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The Feminist Republic of Russia

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:09 pm
by Roamin12
AN: This is a one-shot spoof. Hopefully it isn't too painful to read.
The ringing in his ears is painful, but welcome as it lets him know he can still hear at all. Not everyone gets that luxury after having their Jeep blown up by an ememy RPG.
The bridge they had been crossing is in shambles and collapsing even now as he tries to shake his head clear of the persistent ringing.

"Shit! The bridge is collapsing! Nakai! Get you ass up and move dammit!" Comes a harsh voice that still manages to somehow keep up the sound of an obnoxious teenager, which he was (And is in some ways, still is.)not to long ago. But now instead of being back in their homeland of Japan, they were somehow in the middle of Russia, fighting a dangerous enemy, and all they have for back up is a handful of their squad left, as the Americans had bit the dust earlier in the mission. And not to mention they were fresh out of boot camp.

As Hisao looks up, the ringing now brought to a heed, he sees his squadron commander, Kenji, yelling orders at the other survivors to take cover at a concrete barricade and lay down covering fire.

Thanks to the augmentations for his eyes from Sarif Industries, even through the smoke Kenji can clearly make out the enemies flamboyant uniforms. The uniforms of the Feminist Repulbic of Russia.

Hisao slowly gets up while fighting the oncoming motion sickness and looks for his gun. He first gets a look at the scenery, and despite the loud gunfire and thick smoke, he can't help but marvel at the sight of the valley they were in. The tall, steep, natural walls of the valley making for a fantastic view of some beautiful water falls.
He then looked to his left and spotted his ever-trusty M4 Carbine laying on its side, and despite having some dust on it, looks just as he remembers it, red dot sight and grenade launcher included of course.

Nakai quickly grabs it, pulls back the spring and rushes up the slope of the broken bridge, relishing in the activity that would have long killed him before Sarif Industries had augmented his heart to the point where it was far stronger than that of a natural human being. Some called the augmentation indusrty was playing god, but if god wasn't going to be active in this world, then the human race would have to be to overcome their limitations on their own. And so far, Hisao was a great example. Just a few years ago, he was incapable of running much more than a mile before having a heart attack after fate, god, bad luck, or whatever you want to call it, delt him a shitty hand. And look at him now! Hisao thought fiercly as he brought his rifle to his shoulder and fired off rounds percisely at the enemy, he could live through so much more than any normal human.

"Dammit," groans Kenji as he spots another wave of feminists coming in "they just keep coming!" As he yells this, he grabs a gernade on his belt and lobs it at a group of feminists that were hanging behind a tank. The shower of body parts lets the group know the throw was successful.

"TAKE THAT BITCHES," yells Kenji, who is about to go off on one of his rants, "RUN OR FIGHT! IT DOESN'T MATTER I'LL KILL YOU ALL! AHHAHAHAHHAHAHAH-" As he is in the middle of his insane, maniacle laughter, a round hits him in the shoulder, the bullet expoding inside his shoulder and leaving him with a massive hole in his side.

"What the hell was that?!" yells Private Takashi, who looks both confused and shocked. His face promptly dissapears in another mini-explosion as another of what Hisao assumes is a bullet of the same caliber that destroyed Kenji's shoulder takes away most of Takashi's torso and all of his head, in a rather bloody and brutal way.

Hisao recovers from his shock and looks at the front of the bridge and what he sees is something he never would have thought he's see.

He saw two giant, hulking chaos space marines walking down the bridge like they owned the damn thing. They looked like two walking tanks, with their heavy armour that could take an absurd amount of abuse before getting dust on them. The look of the tank was odd with their small, bone white, bald heads resting on top off the terminatour class armour. They also carried the deceptively small, but brutal bolt rifle in the crook of their arms.

But what was even more interesting was the fact that they appeared to be escorting someone who looks familiar in between them.

He knows who she is of course, she's none other than THE Rin Tezuka.

"What the hell? Rin?" He can't help but shout.

Rin looks and sees Hisao and tilts her head as if she were examining a cloud to see what it looks like at a different angle.

"Hisao? Well hi there." She says calmly, and she really looks bored, as if this carnage on the bridge were the most unimportant thing in the world.

But it wasn't just the fact she was here, being escorted by two chaos space marines, whom looked to her for orders, or even the fact she was wearing the general's uniform for the Feminist army, it was the fact she had ARMS, well, robotic arms.

"Why the hell are you here, Rin?" Hisao queestions after Rin tells her escort to stand down and go rally the rest of the remaining feminists.

"Because" She says simply, without any intention of continuing.

"Because why?"

"I got bored of painting."

Hisao shakes his head, already getting a head ache.

Rin all of a sudden looks up at the sky and says "That's either a really weird cloud, or a really weird bird. Or maybe I'm high, hard to tell at times. No, not that, it's a helicopter." she still rambles on, it appears. Wait a helicopter? Hisao sees it too, a giant helicopter, fully armed with armour peircing miniguns and auto-lock missles, flying in low towards the bridge.

"The loyalists are here!" Hisao says excitedly.

