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Advice on an extemely unusual fanfic idea (spoilers)

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 10:42 pm
by Chrono180
Ok, so I have recently working on a fanfic called "Exiled" dealing with the Marvel Universe exiles. For those of you who don't know about the Exiles, think Quantum Leap meets Sliders. Six mutants from alternate realities visit various realities to make things happen a certain way. In the fic, I've visiting a number of realities other than the marvel universe, such as the Sailor Moon Silver Millennium, Dragonball Z abridged, Doctor Who. etc. I have about fifteen pages down in various chapters, and I decided to write one where Sunfire visits Hanako 3 years after the events of the game. This was mainly to paint a picture where Hanako is finally able to socialize reasonably normally. I'm not terribly proud of how it turned out, as I think I may have made hanako a little too outgoing around Sunfire (who she knows through a orb she bought that allows viewing of alternate realities...mainly since I doubt she could converse as freely as I was planning with someone she knows nothing about..anyway) But then i had the rather bizarre idea to give the characters superpowers. Ok, so fairly unusual but I think I might be able to make it an interesting read. However, there are some things I was thinking that I was hoping to get some feedback on. The big one being that I was thinking of a few major developments the characters undergo in the four years between Katawa Shoujo, to illustrate character progression in that time frame. I'm thinking 3 major ones. This all takes after Lilly's good ending, as its the one where all the characters stay in Japan.

The first is that Hanako is quite a bit more comfortable about socializing and similar activities. I think given the great steps she made in Lily's good route its not a great leap that in the future she might be fairly normal, if a little shy. Now bear in mind that like the other characters, she wouldn't be going out heroing very quickly. In fact, she'd take a more subtle role, working "behind the scenes" for the most part.
The second is that Rin is less weird than she was in the game. She's still unusual, of course, but its at a level I'd be able to write. I have serious doubts I'd be able to write her as unusual as she was in the game, but I can keep her odd while still being able to write her. I'm explaining this off as being on medicine. Not particularly crazy about doing this, but I know my limits as a writer. Not too much a problem, I hope.
The third is the one I'm most concerned about. Shizune and Misha as a couple. Cue fan outrage, I know I know, but hear me out. The idea I'm thinking about is that three years after the game, one year before the fanfic (roughly) there is a giant robot attack in Sendai (or giant monster, or alien invasion. Something superhero-ish.) Misha is nearly killed and winds up the hospital, nearly which leads Shizune to have major reconsideration about their relationship. That's the catalyst, anyway. I know Shizune is a stubborn girl, but I don't feel its outside the realm of possibility for such an event to lead to such a result. I mean, it was never (as far as I know) detailed why exactly Shizune rejected her, just that the rejection happened. If there is vitriolic hatred towards this idea, I could take it out, but I would like reasoning as to why such an event would never happen. I mean, I'd like to include it, but I am admittedly worried about reaction. Perhaps I shouldn't be and just write what I want? Advice?

The second thing i'd like suggestions are the powers to give the characters, so far this is what I have:
Hisao: Due to his non-combative status, he gains telepathy and would be a sort of "coordinator"
Emi: Clearly a speedster in my mind, she was easy
Shizune: Causes objects to explode by snapping her fingers
Rin: Illusion casting
Lilly: Struggled with this one for a while, as "blind precog" is a bit of a cliche by now, and Hisao is the telepath. Eventually decided on "Machine Empathy/control". And yes I know she is terrible with machines, I'm planning to work that into the story.
Hanako: Had trouble deciding what to give her, currently its telekinesis, but not sure about that one.
MIsha: Had the hardest time with her. Finally put in "Translation field (verbal only)" but I'm hoping a better idea comes along. Advice on this front?
Also, Kenji has an important role, but he doesn't get powers, instead he's a hacker of the highest degre. Like Oracle or Calculator but completely nuts.

The third thing is more about when I should write it. I was orignally planning on writing "Exiled" first, but considering how little I've written on it, I might work on this concurrently. I mean, if I finish this one before Exiled, I might be able to put it up since the main connection with the other is through Sunfire. There would be the question on why she isn't dead, but that could be explained later.

So, what do you all think? Good idea, bad idea, completely ridiculous idea?

Re: Advice on an extemely unusual fanfic idea (spoilers)

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 12:00 am
by Oddball
So, what do you all think? Good idea, bad idea, completely ridiculous idea?
Sounds like a completely ridiculous idea. I love those.

