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Best friendship ??

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 9:33 am
by rydiafan
Which friendship do you like the most ??

For me its shizune/misha ( what a shock i know ) ... read my many fanboy of shizune posts i made to find out why lol

Re: Best friendship ??

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 10:54 am
by Megumeru
Hello fellow comrade!

I'll give an 'input' about it later...when the mood to over-analyze kicks again (WITH BEER)

Re: Best friendship ??

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 10:56 am
by Genesis
Hanako/Lilly (big surprise, huh?) Don't really have a reason, it just seems to work the best to me.

Re: Best friendship ??

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 1:49 pm
by Paddy
Lilly and Hanako.

Cos I'm not scared of them (like I am of Misha and Shizune), and... well, cos I can relate to both of the characters better than I can relate to Rin (for now).

Also, I feel like their friendship needed my presence somewhere.

Re: Best friendship ??

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 2:10 pm
by Nobody in Particular
Lilly and Hanako by far. The close knit relationship that Lilly, Hanako and Hisao had in the Lilly and Hanako routes was quite adorable.

Re: Best friendship ??

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 2:10 pm
by ShadeHaven
I'd say Rin and Emi, because i'm weird like that. I think they understand each other a little more than the let on. Plus Rin's thought process never ceases to interest/amaze me.

Re: Best friendship ??

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 2:11 pm
by Oddball
Misha and Shizune are kind of friends under false pretenses.

Emi and Rin seem to just kinda hang out and get along but don't seem really like bestest of best of friends.

Lilly and Hanako are the only two that really seem like they'd be there for each other no matter what happens. Hisao even comments that he's a bit jealous he'll probably never feel as close to anyone as Hanako does to Lilly.

Re: Best friendship ??

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 2:25 pm
by zanger
Emi/Rin's friendship seems more like one borne of circumstance and not really situated in any real connection between the two of them. That's just the vibe I get, they're sort of like the quote from The Office where Jim says something like "You're only friendly with these people because you see them everyday if you met them in any other medium you probably wouldn't give them a second thought"

Lilly/Hanako & Misha/Shizune seem like better friendships but the Shizune path really throws their relationship into a shadow

Re: Best friendship ??

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 4:54 pm
by Guest Poster
All of them are interesting in their own way. And each of them are tragic in their own way.

Shizune and Misha seem like the closest pair by far at first, each of them only having a single scene with just Hisao and not the other until the end of Act 1. It's very rare to see a friendship where the participants are almost like siamese twins and the way they almost act like a single being is kinda fascinating. It kinda becomes tragic when you realize Misha confessed some time before the start of the game and neither handled it very well.

Emi's and Rin's friendship seems like the most ordinary. They just enjoy hanging out, but don't have any shared interests and their friendship is mostly one of circumstance, but many school friendships are like that...fading out after graduation. Despite that, their friendship is, however, the most transparent one of the three and it's the only friendship where both seem perfectly fine with the way things are and neither wishes it to be more than it is. In a way, their friendship is the most honest one. The tragic part comes in once you realize the one thing they have in common is that neither is really good at letting others get close, Emi being unwilling to due to her PTSD issues and Rin being unable to because of her difficulty in expressing herself. But because of that shared aspect, neither one will push the relationship into uncomfortable or frustrating territory.

Lilly's and Hanako's friendship is both heartwarming and heartbreaking. Heartwarming when you see the two hug each other and share an almost sisterly love that seems to go far beyond an ordinary friendship. Heartbreaking once you play through Hanako's route and find out about how she was never able to fully convince herself that Lilly saw her as more than a responsibility, a fact Lilly seems completely unaware of. It makes you wonder how close the two could have been, had they opened up to each other just a bit more.

I'd say my favourite is still Lilly's and Hanako's.