an irritated look.

"My theory? His dick doesn't work. That's why all the girls are interested in him. He's about as non-threatening as you can get. 'Sex? No, I'm sorry. I couldn't get it hard if I poured concrete over it.'" Takashi said doing an overly whiny impersonation of Hisao's voice.

"So, why do people that don't get along have no problem hanging out together when he's around?" Akio asked.

"If we could figure that out, all the women in the world would be ours. I get first dibs." Lezard's overly dramatic sense of humor seemed even more out of place than normal. Takashi didn't bother answering at all.

"Hey, something's happening," Akio put down his pencil and quickly pointed towards Hanako and the group.

They all turned to see what was going on. Hanako had seemingly froze up in place. The rest of Hanako's work group seemed rather worried. Akio's work group, and much of the class watched to see what was going to happen next.

Apparently nothing.

Moments later, Mutou came over to see what was going on. Most of the class could overhear him saying "So nothing's wrong?' and walking back to his desk. Soon, Hanako and her work group got up and left the classroom.

"So, any idea what that was all about?" Akio asked as the door closed.

"I was hoping for something interesting. Instead, she just leaves class early like she always does. Where does she go anyway?" Takashi tapped his pencil against his desk in boredom and irritation. Pat of him had been hoping for a full all out breakdown.

"I always figured it was something medical." Lezard said with a shrug.

The trio went back to work finishing their assignment, wishing something more interesting would happen.
Last edited by Oddball on Wed Sep 11, 2019 8:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Another day in class

Post by themocaw »

> Draw me in a suit of armor and a cape.

Oh, you.
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Re: Another day in class

Post by Oddball »

themocaw wrote:> Draw me in a suit of armor and a cape.

Oh, you.
If there was a whistling innocently simile on this forum, I'd use it here.
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Re: Another day in class

Post by Doomish »

I'm loving these little asides, especially keeping with the canon that Takashi is dickmaster supreme when the situation calls for it. I tip my hat to you. Keep it up, friend.
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Re: Another day in class

Post by nemz »

Is it actually established anywhere (earlier dev blogs perhaps?) that Takashi is an asshole, or is that just common fannon at work?

Always nice to see the side charecters get some fleshing out.
Rin > Shizune > Emi > Hanako > Lilly
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Re: Another day in class

Post by Oddball »

nemz wrote:Is it actually established anywhere (earlier dev blogs perhaps?) that Takashi is an asshole, or is that just common fannon at work?

Always nice to see the side charecters get some fleshing out.
If they have explicitly stated anything, I haven't read it. All I know is that generally he's regarded as a jerk, the game says that he always looks irritated, and that he and Hisao don't get along.
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