It seems you've put some thought into it, so the least I think we could do is give you a bit of feedback. First, expect people to make fun of your idea. That's gonna happen. It is kinda crazy, but hey, don't let that stop you. Okay, now ideas ...

One thing I think that needs to be addressed is how they all get powers, unless this is a separate reality where they already had powers you need to figure out how a group this big develops abilities when they're past the typical age for mutant powers to pop up. Separate accidents would seem a tad coincidental. There's always the whole cosmic radiation thing. he X-men comics have had multiple storylines over the years about experimental drugs that caused powers to develop. That might work well considering the setting.

The idea of working Misha and Shizune being a couple is workable, especially if Shizune is worried about loosing her for good. Here's the angle I'd take with it. Shizune isn't sure about that whole "liking girls" thing, but realizes that if she says anything about it, Misha is probably going to leave. She likes Misha, but isn't sure if she likes Misha. For now she's going through with it and playing along, but still feels a tad odd about things.

When it comes to powers, I'd go a slightly different route.

Hisao: Telepathy is a bit over done. Let's keep with the heart theme. Hisao can manipulate the emotions of others. He can make people feel better, even if they don't want to (which is bound to mess him up when it comes to his typical white knighting) or he can depress people just by being around them.

Shizune: the ability to posses others or exchange bodies with them, or something to that affect. I just like the idea that she can do hear and talk using another person's body but not her own.

Rin: Teleporting small objects for short distances. I like the idea of her teleporting something she wants to carry into the air in front of her then catching it with her mouth before it falls. I don't know. It's just the first thing that comes to me.

Lilly: Heat vision or some sort of optic blast. Her eyes aren't good for anything but hurting people. I think that's ironic in the Alannis Morrisette kinda way.

Hanako: Forcefields or intangibility. Yeah, AFTER she was horribly disfigured, she agined the ability to prevent things from being able to hurt her. That's bound to sting a little bit.

Re: Advice on an extemely unusual fanfic idea (spoilers)

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 3:45 am
by Mirage_GSM
First of all, with good writing you can make an interesting story even with a ridiculous concept.
Also, I've never seen people make fun of a well-written story on these forums yet.

I was a bit sceptical about what marvel heroes could possibly do to help with the problems arising in a setting like KS (romance), but if you're going to throw monsters and aliens in the mix - why not.

Regarding the powers, there are a few stories here about the KS cast gaining super/magic powers already, so you could look at those for inspiration.

Re: Advice on an extemely unusual fanfic idea (spoilers)

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 9:04 am
by Daitengu
Mirage_GSM wrote:First of all, with good writing you can make an interesting story even with a ridiculous concept.
Also, I've never seen people make fun of a well-written story on these forums yet.

I was a bit sceptical about what marvel heroes could possibly do to help with the problems arising in a setting like KS (romance), but if you're going to throw monsters and aliens in the mix - why not.

Regarding the powers, there are a few stories here about the KS cast gaining super/magic powers already, so you could look at those for inspiration.

Funny that you specifically mention that since your Katawa Kijo is probably the best one I read lol.

Re: Advice on an extemely unusual fanfic idea (spoilers)

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 10:51 am
by Chrono180
Oddball wrote:
So, what do you all think? Good idea, bad idea, completely ridiculous idea?
Sounds like a completely ridiculous idea. I love those.
Hmm.. thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it. Your concept on the Shizune/Misha thing is actually fairly close to what I was thinking, where Shizune like Misha, but isn't sure about whether she likes her in "that" way. As for how they get powers, I'm introducing a plot device called a "Godstone" that winds up breaking when they're all in the same vicinity. They aren't sure whats happening at first (Kenji actually knows, as he hacked into the F4's files when he was younger, but nobody listens to him.). Some of those powers I like, some not so much. I really like the idea of teleportation for Rin, in particular, as at first I was considering her getting one artificial arm, but that might work better. It'll have to be more powerful than what you were suggesting though, would have trouble making it a notable power otherwise. Intangibility for Hanako is pretty good idea, might run with that. Uncertain as to the others. I do really appreciate the feedback, however.

Re: Advice on an extemely unusual fanfic idea (spoilers)

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 11:37 am
by Specter Von Baren
"This all takes after Lilly's good ending, as its the one where all the characters stay in Japan."

..... Wha?......

Re: Advice on an extemely unusual fanfic idea (spoilers)

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 4:04 pm
by whathaveicreated
Doesn't seem so unusual to me. Give Misha super-strength, maybe. The powers themselves don't have to be groundbreaking and different to be good, as long as you write and implement them in interesting, good ways.