Rin looks over with a blank expression "So? And sorry about this by the way." As she says this last part she pulls out a bolt pistol and shoots him in the kneecaps, the fragmentation from it lodging in his leg bones and blowing his left leg off completely.

"Goddammit!" Hisao yells, collapsing from the sudden loss of one of his legs and the other one having been shattered.

"Hey, you look a bit like Emi now." Rin says musingly, not even batting an eye at the blood splattered all over her. "Now for the helicopter. Ruben! Maxwell!" The two chaos space marines are soon by her side again. "Help me shoot that down." pointing her new, robotic finger at the helicopter.

"Yes sir!" They say and quickly begin to unload into the helicopter with their bolt rifles, the fragmentation rounds mainly bouncing off of the armour, though a few rounds scored, causing heavy damage.

Rin, for her part merely muttered, "equivilent exchange" and her arms transformed into mini-guns and began to let the bullets fly, doing just as much damage as the bolters.

Hisao turns and looks at Kenji to his right and notices him trying to aim his bolt pistol at the three, but it would be useless, as he was at a bad angle and would have to use his bad arm since his other was blown off.

I manage to get his attention and motion for him to toss the gun to me. He nods and tosses his pistol to Nakai, who deftly catches it and ingnoring the pain in his legs for a moment looks at the counter.

"12" it reads, 12 shot in the mag, average of four shots per target.

He takes a deep breath, aim it at the space marine's head on the far right and pulls the trigger.

The gun rebels in his hand, but the shot goes true, hitting the target in the head, his brain matter exploding everywhere, and a fragment of the shrapnel from the bullet hits Rin in her mini-gun arms.

"Goddamm alchemists" Hisao mutters before squezzing two more shot at the other space marine who was turing around, thus getting a face full of shrapnel, meeting the same fate as his comrade.

With Rin the only one left he points his gun at Rin, his hand shaking. Here he was, about to pull the trigger on someone who helped him retain his sanity when his life hit a new low.

He closes his eyes hoping she wouldn't move while he squezzed off the rest of the rounds in the clip, and then several more after it was empty.
He eventually stopped and looked at the carnage.

Rin's body was tron to shreds by the shrapnel, a sight too gruesome for him since it was someone he actually knew on a personal level, despite the fact she had blown out his kneecaps. The space marines weren't much of a sight to look at either.

As the loyalists finished off the rest of the feminists and headed over to Hisao and Kenji. The two lost consiousness, Hisao's last thoughts being "Forgive me Rin, forgive me..."

Kenji's being more along the line of "That was badass."
So yeah, crossover ftw? This is all I had this random idea and wrote it up and here it is on the forum, hopefully you don't hate me too much.
Also, how many refrence/crossover parts did you find? There are a few in there.

Re: The Feminist Republic of Russia

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:30 pm
by BobBobberson
I got the COD4 and Deus Ex Human Revolution references, along with what I think is either a Warhammer or Starcraft one.

And there's no need to be ashamed of the crossover bits, my KS fics are all crossovers :|

Re: The Feminist Republic of Russia

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:57 pm
by Roamin12
BobBobberson wrote:I got the COD4 and Deus Ex Human Revolution references, along with what I think is either a Warhammer or Starcraft one.

And there's no need to be ashamed of the crossover bits, my KS fics are all crossovers :|
Yes, COD4, Deus Ex Human Revolution, and War hammer were in there, no star craft though.
And there is one more in there, but it's from an anime, not a video game.

And I wasn't ashamed of it being a crossover, more like wondering how well I went about it.
Thanks for reading!

Re: The Feminist Republic of Russia

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:34 pm
by themocaw
When Rin showed up, I half expected her to be Abbadon.

Because, you know Abbadon has no arms. . .

I'll let myself out.

Re: The Feminist Republic of Russia

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:50 am
by Bi-Polar Hernandez
Katawa Shoujo/Call of Duty 4/Deus Ex Human Revolution/Warhammer 40k?


Fuck it, I don't even know anymore.

Re: The Feminist Republic of Russia

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 2:11 pm
by MystiKnight
This story.. Oh wow. I think Kenji sums it up for me.
Kenji wrote:That was badsss.

Re: The Feminist Republic of Russia

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 2:30 pm
by Silentcook
Roamin12 wrote:(I'm too lazy to describe them! Trolololololol!)
If you have to do this, you shouldn't be writing at all.

Re: The Feminist Republic of Russia

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 8:48 pm
by Roamin12
If you have to do this, you shouldn't be writing at all.
Yeah,good point. I probably should go back and edit in a description of it. I got lazy and I wrote this in a very non-serious way. Probably shouldn't have written it at all.
*EDIT: I added in an actual description of the space marines.
Katawa Shoujo/Call of Duty 4/Deus Ex Human Revolution/Warhammer 40k?


Fuck it, I don't even know anymore.
That's all except one, the last one was Full Metal Alchemist. It was the part where Rin muttered something about "Equivalent exchange",then transformed her robotic arms into mini-guns and when Hisao said "Damn Alchemists". Man when I write it like that it sounds even stupider than I thought it was going to.