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Lilly's "Good" ending [SPOILER]

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 11:01 pm
by Sauron774
I recently finished Lilly's route with the good ending. It was definetely the route which made me feel the most, I couldn't help to shed a few manly tears, but the ending made me think of a somewhat disturbing hypothesis:

What if, when you have the heart attack you never really wake up and you just dream in a coma that Lilly comes back and that you go back to school to share your entire future together, what if, Lilly somehow managed to leave the music box to you, and the music that played made you unconsciously imagine a bright future with her while you were asleep in the hospital.

I just want the good ending to be true, but i can't help thinking all of this, just tell me your opinions on the topic

Re: Lilly's "Good" ending [SPOILER]

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 11:03 pm
by zanger
Interesting theory but is there really any reason to presume an Inception-like ending?

Re: Lilly's "Good" ending [SPOILER]

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 11:05 pm
by Logan812
That conclusion doesn't even make since to me in the first place. For one, why would Lilly leave the music box and not even stick around to have conversation?

Re: Lilly's "Good" ending [SPOILER]

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 11:06 pm
by Alexbond45
Doubt it, Hisao would probably get a heart attack while imagining this. Just my counter-theory.

Re: Lilly's "Good" ending [SPOILER]

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 11:14 pm
by Sauron774
It's just the fact that everything seems like a perfect dream, the fact that the second you wake up Lilly appears in front of you, the fact that you end up sharing an apparent perfect future together as a couple, it just seems too perfect, maybe i'm being a little pesimistic, but it is a though i can't evade. Also, weren't they at the last year of High School at Yamaku? Why they got back to studying there if they needed to go to College?

I DON'T know if I am right at this because i don't know how many years do you study in high schools in Japan but i though it was the last year for them...

Re: Lilly's "Good" ending [SPOILER]

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 11:15 pm
by Alexbond45
Sauron774 wrote:It's just the fact that everything seems like a perfect dream, the fact that the second you wake up Lilly appears in front of you, the fact that you end up sharing an apparent perfect future together as a couple, it just seems too perfect, maybe i'm being a little pesimistic, but it is a though i can't evade. Also, weren't they at the last year of High School at Yamaku? Why they got back to studying there if they needed to go to College?
This was explained in another topic of mine.

Japan has school differently, You start in January, Have Summer Break, and finish the school year at the winter semester.

I think...

Re: Lilly's "Good" ending [SPOILER]

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 11:40 pm
by Brogurt
Maybe Lilly's entire route (and by extension, probably the whole game) is a dream.
It would explain why she's such a mary sue

Re: Lilly's "Good" ending [SPOILER]

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 11:42 pm
by Paddy
It's like solipsism (a kind of sandbox philosophy philosophers use, where the theory is that the only thing that is real is "you"). It's obviously silly and not true... I just can't remember why exactly.

Re: Lilly's "Good" ending [SPOILER]

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 11:54 pm
by Mirrormn
There is no more reason to think Lilly's ending is a dream than there is to think the end of Inception was a dream, or that all of real life is a dream. Which is to say, it's theoretically possible, but there's absolutely no evidence supporting it.

Re: Lilly's "Good" ending [SPOILER]

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 11:59 pm
by Alexbond45
It's like trying to disprove the existence of the halocaust (FYI: people do that, pisses me off as a history buff)

Re: Lilly's "Good" ending [SPOILER]

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 12:22 am
by ShadeHaven
Personally, I believe that if the writer(s) really intended to make it appear as if he was dreaming, they would have shown him waking up at the end, and most likely made that the bad ending as well. Although this does make me think of a question i'd like to ask. Does anyone ever feel like they're literally just watching a really long movie? Like your just being held captive somewhere watching your life unfold before you? Sometimes I wonder if I'm actually doing the things that I do, or I'm just watching and experiencing these things being done. I know its an abstract idea, and that I probably sound as if I'm under the influence, but I've always wondered.

Re: Lilly's "Good" ending [SPOILER]

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 12:42 am
by Alexbond45
Dude, this isn't mst3k!
It always feels like a story to me, though the voice acting in my head is excellent.

Re: Lilly's "Good" ending [SPOILER]

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:32 am
by V_nce
Sauron774 wrote:What if, when you have the heart attack you never really wake up and you just dream in a coma that Lilly comes back and that you go back to school to share your entire future together, what if, Lilly somehow managed to leave the music box to you, and the music that played made you unconsciously imagine a bright future with her while you were asleep in the hospital.
That would pretty much be a bad ending, right? Besides, there are no hints in the story about whether the after-hospital experience is true or not, so no, its all real.

Re: Lilly's "Good" ending [SPOILER]

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 7:32 am
by Paddy
ShadeHaven wrote:Personally, I believe that if the writer(s) really intended to make it appear as if he was dreaming, they would have shown him waking up at the end, and most likely made that the bad ending as well. Although this does make me think of a question i'd like to ask. Does anyone ever feel like they're literally just watching a really long movie? Like your just being held captive somewhere watching your life unfold before you? Sometimes I wonder if I'm actually doing the things that I do, or I'm just watching and experiencing these things being done. I know its an abstract idea, and that I probably sound as if I'm under the influence, but I've always wondered.
Nah. The screens are too wide to be a movie. Unless they make movies with really wide and arched screens in whatever time and place you're in.

I follow ya though.

Sometimes I think an angel is looking through my eye sockets like I was one of those coin-operated binoculars you can find at sightseeing attractions. I'm still here, I'm not the angel, but I feel like he's using me to look at... something.

Re: Lilly's "Good" ending [SPOILER]

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 8:14 am
by Mirage_GSM
Alexbond45 wrote: This was explained in another topic of mine.

Japan has school differently, You start in January, Have Summer Break, and finish the school year at the winter semester.

I think...
Not quite. Starts in April, ends in March.