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Re: Why is Hisao so disliked?

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 4:11 pm
by Mysterious Stranger
Megumeru wrote:although you did gave me that idea of putting a Lilly sprite in an SS uniform for some reason...*Kenji will be proud*
NO! DON'T DO IT! It was a joke, just a stupid joke! Don't!!

Re: Why is Hisao so disliked?

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 4:47 pm
by Ascended Flutist
I hardly think such derailments will earn you both anything but the enmity of the Local Wrathful Mute Chef Overlord (or equivalent).

Personally I've got no major qualms against Hisao. Sure he made mistakes the player cannot prevent, but that's part of the story. He's as flawed as any other guy. This isn't a story-driven rpg where you're the goddamn Bhaalspawn/Witcher/Nerevarine. You're an average 17 years old dude with a heart condition, an overextended stay at hospital and a life forever lost. It's bound to involve him making mistake you wouldn't make. It's hard being confident and unfailing when life repeatly slaps you accross the face.
And to his credit, he almost always tries to move forward and/or clarify the relationship he got himself into, as opposed to be content with what he has. Sometimes it causes a massive amount of feces raining down from the skies, sometimes it's good. But at least he tries.

I don't really know where the hate's coming from, honestly :|

Re: Why is Hisao so disliked?

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 6:08 am
by ctang15
'Cos he's the generic everyman protagonist. Some think he's boring and cliched :D

Re: Why is Hisao so disliked?

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 2:26 pm
by pandaphil
I don't have a problem with him. He seems like a nice guy. I'm just more interested in the girls.

Re: Why is Hisao so disliked?

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 5:56 pm
by Oddball
ctang15 wrote:'Cos he's the generic everyman protagonist. Some think he's boring and cliched :D
I'd say he's got far more personality than most of his type.

Re: Why is Hisao so disliked?

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 6:15 pm
by Steinherz
Oddball wrote:
ctang15 wrote:'Cos he's the generic everyman protagonist. Some think he's boring and cliched :D
I'd say he's got far more personality than most of his type.
He definitely has more personality than most.
He's still a bit dense, but that's because he has to be because of plot reasons.

Re: Why is Hisao so disliked?

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 6:27 pm
by Guest Poster
I'd rather have an occasionally dense main character than a boring Gary Stue type.

Re: Why is Hisao so disliked?

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 11:36 pm
by SpunkySix
No idea. He actually looks quite a bit like me, likes science like I do, acts mostly like I would but more smooth and makes the decisions I would have plus learns to like running like I do, so as far as VN protagonists go, he's probably one of my favorites.

Re: Why is Hisao so disliked?

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 3:28 am
by Potato
SpunkySix wrote:makes the decisions I would have
It's almost as if you control his decisions... :P

Re: Why is Hisao so disliked?

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 7:52 am
by SpunkySix
Potato wrote:
SpunkySix wrote:makes the decisions I would have
It's almost as if you control his decisions... :P
Well, yes, that's the idea!

Re: Why is Hisao so disliked?

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:55 am
by Kyler Thatch
Well, that's only half-true. You get to decide a few significant turning points, but for the most part, you're just in the passenger seat, not behind the wheel.

Re: Why is Hisao so disliked?

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 5:08 pm
by DDwarriorfire8103
Maybe people found him a little too brown.

Just a normal guy who isn't really outstanding but not bad either. He's decent.

His personal strength may not match up to the other characters as much due to the suddenness of his condition. The girls have had their respective condition for years compared to Hisao's few months. This can give them the sense of being a far greater character in general but also because he often relies on them in some way to strengthen himself (bar hanako) being the least independent as well.

I will admit I kept getting pissed every time he quit running by the 2nd day. When becoming exhausted just walking up a hill, complaining about how quickly his heart gives out it was hard to feel sorry after he quit running so easily. These things should be pretty big signals for him to get his ass in shape. Not to mention I kept getting the feeling he didn't take his medicine regularly which was verified by some of the story lines.

Re: Why is Hisao so disliked?

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 6:14 pm
by Oddball
Just a normal guy who isn't really outstanding but not bad either. He's decent.
Decent? He learned a new language in order to talk to one girl.

He nearly kills himself to get Lilly to stay... actually, not even to stay. He's got no clue if she's going to stay or not. He nearly kills himself just to talk to her one last time.

He hangs out with Hanako and Rin when almost nobody else wants to. he works with the student council after they've chased everybody else away.

I'd say he's a bit more than decent. The guy's got the patience of a saint.

Re: Why is Hisao so disliked?

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 6:26 pm
by pandaphil
I've got nothing but respect for the guy. Hes been dumped in the middle of a shitty situation, yet he still does his best, and in the end, hopefully comes away with a beautiful and loving partner by his side. And he does it not by being "Stud Swaggervest, Most Popular Boy in School!" but just by being gentle, caring, and just a good person. Yes, hes a little slow at times, but as others have said, thats a necessary evil in order for the story to advance and the readers to learn whats going on.

Re: Why is Hisao so disliked?

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 7:08 pm
by SpunkySix
pandaphil wrote:I've got nothing but respect for the guy. Hes been dumped in the middle of a shitty situation, yet he still does his best, and in the end, hopefully comes away with a beautiful and loving partner by his side. And he does it not by being "Stud Swaggervest, Most popular Boy in School!" but just by being gentle, caring, and just a good person. Yes, hes a little slow at times, but as others have said, thats a necessary evil in order for the story to advance and the readers to learn whats going on.
Good points. Even with his slowness, I feel like it's believable enough most of the time. People point to him not knowing what happened with Emi's situation as a sign that he's slow, but it's implied that he did know and just wanted to avoid jumping the gun and making her really mad. That seems reasonable, no?