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My experience *spoilers*

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 7:05 pm
by Huntaren
Hello there everyone, I just completed KS with a 100% play through and wanted to give my thoughts on the game.

First off I want to say the game is possibly one of the best things I have ever played, truly. I love this game, I played is obsessionally for hours and hours a night. I played through every story thoroughly so I could have the best possible understanding of each character. I think all the stories were very well-written and all the pictures and animations were fitting. The twists and turns in the paths had me on an emotional roller coaster, and mind you I'm not often an emotional person. I really don't have much to complain about with this game.

This game really spoke to me, its left a lasting impression on me and taught me a lot of my life and how to handle people in my life. I date a disabled girl. She is practically mute and suffers from depression and extreme mood swings. Its almost like if you took the girls of KS and threw them into a pot and made one person out of them. I've seen her act like driven Emi and ultra-competitive Shizune, then swing to a depressed Hanako only to recover into a Rin-like state where she stays until she pops into a Mishaness that eventually leads to a calm Lilly. I've been with her for 3 years, and honestly it is a challenge to keep up with her. All her different moods require different things from me, sometimes its hard to tell if shes hovering between two of the girls and I'm not sure if I should back off of push forward. Like Hisao, I want to protect her and keep her safe, but there are sometimes where she needs to be left alone and its hard to determine which it is at that given moment. For the most part her usual personality is between Emi and Shizune, being both driven and not wanting to give up but also playful and competitive to a fault. I've seen her like Hanako, tho. Its scary and makes me feel powerless. When she goes off on tirades of how she is useless and just a burden to everyone and she wishes she wasn't alive, it hurts. I've talked her out of suicide once in our relationship, and I never want to have to do it again. This game has helped me better understand her and how to better handle her. Something I've been searching for, for a long time now. And for that I am grateful.

Onto a lighter tone, I think I should cover my feelings of each character.

On my first "blind" play through I got Emi, which isn't too surprising as she has the type of personality I am attracted to. I had a lot of fun with Emi and her sexcapades. I fell the scenes worked well in contrast with the story and was happy with the ending. It was a very fun experience.

On my second play I headed for Shizune's path. Shizune also had attributes that I found attractive tho her over-competitiveness was a turn off at some points. The first sex scene was erotic (sometimes its fun to be the one tied up ya know) but felt a little out of place, not much but just a little. Over all I had fun with the story and enjoyed it.

My third play I went with Lilly. I think her story was my favorite and I found her the most physically attractive. The ending was heart-wrenching but ended in a positive note that I was very pleased with. I found the sex scenes to be enjoyable with her taking the lead most of the time, something that doesn't happen often in my relationship.

The fourth try I decided to go with Hanako. I had a bit about her and she seemed to be a lot of peoples favorites. I thought the story was a little short (I think I went through it in 3-4 hours as where Lilly's took me about 7, I don't think I was reading faster, but who knows). I found Hanako to be attractive and her scars made even more so. Sometimes it felt like I was walking on glass in her story, seeing how fragile her emotions were and not wanting to do anything wrong. The sex scene was nice but felt awkward, but I think that's how it was meant to feel.

My last play I went with Rin. From what I had seen of Rin through the other stories I thought I might not like her. And truth be told she was probably my least-favorite of the girls. But I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I was going to. The last sex scene between them was honestly a little boring but I still enjoyed it. I guess I'm neutral about her.

After completing all the good scenes I went back and redid all the bad and neutral endings to get a 100% completion.

Hanako's bad ending was heart breaking, and is something I fear every time I tread-water around my girlfriend when shes in this state.

Emi's bad ending made me feel frustrated because everyone knows that they worked well together but she didn't want to continue.

I felt like Rin's neutral and bad endings were labeled wrong. Her neutral ending felt worse to me than her bad ending did.

Thanks for an amazing game, Fourleaf, and thanks for reading my thoughts. It felt good to get this into the air somewhere. And sorry if this is in the wrong place, I wasn't too sure of where to put it.

Re: My experience *spoilers*

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 7:18 pm
by New Age Retro Hippie
When you say that Rin's sex scene was boring, do you mean in the sense that "nothing really happens" or "I can't fap to this!"?

Re: My experience *spoilers*

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 8:14 pm
by Huntaren
New Age Retro Hippie wrote:When you say that Rin's sex scene was boring, do you mean in the sense that "nothing really happens" or "I can't fap to this!"?
Not quiet sure really, I just found it boring as in not a whole lot was going on. Maybe it was the angle of the pictures making it where you couldn't see much. I felt it could have been done better.

Re: My experience *spoilers*

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 8:40 pm
by bradpara
Glad to see you enjoyed the game. Welcome to the fandom. Also glad you appreciated Shizune's route. Not many people do I'm afraid. Also thank you sharing your experince with your girlfriend. I am sure that it makes your prespective unique

Re: My experience *spoilers*

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 10:08 pm
by ivegottogodosomthing
I sort of disagree about Rin's route. The neutral ending felt the most natural to me. Artists are very misunderstood most of the time, and would often choose to continue their education/art over a relationship. It also felt like her good ending was a bit open-ended. It ends on a high note, but there's really no telling what's going to happen once they leave the field. Her neutral ending not only effected me more emotionally, but it just felt more natural.

Re: My experience *spoilers*

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 10:21 pm
by Huntaren
ivegottogodosomthing wrote:I sort of disagree about Rin's route. The neutral ending felt the most natural to me. Artists are very misunderstood most of the time, and would often choose to continue their education/art over a relationship. It also felt like her good ending was a bit open-ended. It ends on a high note, but there's really no telling what's going to happen once they leave the field. Her neutral ending not only effected me more emotionally, but it just felt more natural.
I felt her neutral ending was worse because of how I really wanted them to be together but it was dragged out that they wouldn't be together. With the bad ending it was just quick and over. I think that's the best way to put it, anyway.