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Things that could've been interpreted differently game!

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:30 pm
by Kirkner
Didn't know the subject had a word limit...
Things That Could've Been Interpreted Differently/Sexually Game!
Thought I'd start up a game since this can be pretty fun now that I think about it. Post whatever that's in the game that could be interpreted or be implicit to something sexual or whatnot and see how many you can find!
So basically, find all the sexual innuendoes or situations that could be sexual if you think about it that are hidden in the game!

Here's one at the top of my head: When you go up to the roof for lunch at the first act with Emi and meet Rin up there, Rin says, "Oh does this mean I don't get food? Or did you invite him for lunch without the lunch?" Ohohoho Rin is so dirty implying that Emi want's to gobble Hisao up. Her reaction afterwords is pretty funny.

Here are the rules since a game wouldn't be a game without rules:
1. Post only one thing per post
2. "Things" can be anywhere in the game, but it must actually happen!
3. Include the context, or else we won't really get where you're coming from.
4. Have fun with this! Try not to get your pants wet, hahaha.

And sorry if this game was already posted somewhere on here. If so, go ahead and lock it, or dispose of it.

Re: Things that could've been interpreted differently game!

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:39 pm
by txalolrn9
I forgot how it goes verbatem but there's this obscure quote uttered by Rin and problem in your pants or something

Re: Things that could've been interpreted differently game!

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 8:27 am
by NoOne3
txalolrn9 wrote:there's this obscure quote uttered by Rin
Anyway, it's when she's trying to guess Hisao's condition and reason to be Yamaku'ed, in Act 1.

Re: Things that could've been interpreted differently game!

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 8:56 pm
by Kirkner
That time at Rin's arc in "Grayscale in study" or something. She say's "Should I do it with my mouth? or feet?" when rin and Hisao are drawing partners. you know very well how Hisao reacts. Hurrah for blowjobs! or feet jobs whatever works lol.

Re: Things that could've been interpreted differently game!

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 10:27 pm
by V_nce
(Somewhat of a Lilly's route spoiler) The part where Hisao lies asleep on his desk and Misha tries to wake him up, when Hisao suddenly jumps up and starts yelling "IM UP IM UP IM UP". Just what's what Misha was about to do to make Hisao so nervous?

Re: Things that could've been interpreted differently game!

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 12:27 am
by Kirkner
in "Falling" while at Hanako's route... this line of text boggles me, "I have little doubt that's why walking around town for so many hours has made me quite so sore. It's depressing, and it reminds me of one more thing I can't do since I had my heart attack. It makes me feel pathetic." What he's referring to was the walk he had looking for Hanako's present... unless I'm reading this wrong, could he be referring to masturbation rather then the action of walking around? Iunno haha. what a thing to bring up while in a boring class.