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The Girls' favorite food

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 7:13 am
by Megumeru
I am not sure if this has been brought up, but I am kinda' wondering at some point.

Maybe they said it in the story, or maybe it was explained before. Maybe I missed it.
So, 'what are the girl's favorite food' (drinks are NOT included)

I see Shizune to be fond of something 'quick and filling', something that does the job when called for. So I was actually thinking ramen would be her favorite food considering how quick it is to prepare and filling it can be. Not to mention, ramen stalls and shops are common out there, and then there are instant ramen too. If it isn't that, I say yakisoba would be something she'd go for. Quick and filling.

I can somehow see Misha to be fond of sweets--parfait, maybe. I think that was explained in the story if I remember correctly. Outside of it, I'm guessing yakitori would be a more preferable choice--that, or unagidon (grilled eel over rice).

Lilly would go for tea biscuits or scones. :lol:
Not really, but looking at her character I say she'd prefer something classy--her dinner in her arc also hinted as much. If I were to make a guess, she'd go for a fine French cuisine or a wine-n-dine set; even then, I still can't pin-point any possible favorite dish for her (add to the fact I never had any fine-dining experience). that I think about it, she'd qualify for your 'high-maintenance girlfriend' too...

Hanako is also quite difficult to pinpoint. Maybe she told Hisao about it in her arc--and I missed it--or I just find it hard to pinpoint it for her. Her fondness towards something mostly came from her memories, so if her parents decided to eat chicken liver or cow brains, then that will be her favorite food (not saying it is). So, I'm not sure...I can see Hanako as an 'autumn girl' though, so bake yams is something I can imagine to be in her liking. Maybe Bacon.
that, or chocolate :lol:

Rin would go for curry. I don't know why, but I just see 'curry' as her favorite food. It's flavorful, full of colorful spices and is actually simple to make--just like how she is. Maybe seeing her eating curry the first time in the story influenced my decision, but who knows. I'd go for curry.

Emi. Lemon soda, Lemon cake, lemon rolls. No, seriously, I can see her liking sweets--although if I remember correctly, I think she said she prefer spicy food? Not sure about her to be honest aside from sweets.

Re: The Girls' favorite food

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:40 am
by kuniqs
Megumeru wrote: Lilly would go for tea biscuits or scones. :lol:
Not really, but looking at her character I say she'd prefer something classy--her dinner in her arc also hinted as much. If I were to make a guess, she'd go for a fine French cuisine or a wine-n-dine set; even then, I still can't pin-point any possible favorite dish for her (add to the fact I never had any fine-dining experience). that I think about it, she'd qualify for your 'high-maintenance girlfriend' too...
Turkey with mint sauce? I like the image of her ravaging a haggis and drowning it with beer, through.
Megumeru wrote: Hanako is also quite difficult to pinpoint. Maybe she told Hisao about it in her arc--and I missed it--or I just find it hard to pinpoint it for her. Her fondness towards something mostly came from her memories, so if her parents decided to eat chicken liver or cow brains, then that will be her favorite food (not saying it is). So, I'm not sure...I can see Hanako as an 'autumn girl' though, so bake yams is something I can imagine to be in her liking. Maybe Bacon.
that, or chocolate :lol:
I'd open up the fantastic world of bbq to her. Who knows?

Megumeru wrote: Emi. Lemon soda, Lemon cake, lemon rolls. No, seriously, I can see her liking sweets--although if I remember correctly, I think she said she prefer spicy food? Not sure about her to be honest aside from sweets.
Aside from memory to die with, I have a feeling she hates anything highly processed. So she chomps on raw vegetables when nobody's around.

Re: The Girls' favorite food

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 10:27 am
by Oddball
Didn't Shizune admit she likes fired foods best? I seem to remember them eating together and Hisao complaining because she was eating all the fried foods.

Re: The Girls' favorite food

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 10:43 am
by gRaViJa
Emi loves da cake. Remember her cake-eating-rush at the Shanghai?

Re: The Girls' favorite food

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 7:41 pm
by ShadeHaven
Megumeru wrote:Hanako is also quite difficult to pinpoint. Maybe she told Hisao about it in her arc--and I missed it--or I just find it hard to pinpoint it for her. Her fondness towards something mostly came from her memories, so if her parents decided to eat chicken liver or cow brains, then that will be her favorite food (not saying it is). So, I'm not sure...I can see Hanako as an 'autumn girl' though, so bake yams is something I can imagine to be in her liking. Maybe Bacon.
that, or chocolate :lol:
Chocolate covered bacon. On a stick.

Re: The Girls' favorite food

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:00 pm
by Otakumon
Lilly's favorite food is tube steak smothered in underwear, it's how she fuels her healthy adolescent sex drive. 8)

Re: The Girls' favorite food

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 2:22 pm
by Megumeru
ShadeHaven wrote:
Megumeru wrote:Hanako is also quite difficult to pinpoint. Maybe she told Hisao about it in her arc--and I missed it--or I just find it hard to pinpoint it for her. Her fondness towards something mostly came from her memories, so if her parents decided to eat chicken liver or cow brains, then that will be her favorite food (not saying it is). So, I'm not sure...I can see Hanako as an 'autumn girl' though, so bake yams is something I can imagine to be in her liking. Maybe Bacon.
that, or chocolate :lol:
Chocolate covered bacon. On a stick.
I never thought there's actually a chocolate covered bacon--on a stick even.

Damn that's totally Hanako's food :lol: